I-its perfect

I-its perfect...

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Movie of the millennium so far to be quite honest with you family member

Might honestly be the greatest of all time lads and ladies

Theatrical rerelease, when?

Everything that happened on that stupid ship is garbage.

It's a real shame this movie ever has to leave Earth. Even then, all of the space stuff focused on their romance (like their dance out in space) is still good. The humans were not amusing and the villain was as uncreative as it was non-threatening. The live-action bits at the beginning would have been fine without the cgi humans later, but as is they are very distracting and just feel like an excuse to jam dialogue into the better sequence of the movie.
Now let me put on my fanbooking cap.
This movie would have been infinitely better had Eve possessed some malfunctioning return vessel. Rather than all the bullshit that goes on in space, the movie could focus on Wall-E teaching Eve about Earth's culture while simultaneously helping her repair her ship. The central conflict being that Wall-E is doing everything in his power to help the woman he loves leave him potentially forever, all the while Eve is slowly losing her desire to complete the mission if it means leaving Wall-E behind. I would imagine the ending to this movie being similar to the infamous Futurama episode, showing a time lapse of Wall-E waiting patiently to return as his own personal upkeep supplies dwindle. Given that it's a kid's film, Eve would obviously return in the final seconds of the movie with a shot of multiple enormous returning ships in the sky. But I would leave the question of whether or not she can now repair Wall-E up in the air without ever going as far as to do that cheesy death scene present in the actual movie.

Name a better love story in cinema history. I'll wait

The first 45 minutes or so is unironically some of the greatest animated storytelling ever put to screen. That alone nominates it for masterpiece status.

Everything after that is just standard Pixar stuff. Shame.


>tfw the ship was my favorite part of the film

You might be a redneck.

the movie that gave a generation yellow fever

Wall-E is a nigger

The movie takes such a negative shift halfway through that I'm convinced andrew stanton was only in charge of half the movie.


>create fucking KINO just so you can throw it all away halfway for fat jokes and a hal 9000 rip off


Blame nu Disney.

It was probably just a short originally

>It was probably just a short originally

Wrong. It was the last of the ideas the original team came up with during a business lunch. Coincidentally, it was the last good pixar movie.

Paperman, nigger

>the last good pixar movie
Paperman, nigger


Uh oh...

Not really

blame fat americans


That was Up, you autist


>they don't actually speak english so it's more deep and meaningful

The animation department at pixar and the animation department at disney are different things.

>the villain is bad because he is essentially HAL
But HAL was good

I honestly would have been okay with Wall-E being the last movie I ever saw. It was perfect in every way. Watching anything else is downhill from there, lads.

Do you guys think that Eve has a docking port? And Wall-E has a male USB-A connector but it doesn't fit into Eve's USB-c so he has to jam it in and cooling liquid gushes out?

That would have been pure kino.

>the credits song and anime

The fuck?

Based BLACKED poster

All he wanted to do was hold her hand :'(

Would actual Vectorman adaptation be better than cutesy Pixar shit we got?
>Vectorman doesn't look like Johnny 5's faggot brother
>no retarded love story between glorified vacuum cleaners, only murder
>never leaves Earth, no human characters appear

I still listen to that credits song all the time. Peter Gabriel, good shit

It means you have to show characterization in ways other than dialogue dumps, capenigger.


The movie still holds up.

I get that the post apocalyptic stuff is way more interesting. But the space ship stuff is still well done in my opinion. I never saw the steering wheel as a villian, and saw him as more of a conflict of circumstance. Same with the fattys.
Also the thematic elements are still intact, wall-e lonliness and a message about taking the enviornment for granted

I get the complaints though

One day though. We will get true animated post apocalyptic kino

I want to dismantle that robot.


The bosses in those games creeped me out.
>no boss music gives the fights a weird vibe
>constellations and blueprints suddenly coming to life
>those weird things that changed shapes
>that evil slimer looking thing in the second one which gave me nightmares for months

Nah, he's a typical shy boy underclass archetype, but a robot

What is it with normies not being able to differentiate animation styles? You blind?

You mean clank fever.

No, but he is a retard.

Amazing that a big company can still make quality movies

Amazing that you manage to type being as retarded as you are.

The ending sequence is still one of my most favorite ever as you see the artwork evolve over time.


Is it normal that I want to bone EVE?

overrated desu, it gets the Disney bonus. Not as good as we're back.

Depends. You WALL-E?

evas don't want walees, they want chadtimus primes tbqh phamily