ITT: Fun movies.
ITT: Fun movies
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this movie is ugly as fuck
I really don't like it when people are like this.
Sky Captain is really underappreciated. It's not great, no, but it's fun and has a kind of charm that makes me fond of it.
Another example are the National Treasure movies. Fuck, those are fun.
We still never learned what was on page 47
National Treasure movies were a blast. It sucks that they had that tease for a third one and nothing came of it. Not as if they weren't successful. I totally would have kept watching those.
I also thought Sahara was pretty fun. It felt a lot like National Treasure to me. Such a shame that there's about a million books with this character and they only ever adapted one. Oh well, it's something to read sometime.
I don't think it quite succeeded in capturing the b-adventure feel it was going for. It looked visually nice, but I don't think the actors, besides Jolie, really understood what Conran tried to do.
I unfortunately agree about the acting. Jude Law is usually a good actor but his performance was a bit too muted in this.
It's kind of weird that Angelina Jolie of all people did the best acting work in the film.
Damn shame Del Taco got fucked out of sequels.
They may give him another chance if Uprising doesn't flop.
peak 90s funkino
>not going to flop
The retarded masses will eat it up but the first was a labor of love by Del Taco and his team while Uprising looks like Power Rangers or Transformers.
Well can you blame them when PR1 didn't do so well in America? They need to cut costs while making it more accessible to a wider audience.
The story behind the guy who made this is incredible. He spent YEARS creating and rendering a proof-of-concept trailer on his shitty apple PC in order to have something to pitch to people. The movie is interesting and the effects were good for the time, but sadly it was not successful.
Here's the original short the guy made at home:
From wikipedia:
>In 1994, Conran set up a bluescreen in his living room and began assembling the tools he would need to create his movie. He was not interested in working his way through the system and instead wanted to follow the route of independent filmmakers like Steven Soderbergh. Initially, Kerry and his brother had nothing more than "just a vague idea of this guy who flew a plane. We would talk about all the obvious things like Indiana Jones and all the stuff we liked."Conran spent four years making a black and white teaser trailer in the style of an old-fashioned movie serial on his Macintosh IIci personal computer. Once he was finished, Conran showed it to producer Marsha Oglesby, who was a friend of his brother's wife and she recommended that he let producer Jon Avnet see it. Conran met Avnet and showed him the trailer. Conran told him that he wanted to make it into a movie. They spent two or three days just talking about the tone of the movie.
I'm glad that even though the movie itself wasn't a success, it became a huge cult classic and influenced a bunch of other cool stuff like Sin City and 300. It would be nice if he got to make another movie someday.
That was a fun one
Agreed. I legimatly don't get why people don't like this movie. Great cast, Burton is in his prime.
>people don't like this movie
really? well yet another pleb filter I guess then
Mars Attacks is hysterical as far as I am concerned
A lot of people didn't like it when it came out, as people didn't get it was meant to be a cheesy b-flick. Nowadays it's far more appreciated than it was back in the day.
That is a really unique way to list the actors in a film poster.
Big Trouble is a fucking masterpiece.
jesus christ what is even the point of life if you're not a big time hollywood actor
How sad your life must be.
>this movie went over my head
t. capeshitter
Capeshitters love Sky Captain tho. It literally is a dieselpunk version of capeshit.
perfect comedy central at 2pm on a Tuesday-core
Reminder that Herk did nothing wrong.
Isn't there a rumor that there's going to be a remake with the Rock of this?
It meanders too much
fuck off
>brain damage
>I-I'm not a capeshitter, they are!
oh man this is actually pretty good movie, watching Pearce as a fucking dick with the president's daughter is hilarious
i admire the the guy's commitment, but the movie is terrible. writing, pacing, action, everything is a bore. and it looked terrible, even at the time most people complained that the movie looked like shit. if i remember correctly the production ran out of money and the visual effects are in an unfinished state
The movie actually got pretty good reviews at the time.
>The movie actually got pretty good reviews at the time.
fuck off, accept the fact that this piece of crap is just waste of time
>let's shoot all our action in the dark during a monsoon
>let's kill off all the interesting robots in the first fight
this movie had its moments but any of the transformers films are better in literally every way
the ending sucks. in the original mars attacks they nuke mars. would have been a way better ending
Hell, the sequel to Pacific Rim looks better action-wise for the sole fact that they actually have action scenes set in the day.
you are right. the movie sucking is my own opinion. many critics liked it. however it was not considered a visual masterpiece by any means
then fuck off, faggot
Maybe not, but that makes sense to me because it was meant to look like a cheesy B-movie from the 40s.
these are wrong opinions
the PR2 action scenes look garbage precisely BECAUSE they're shot during the day, because there's nothing for the CGI to hide behind.
It insists upon itself.
