>Porgs eat rocks and metal, they damage the Millennium Falcon.
>Porgs eat rocks and metal, they damage the Millennium Falcon.
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omg porgs are sooo cute
>I'm the result of a marketing research : the character
Ooooow, so cute, it's like a mix of everything that's cute. I hope they shout "porg ! porg !" with a high pitched voice.
Of course Disney would want their own Minions/Rabbids.
They have no shame.
so they're gremlins, basically
basically jaf jar but without the comic reflief.gg
>spit acid
literally Alien
not to mention Daisy's mouth
Jar Jar was a shit idea with poor design. Here, you see how they carefully searched for the most "cutey" character-pet. They did the same with that gay robot.
>Porgs have that open mouthed shit soyboys do when they take photos
Disney are clearly going for the Soy audience.
>They did the same with that gay robot.
what is wrong with white people
how is this cute?
The R2D2 which rolls on a ball.
rip off
Imagine having your entire personality based around pop culture.
Porgs feel like such a soulless marketing stunt. I'm surprised so many people love them.
yeah thats just sad
why does anyone watch star wars at all?
What failed that a man ends up like this
>the movie
fucking cringe...looks like two men-children
If you watched TFA, you'll notice that the Falcon can slam onto the ground on buildings and even ram through a wood and slam on a hard roocky mountain without having a single scratch on its paint. How can Porgs damage it?
kekistanis are worse than leftists. larping contrarians without an actual understanding of the issues.
people are fucking stupid and Star Wars itself is more of a marketing stunt than a film series.
Nobody differentiates "kekistanis" from the rest of the aut-right, just like nobody differentiates niggers from most 56%mericans
So the porgs are things that, if you're dumb enough to welcome them in your home, will just eat and destroy everything???
mmm I wonder what's that supposed to represent...
Kekistanis are equally shit.
Basing your life around one thing, be it pop culture, politics or whatever is a pretty idiotic thing.
Yeah, although niggers are quite different from goblisn desu
Amerigoblins ARE niggers, you low-iq mongoloid
Basic divide and conquer.
White Americans are my brothers and sisters.
imagine getting your dick sucked by a porg
>Basic divide and conquer.
>White Americans are my brothers and sisters.
hello, Tyrone Hernandez-Freeman. Cant handle a bit of banter?
>I'm surprised so many people love them.
Who does? Other than shills ( is literally a Disney employee).
twitter was a mistake
I don't know what's scarier. Men like this exist or they can still attract women.
Imagine seeing this ten years ago. Would you think "fuck yeah this is what Star Wars is about"?
Jar Jar had lines. He had dialogue. His presence was impossible to ignore. Porgs will be terrible, they'll be a cringefest without a doubt, but more towards the Ewok side than the Jar Jar side, I think.
There's a scene where one of them hums "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga.
No, niggers are at least a pure breed. Amerigoblins are a weird mix of the most scummy and inbred genes
>Sup Forums understands the issues
Tip top lel
If RotJ came out in a week that pic would have Ewoks instead of Porgs.
>the movie hasnt even come out yet
>I’m surprised to be surrounded by soul less bugman faggots
Bitch looks like Fred Armisen in drag
Those eyebrows
wtf I want to buy porgs instead of having white children now
still would
I find her cute
Why are people here so proud of their low standards and desperation?
This desu
I'm not a picky man.
In fact, I'm pretty fucking desperate
>Why are people here so proud of their low standards and desperation?
Probably because IRL nobody would touch most of us with a 20' pole and lonely people dont want to be alone. inb4 "brah just lift 5 days a week for 3 hours a day and blast some test that'll instantly solve everything in a year brah"
that being said I still think she looks like Fred Armisen in drag
imagine being so devoid of personality that you need to rely on brands and franchises to give you one. Consumerism at its worst
>Sup Forums are not kekistanis
Wait what?
The right eats its own, too.
Yah bruh I know fugin ugly manwoman
Les go fuk stacey again she be a 10/10 blonde whitey with a big fat nigger ass yeh bruh look at me
look at me we 10/10 now bru
What the fuck am I reading?
the kekistan shit was something sargon came up with after the whole pepe/kek thing was already a stale meme. try to keep up
Dude, I like sex as much as the next guy.
But come on, dude. Look at that face. It's borderline bestiality.
>No, niggers are at least a pure breed
>35% European
>10% Native American
>1% Egyptian
>54% West African
I wish
Geek culture is disgusting.
this better be a joke
100% nigger
That's an amerimutt, not a nigger
>he doesn't know
There is a whole musical number. There is a whole flock of porgs in one scene and they all suddenly stop moving, look at the camera and wink at it. They they do a whole choreography to Katy Perry's Firework.
There's a difference?
Nigger=pure race African
Amerigoblin= weird mutt created by mixing European, African and native Americans genes
>kinda wanna see TLJ
>really don't want people to clap every time a character shows up on screen
fuck america
Just see it in the morning or during the day while the normies are all working
>only one good comic in their entire library
why anyone would buy stuff based on a movie character from a movie that you haven't seen yet?
>only one
you better mean from hell, or gtfo
what is it about stupid things in childrens movies that trigger Sup Forums so much?
I don't.
>we want the Futurama audience
If you are all aren't joking, then we are truly lost. I might as well surrender and bow to the mouse. Perhaps they will be merciful. I doubt it.
There's no such thing as a "good comic", you niggersucking soyboys. Go read Marcus Aurelius.
kekistanis are libertarians/skeptics who just want to piss off SJWs. They are the type of people who say "democrats are the REAL racists" and they cry that white nationalism is just as bad as being an SJW. They ascribe to the horseshoe theory of political views when in reality they don't give a damn about things like demographic shift and degeneracy.
its a symptom of the culture we live in and it bothers us
>comic books
Kill yourself, you degenerate manbaby.
>things that never happened the comic
Does a real person draw these comics out of their own free will? I just can't imagine a non-paid-shill drawing this. The whole "joke" of the comic is that the character is an easily impressible consumerist.
>read marcus aurelius' meditations
>not a single om or namaste
go read Watchmen, it's the only comic in existence that belongs in the medium
Maybe Rian Johnson is /ourguy/? I doubt it, but it's nice to dream.
>who just want to piss off SJWs
So they ARE the same as Sup Forums, just under a differente "flag"?
>implying Horseshoe theory isn't a thing
Maybe read more comics? It's the one of the best capeshit, but comics are more than just capes.
sensible kek
why are you so gullible?
Nigga stop lying!
It's real. My uncle works at Disney and he did part of the animation on of the background porg's left ear for the musical segment.
What are you, retarded?
maybe if you actually went to Sup Forums you'd realize that they make fun of skeptics for focusing so much on SJWs. Everyone hates SJWs but the people who still make videos about how evil SJWs are just don't matter.
>eats metal
>rey gets trapped in a cage
>porg eats it and frees her
I was expecting something like baby groot in GotG2 where they have to coax it into pressing a button to free them but this might be worse
You never know with Disney.
No matter how many times I see this, it still makes me feel a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness.
Why the fuck would you get a tattoo from a character in a movie that you haven't even seen yet? What if the porg turns out to be a rapist pedophile in the movie? Would they regret their decision to buy all this retarded shit?
On top of all this, I bet these people don't know a fucking thing about Star Wars outside of seeing the movies. Fuck these people.