You're trapped in a room with a .357 Revolver that was one bullet remaining. These two stand infront of you. Who do you kill?
>inb4 suicidal redditors
You're trapped in a room with a .357 Revolver that was one bullet remaining. These two stand infront of you. Who do you kill?
>inb4 suicidal redditors
I shoot the foreigner. Always.
Current Year Man, definately.
Didn't even think twice.
Shoot Colbert and pistol whip Oliver until dead
Put them in line and shoot the first through the mouth to minimize bullet energy loss.
Best post
i'd grab my phone and start filming before telling them that the person who says 'i hate niggers' the most will live
OP, obviously, for being a faggot.
I'd kill Colbert as he'd put up the more physical fight and then strangle John
Colbert because he used to be good. Killing him would be an act of mercy at this point
Line them up and hope for a collateral.
Find an angle where the bullet passes through them both
none, because their content is good and keeps OP being mad.
Gotta shoot op for being a faggot. Every time
Current Year Man, easily.
Shoot neither, they may be constantly annoying and I may disagree with them completely bit that doesn't mean they don't deserve to live. They are still human.
I'm trapped? Maybe one of them knows how to escape. I shoot John Oliver because it won't be him.
Play Russian Roulette.
No matter who dies, we all win
>comedian mocks your personal politics
>incel autistic rage
Grow up america. L2Laugh at yourselves for how stupid you all appear.
This, shoot the american and bludgeon thee brit.
Colbert, although insufferable these days, does have the potential to be funny. The Colbert Report definitely had its moments.
However, Oliver has never been entertaining, is arguably more insufferable than Colbert, and he is a foreigner.
Shoot neither. I'd love to kill both but they're not worth going to prison for.
The problem is he isn't just doing comedy, he's actively lying and trying to influence politics, and reddit-age numales are going to them as a primary news source and it's fucking infuriating.
Shoot Oliver, leave Colbert alive because even though he sucks now he was a decent voice actor on Harvey Birdman and had a good run on Colbert Report before that went to shit.
Shoot Colbert then toss the gun to Oliver so the police deport him when they arrive.
I line them up with Colbert in front and hope the bullet kills them both.
>and he's a foreigner
How doesvit feel to know your lord and saviour Trump is prostrating himself at the feet of Jerusalem?
Checked the news recently?
Just tell Colbert that there are TWO BULLETS.
They are both comedians, even if they aren't funny.
Colbert. I feel like Current Year Man has the capacity for actual research and is somewhat genuine. Colbert is a slimy rat with his head up his arse.
Remember when Colbert reprimanded his own audience for daring to applaud Comey being fired? LOL.
line them up and try to get both
>used to be funny, but is now corrupted by politics in a show that shoildnt be entirely political
>his entire joke museum is “TWO SCOOPs!”
>boring show
At least John Oliver’s show has some educational qualities and has some journalism and clever gags.
They're news pundits who try to be funny to absolve themselves of their incredible bias.
These guys are getting payed to push an agenda, these are not just comedians.
They also repeat the same joke over and over again.
I don't mind people laughing in what I believe but if you are saying the same god damn thing for years on end and are clearly just mad that you couldn't have your way then fuck you.
I suppose Alex Jones is better?
Trump lives rent free in Colberts ass
>Mr Colbert could you stick your head next to Mr. Oliver's? I want to compare your head shapes.