At some point you just have to accept that CGI is never going to look 100% perfect and just enjoy badass robots kicking ass.
We had that in Pacific Rim. The thing about badass robots kicking ass is they have to look cool, the sequel robots don't look cool, they don't move in a cool way, they don't feel cool.
Mummy (1999)
The Scorpion King
The Scorpion King 3
Darkman III: Die Darkman Die
Starship Troopers 3
Dragonheart 3
This movie was amazing for how much nothingness was in it.
What's wrong with Scorpion King 2, Darkman 1 and 2, Starship Troopers 2, and Dragonheart 1, 2, and 4?
Never said I wasn't a capeshitter. Not sure if you're replying to someone you thought was me, or if your greentext just doesn't make any sense at all because your central nervous system is controlled by your asshole instead of your brain.
Almost every fight scene is in the water and at night to accentuate the sheer size of the robots. The day time scenes in 2 look bad because cg cities look bad and they cheaper out on cg costs in general. I'm pretty sure the robots and kaiju are people in suits so they look more natural than cgi doing retarded shit.
Using rain in scenes like this is a commonly-employed trick to help hide CGI. It's why Neo and Smith's flying fight is "shot" in the rain.
How old are you? Serious question.
Please elaborate.
I'm just trying to ruin the discussion and make you shut up because I find the whole shitflinging contest over who is and isn't a "capeshitter" just for having different tastes in movies tiresome. If you respond to this post I probably won't respond again just so that the discussion ends regardless. That is generally the best way to get people to shut up, just stop caring about "winning" and let them have the last word.
All Guy Ritchie films are top funkino.
Have any of these directors considered that if they need to "hide" CGI, maybe using CGI isn't a great idea?
"Hegemona humeteron. Basilea humeteron...uestrum regem?"
"Noster rex!? Tabernaculum!"
"Non loquetur. Non loquetur, quia mortuus est!"
I just want you to know I only use the term "capeshitter" to refer to people who enjoy superhero movies. I don't use it as a derogatory term or to start shit. You seem really mad and that wasn't my intention.
CGI is here to stay. There are ways to make it look better, and one of those tricks is rain. It also works to help obscure practical effects that don't look quite right. You should probably calm down and stop ejaculating blood from your eyes every time a movie comes out with CGI in it.
Spoken like a true pleb
Oh man that movie is great. The Northmen are very enjoyable and Arabantonio Banderas is hilarious. Based on a novel by Michael Chrichton.
This movie is too much fun to try and describe.
Reminded me of that one Superman animated serial
Miami Blues
Seemed like a boring action porno.
>National Treasure
Shit was just bad, man.
I don't mind CGI, but what I do mind is when a film is crammed full of obnoxiously dark scenes just because of the CGI. I will take worse looking CGI if it means I can get a day scene.
Check out this scene from Wonder Woman:
To me, this was a great scene and looked so much better than the very, very dark Ares fight at the end.
Finally, something actually fun to watch.
Its just the rule of thumb in DTV. The 3rd one is usually the best one. Nothing wrong with Starship Troopers, Darkman and Scorpion King.
"Apparently he will not talk to us--because he is dead!"
Herger the Joyous was the best character in that movie. I wish the actor had been in more American films. Also, based Omar Sharif.
That's kinda funny that it works like that since usually the third entry in a trilogy is the worst one with films that get a theatrical run. Wonder why DTV is different.
Entire retarded subplots with Charlie and Hellboy and the other one with her so tragedy backstory actually ruined the fucking movie. It could've been fun but it tried to do like 3 different things at once. Based Shinkawa's designs also got fucking underutilized.
>post BTiLC and told to fuck off
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
Caught the start of this once and while I wasn't in the mood to watch a whole movie it got me interested in checking out the book. It's pretty good.
>The absolute state
I see he was right to tell you to fuck off, memer.
That shit was horrible.
Great books, though.
There are exceptions but it is the common trend on DTV sequels. Best example i can think of is Lion King 1 1/2. Who knew switching to third person could drastically alter the tone of the original Lion King?
Millennials, please go.
Memer, please go.
I love that movie
this is real kino
The story in PR sucked and Del Toro is a hack.
Contrarians will disagree with you because Transformers is more successful and popular but you're completely right. PR couldn't even get the physics of the robots right, let alone come up with anything remotely resembling style in the fight choreography. ILM has completely set the standard for CGI motion and weight. Not to mention the stories in the Transformers movies, if a little generic, aren't just laundry lists of anime cliches.
For all that can go wrong with Uprising, it sure as shit can't be any worse than the first.
Gone in 60 seconds
I don't give a shit if it's trash, he makes it kino
Says the guy who can't even spell sahara.
This movie is hilarious. Guy is a great guy .Gonna rewatch it right now.
That's a non-sequiter bud.
How do you keep messing up?
Greatest introduction
Non sequitur*