Is Hollywood dare I say it, shook?
Is Hollywood dare I say it, shook?
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Who was it last year? I remember a shitstorm about it
Isn't this essentially making Harvey POTY but not naming has as such to be uncontroversial?
w-where's BASED Rose?!!
She was actually nominated separately, I believe
Wait, really?
Yeah, he was poty 2016 and 2015
Taytay is worth $250m+ and she had her ass touched by some rando DJ. It's not as if she was traumatized by it, so why put her on the cover?
>Person of the year: it would have been Harvey if not for those meddling cunts
>lets underexpose and drop the saturation
Hate this meme
Because if she wasn't on the cover nobody, and I mean N O B O D Y would care
I wonder who will be person of the year next year after these men buy TIME magazine.
In the inside but I guess not famous enough to make the cover.
Terry Crews is there too and I think one of Spacey's accusers idk he looks gay
are they fucking serious?
I don't even know who the bottom 3 are.
Literally the biggest issue humanity have to endure this year.
The American soldier as he defends the new capital Jerusalem from a Muslim horde
Who are any of those people?
Also, besides Muellerism, this will be seen as the biggest witch hunt since McCarthyism (except turns out, McCarthy was right). People will look back and laugh at these people.
no one has been more influential than Xi Jinping and Trump in this year's events
making the POTY "the silence breakers" as if hollywood's the most important thing in the world is frankly insulting and goes to show how irrelevant time magazine is
Probably John McCain
>being this assblasted about a the capital of a country you’ve never even visited
Ashley Judd, the woman from Uber who complained about harassment Susan Fowler, some capitol hill worker Adama Iwu, Taylor Swift and unironically a beaner strawberry picker Isabel Pascual
Literal whos
I know not one of these women. What made them so stronk to be on a pointless magazine?
Are they rape survivors or something?
I'm actually get happy that Trump made this bold stance against Muslim interests. Israel is far from perfect but it's the best we have in terms of Western values over there
>taylor swift
Can't believe (((they))) snuck a trump supporter on the cover
What i am suprised with all this is that women apparently cant rape men and other women.
With men kicked out of hollywood i guess we'll just go to another place and start again and watch these vapid moronic sluts ruin that too.
>Israel is far from perfect but it's the best we have in terms of Western values over there
who do you think is pushing muslim immigration to europe
user, I...
muh greatest ally!
thank you based civic nationalist jews!
What does "shook" mean
Who the fuck are those two girls? Are they supposed to look like taylor swift and kylie jenner but aged??
Also.. what about the females living in shacks that are fucked 100 times a day, have no jobs ever, are beaten daily, witness their families slaughter brutally infront of them, all at the age of 10 and under..
Why are women who suck cock for millions of dollars and can no longer get work in movies the victims?
who didn't quite make the shot?
Honestly the quicker we stop caring about Jewsrael the better
Shocked or surprised
>who do you think is pushing muslim immigration to europe
European Jews
>(except turns out, McCarthy was right)
Surprising that a lot of people forget this fact; it's even on wikipedia
You'd think that in more modern times, far removed from the past, more people would realize that some of the so-called past hysteria turned out to be justified
>inb4 Japanese spies in America during WW2
>Israel is far from perfect but it's the best we have in terms of Western values over there
Correct, it gives direct aid to Islamists attempting to overthrow Syria's secular regime, which is actually the epitome of Western values.
>what about the females living in shacks that are fucked 100 times a day, have no jobs ever, are beaten daily, witness their families slaughter brutally infront of them
That's who the other 2 girls are
so Trumpy was telling porkies about him "probably" going to win it?
why would they have the only man in contention be him?
Kim Jong Un was I'm the running
Thank you for recognizing Israeli Jews as based right-wing allies to the Western world, my fellow 'pede!
Angela Merkel?
Oh brother. I felt the same when all the Cosby accusers got together for a nice professional photo shoot where they all wear black and look stonefaced at the reader. There's just something not totally genuine about it. Especially when you've got Taylor Swift up there.
But hey, it's a magazine and it needs to sell copies now more than ever. Just like GQ with its stupid mean-nothing awards given to do-nothings.
If we're really talking about who was the most talked about/influential, it's Trump once again.
didn't Alyssa Milano start the whole MeToo hashtag? Why isn't she on there?
All the children of the world know who the real person of the year is.
>Did his best to stop US imperialism
>Gave great firework and rocket shows to the kids
>Opened an arcade and a few skate parks in Pyongyang for the children
>"According to classmates, Kim Jong-un was shy and awkward around females. He loved reading Japanese manga and playing video games." /Ourguy/
How in fuck are these capitalist whores better than Comrade and friend of all the worlds children Kim Jong Un?
This. Honestly, TIME, like most media, has degenerated into something terrible. Not that they never had the cosmopolitan centrist influence, but now it's clear wh they're pandering to with this stupid cover
at the same time, more EuroJews are making aliyah to Israel than ever before
>"""""stops"""'' US imperialism
>has to bend over to the Chinese to do so
Whenever there's a Presidential election in the US the winner ends up POTY.
>Dude just let postnodernism take over theacademia and the media. What could go wrong?
they informed he was a candidate for person of the year this year, but he went in twitter and basically told them to fuck off because he doesn't want to give them an interview
>those disgusting slags tarnishing a taylor picture
the norks are russian puppets. stop taking ironic shit seriously, newfag
I hate how her toe is edging off the edge of the shoe.
Who still reads Time?
A dazzling spring awaits our endearing future
>holywood actresses are the only ones who get molested
I hope California burns, oh wait it is! KEK
Where can I buy this mirror?
Isn't the whole "#metoo" campaign just divert attention away from hollywood elite's pedophile rings?
You can probably just buy the stickers and put them on a regular mirror.