>1,108 days until Avatar 2
Don't believe the capeshitter lies in the other thread. Even copied my filename. Butthurt haters.
>1,108 days until Avatar 2
Don't believe the capeshitter lies in the other thread. Even copied my filename. Butthurt haters.
Real and based.
Capeshit > Avatar
fake and not based.
If you cunts get avatarposting banned, I'll find you and kill you.
That's their objective I think. They're butthurt because the capeshit wars and the brainlet wojak posting. Now they've resorted to false flagging.
I don't even post in capeshit threads. Fuck off and don't ruin Avatar threads with your juvenile nonsense.
fucking based
You can't keep this up.
You can't possibly keep this up
real and based
based "You can't keep this up." poster
blue Zoe is best Zoe
absolutely based
i heard your dad couldn't keep it up when they made you
yet here I am fucking your future daughter mother and sister at the same time with my cut black dick you dirty nazi
>tfw 108 days until 900 days until 90 days until 10 days until Avatar 2
Feels good man
Neytiri is the most beautiful CGI creature to ever exist
this is a fact btw
Where's my based "I'm going to marry a Na'vi!" poster at?
Also blue Zoey is best Zoey.
in the wrong thread unfortunately, I hope he's alright. He posted a couple of days ago that he felt down.
Based Avatar copycat poster
There other thread is false flagging cancer. I'm staying in the comfy one. Capeshittery has come to a head for the time being, with all the brainlet wojak posting.
haha, fake thread died before the real thread
We're gonna make it bros.
avatar sucks
real and based avatar 2 countdown poster
>it's a based thread
well done OP
Fake but you can't keep this shit up, it's unsustainable.
Trust satan to dislike woodland creatures
How can there even be an avatar sequel? Orbital thermonuclear bombardment, orbital kinetic bombardment, orbital laser bombardment, nerve agents, hunter killer drones, there's so many ways the humans can exterminate the cat hippies when they come back
The catfags literally have no chance
We could have nuked Vietnam into oblivion too, but bleeding hearts at home handcuff their militaries.
Why do we pretend to want this again?
Based Avatarposter.
dumb frogposter
Something has to end the capeshit scourge.
vietnam wasn't the only known source of a resource that's critically important for the human race's continued prosperity
True. But bleeding hearts were still a factor. "Hearts and Minds", all that jazz was the entire reason for the Avatar program in the first film.
I'm in agreement. The sequel should be a fleet orbiting and dropping bombs or blasting blue people with lasers from orbit. But it won't make a very long movie.
>mfw Avatar Two will break all expectations and become the highest grossing movie of all time due to superhero fatigue
Formerly 109 days until 900 days until 90 days until 10 days until Avatar 2
Based and white.
You are breaking global rules #10, #11 and #13
actually he's not it's the first time he's posted today
Learn to read you retard, rules are being met with standard
Epic and based thread
I feel bad for Disney honestly.
They start development of this huge Avatar Land section of Animal Kingdom in Disney World as early as 2011, assuming that Cameron is good to his word and Avatar 2 would be released by 2014. By the time the park opened in 2017, they were under the impression at least 2 of the 4 sequels would have been released to use as publicity for the new section of their park.
Of course they were dead wrong, and now here we are, Avatar Land has been out for almost a full year, and is practically baren of any guests with TWO fucking attractions. Don't forget, Disney thought they would have had at least 3 movies out by now with the Avatar hype at full force.
Cameron keeps pushing the date farther and farther back (2020 now? Seriously?) and Disney is stuck with a whole section of Animal Kingdom dedicated to a dead movie franchise with a single installment that came out in 2009. Nobody remembers or cares about Avatar, but Disney is still forced to fund this project as if Avatar was still the wild success that Cameron promised it would be
>capeshitters being so butthurt they're calling for the mods
Not breaking any rules you pleb.
>Hurr whuts da difference between mean and median? I mayde a d in remeidal math
Unbased global rules poster who is also wrong