You will never be as handsome as Jake Gyllenhaal

>You will never be as handsome as Jake Gyllenhaal

Why even bother not being a fat slob when you know you'll never reach perfection anyway?

He's not really handsome, but I have to admit I like his acting. Most of the movies he's in are quite watchable, if not really good.

He's a handsome guy but I'm comfortable with how I look.


You have to be a Swedish-Jewish ubermischling

How did his sister come out as such a mutant?

>Not really handsome

Roll of the dice. She got all the bad genes, he got all the good ones. Most people get an even mix of both

This is handsome

>"waaaaah I don’t look exactly like a extremely famous and rich A list Hollywood superstar waaaaaaaaaah why even live"
The absolute state of Sup Forums

Damn, she must feel terrible


Now that the dust has settled, what do I think about his wife's son?

I would cut my finger off to be half as good looking as this guy.
He was also pretty good in Lone Ranger and Man From Uncle.

what's his best role?

That one, Detective Loki needs to come back

Bubble boy

They are the offspring of Nordic nobility on one side and Jews on the other, so it's only natural that 50% of the offspring would be handsome and the other 50% would be mutants.

Lou Bloom

Nigga wasn't even nominated for an oscar and that bucktooth fuck redmayne won.

there is nothing wrong with being a 56% family

Please don't post in my thread, thanks.

I'm called Jake and I'm pretty handsome, I think I'll live

Can someone apply faceapp on gyl to see if his female version looks like his actual sister?

You cut him I'll suck him

Redmaynes role in the Danish girl was beautiful and heartfelt, bringing light to an important issue. Nightcrawler was nothing but yet another tired male fantasy

>not really handsome
???? I'd go gay for him

It wasn't even for the Danish Girl. It was him playing a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE in the theory of everything