You gonna give me just one lil egg roll?
You gonna give me just one lil egg roll?
Is this show kino?
There's two eggrolls you fat fuck
Which episode of this show is the most kino?
Steven, James, and the fat tard that gained "water" weight.
Stephen easily the best
James is pretty good as well
What the everloving fuck? These people should be euthanized.
Stop being gat
Has Steven lost weight? Looks like he has
facebook com/Stevenjohnassanti
Jesus fucking christ, his family are a bunch of enablers.just let him starve! whats he gonna do, get up and feed himself!?
I like Steven episode because it inspired me to make my first Pepe after all these years
Thirding Stephen. He's just a total sociopath and I love it.
do americans really do this?
The really retarded ones do yeah.
>oh hello
That cheeky doctor. Lol.
I work in an ER and will confirm that unless you arent breathing the entire staff only takes a passing interest in you.
A gunshot victim will get rolled in while the RNs and EMTs are talking about going clubbing or random-tv-show. Im not on the medical side myself so bless them for the amount of bullshit they put up with. Id say 80% of the people that come into the ER have barely anything wrong with them
My step sister either drives the ambulance or works in one and I thought it was funny as fuck how the stress of it got to her and she gained weight.
so all americans do this
When does this show start its new season? I need some fat kino to watch
Yeah I won't argue that because I was fat once.
Trying to keep people alive for a living and letting the stress get to is hilarious!!!!
It is, ever watch House and how he just sits in his office playing Metroid to cope?
Is there an actual order of importance or something for ER visits or what?
fatkino, to be precise
Yeah and thats the exact same as your sister taking a 6 credit hour EMT course at a technical college
Yes. If you arent arent dying. Its pretty much that black and white. Unless there is a Code Blue issued then you have time for the bill collectors to come by and get your information before any serious aid is given
Woah, what's with the negativity? user's sister works in an ambulance and she's gained some weight coping with the stress. What's the problem?
>being this much of a stick in the mud
It's funny watching people suffer from stress and coping with it in unhealthy ways like overeating. Don't lie to yourself you're in this thread to laugh at the fatties like anyone else.
i never saw the episode. was this his "diet" food to help him lose weight? or just the regular shit he ate every day?
She should have just taken his eggrolls away.
That'll learn the fat fuck to look a gift horse in the mouth.
It was his "PLEASE JUST FOR ONCE" -cheat day
>Only he did this everyday
Adulthood is realizing she wanted to give him the egg rolls
If you're well enough to scream and cry because nobody will give you any opioids, you don't need them.
meant for
in non Amerifat hospitals, triage is the norm no matter what
EMT Here, can confirm.
Also fat patients always complain the most and are the most entitled.
What's their excuse for not getting in shape?
Why and who is allowing them to get so fat?
imagine being incapable of doing anything except complaining and getting fatter
His wife left on vacation yesterday and he had a complete meltdown.
There is nothing wrong with being fat Sup Forumstards
damn good for him
This is bait.
Everyone else in America is fat, why should they be any different?
Besides, it's their body, their choice! They can be as unhealthy as they like! Merica, fuck yeah! FREEDOM
can you be that fat and live to see past 50? i've never seen an incredibly obese elderly person.
shouldn't that be enough to spook them into losing weight?
>They can be as unhealthy as they like! Merica, fuck yeah!
Sure, but don't force me to subsidize your insulin shots.
Isn't modern medicine incredible? (and incredibly expensive)
>imagine being incapable of doing anything except complaining and getting fatter
sounds like twitter
Is this supposed to be shocking? Because it's pretty cool looking desu fampai
They're already incredibly lazy pieces of shit that can't be motivated to literally move a little and eat less. They don't give a shit and are too stupid to realize that their lives will end quickly. They're also entitled as fuck. People enable them, so they think they'll be taken care of forever.
Is James still alive? I could only find one update on him from months ago and the doctor said he had less than a year to live.
It's horrifying if you replace the crabs with humans and the humans with malevolent machines/aliums.
60's seem to be their expiration date. Not soon enough honestly.
Once you're that fat it's treated like a disease.
Fatties love this, because in their mind a disease is something you have no control over. It stops being their responsibility and suddenly it's everyone else's fault for their fatness. Why do the food manufacturers put so much fat and sugar in things? Why do they sell Big Gulps with hundreds of calories? Why can't the doctors prescribe me something to make me lose weight? Why are gyms so expensive (exercise doesn't work for me anyway, lol)?
They assume the sick role. They don't have any responsibility for their condition, they're just sick. Society allows sick people to take a break from contributing in order for them to rest and recover. Only they never recover, they remain obese and entitled and frustrated at the world for not digging them out of the hole they dug themselves into.
That, or they delude themselves with the 'healthy at every size' meme.
I hope they do a follow-up on this fucker. He's probably gained more weight.
Spot on lad.
nah, not even animal loving tards feel anything about crabs
This guy looks like he's actually losing weight
>nah, not even animal loving tards feel anything about crabs
Not entirely true. Some vegan chick I work with even bitches about eating crabs and scallops. Shit like that. Dumb cunt watched some Netflix documentary full of misinfo and spouts the shit constantly about how meat literally is killing you. Fuck vegans. So goddamn annoying.
nuke america and the planet is saved
>I've seen fields where people are no longer born, but grown
It's the effect of a gastric bypass, of course he's going to lose weight immediately after the surgery. The issue is that if he doesn't maintain a strict diet, his stomach will start expanding again and he'll get fat again. The real test isn't within the first few months.
>people would rather have their stomach sliced open in an invasive surgery and have their organs cut up and modified than just stop eating so much shit
Not only that, but if he over eats he could potentially burst his stomach and die
>he could potentially burst his stomach and die
We can dream.
It looks like the idiot's still drinking Soda, so he's almost guaranteed to fuck it up
Boogie is a disgusting human being and I can only hope he rolls over and kicks the KFC bucket the fat disgusting fuck
how the fuck can this happen? Even my fucking cat knows when to stop eating so much.
Well he's still fat as fuck but it's certainly an improvement
pleaase link to assanti episode. I found one but its low quality
based james
is this nigga even still alive?
>his feeder of a wife left him as soon as he became determined to get his life back on track and started making actual progress
Heh, figures. I'm glad he's losing the weight.
too bad he's having a mental breakdown, his wife is leaving him and hes spiraling into depression and regret. the only reason he might not gain all the weight back in the future is the chance that he kills himself
>this kills the crab
Good, I want the tax money that went into paying for his health care back.
withdrawing from sugar addiction does that
it's funny because part of the meltdown was because of the memes involving his wife and her black "friend" and Sup Forums memeing it into his brains
must have hit him hard when his wife left
found link
That is hypnotic and slightly terrifying, but also strangely calming
Anyone got a webm of Steven falling off the golf cart?
but he gets really cranky
So? What's that landwhale going to do other than cry?
i didnt expect him to be able to stand
Doesn't work m8
There's nothing wrong with be- OWWWWW MAH LEGS!
put . between twitch and tv
imagine this with people
>attempts to deflect
>sucks on his """healthy drink""""