>girls think they jedi now
Girls think they jedi now
who is?
>There have been female Jedi since the begining
>"We can be jedi too!" going on now
Why leftists and SJW have the memory span of a goldfish? Why they forget characters like Xena, Ripley, Sarah Connor, etc? why they act like a female main character in an action movie is something groundbreaking?
Stop being a triggered bitch
because some retards view everything in terms of US vs THEM to the extent everyday life becomes a constant point scoring exercise.
>Sup Forums
It's just dumb incel Sup Forumstards getting triggered by women
Don't bump these threasa
Kill yourself
Nothing wrong with girl jedi
is that ciara from r9k
>>girls think they jedi now
How unfortunate that JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy sidelined Leia in the Force Awakens. In The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, she was implied by Yoda, Luke and Vader to have *As Much* potential in the Force as Luke (a potential that was actually explored in the Expanded Universe novels). If JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy wanted to actually show a female Force user and develop alternative perspectives on the nature of the Force, they should have used Leia. As a diplomat, leader, and mother, she could have used and been guided by the Force in ways we've not seen onscreen yet. Mediating disputes between contentious factions after the fall of the Empire. Inspiring hope, courage and forgiveness in those who follow her. Drawing on the selfless maternal instinct to protect and sacrifice for her children. These are just several new and compelling ways Leia could have demonstrated how the Light Side of the Force can be used for good.
What a shame JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy did Leia and Carrie Fisher such a disservice. Instead of developing a beloved and classic character in a way that elevated the story and universe of Star Wars, they took a page from fanfiction.net and inserted Rey.
Now Carrie Fisher is dead, and their failure is complete.
>OMERRGGAD da gurlz in dis movie kick some butts. Every single one of them is sooooooo good!
Even though Leia had all the potential to be a Jedi and even though Disney and Kathleen "The Force Is Female" Kennedy could have used her to bring in a new, uniquely feminine perspective, they didn't. Why not? Three words:
Disney. Hates. Mothers.
Because little girls hate their moms and want to be as different from them as possible. And since Disney wants to market Star Wars to little girls, and that means marketing Jedi, presenting an old, wise, maternal Leia as the CoverGirl of female Force users was the last thing they'd ever do. Even though it would have made sense in-universe, and would have elevated Leia's character in a meaningful way, it would have devalued the IP. So instead they're using Rey, who, like all the Disney princesses, must be young, kind, headstrong, independent, naturally gifted and probably an orphan. If she must have a parent, it will be a father figure (Han, Luke)
Did someone #trigger the little gender confused cuckling? Stay impotent :)
>being proud of being a whore
this what we're fighting to end, get back in the kitchen sluzza
im the user in that pic, i took that pic to bait libshits into showcasing their anti-white hatred, worked well if i do say so myself
>A girl
That's just a man
I'll bump for you
>posting a r9k coalburner
You're fat
Disney hates mothers,
Hates men,
hates whites,
is pro homosexuality
And is the most successful studio....
>any more proof of satanic inversion necessary? Fucking (((Disney)))
This girl has amazing tits, I cant't wait until she turns 18 so I can share it with you guys.
You're a nigger
You're talking out of your ass. Did you forget Brave?
>arm wraps
for what purpose
Funny that the board with the most Jewish related subject matter is the one that has the most Sup Forums obsessed posters
>girls think they jedi now
if you check the comments you can find out she's a coalburner, and also other white women who are also mudhsarks make fun of him
Reys a Tranny
I swear I will never forgive those hacks for this.
When ever Star Wars is brought up with friends, I go on rants about this and more topics on why Disney ruined Star Wars. They have to tell me to chill.
>This obvious false flag will receive at least 5 (you)s
>le jews xD
Good job proving me right Sup Forumsturd
>You’re a nigger
Your life is so fuckin worthless..do everyone a favor now and kill yourself.......
>And he does it again, this time with reddit spacing
Jesus fucking Christ
>Did you forget Brave?
Even though Brave is kind of an exception, in that the princess' mother plays an important role, she still fills an adversarial position with respect to Merida. If anything, the fact that the only Disney Princess movie that includes a significant role for the main character's mother also has a plot based around overcoming mother-daughter animosity only further illustrates my point.
How does it illustrate your point? Doesn't it do the opposite? I mean, sure, there's conflict between them, but how does the plot about overcoming it somehow mean "Disney really hates mothers"?
I dont have to be black to point out a fatass
>we've entered an era where girls will become lolcows
this is amazing, reverse image searching me is giving me 11 year old girls posing with katanas and shit
Big difference is that fugly girls playing with lightsabers are cute. I'd rail that cow for ages.
Everyone knows the force is all about kicking ass and lifting things with your mind.
>inspiring hope, courage and forgiveness in those who follow her
What a fucking snorefest.
Did she delete her youtube channel and twitter?
I don't have to be skinny to point out a nigger
To virgins, maybe
But even ugly girls are disdainful of male virgins and your attention is tantamount to harassment, if not rape
why is virgin used as an insult, it hurts you know
Y'know ... you have a point there, user. I admit that that (and a playboy bunny costume) increases fuckability by 100%
you just answered your own question
anti-virgin hatred
but not all virgins are trump supporters or white supremacists
What woman in your life lives by any sort of philosophy, integrity, or principle at all?
Maybe they compensate for something.
Perhaps I'm being hyperbolic when I say"Disney Hates Mothers". They don't *actually* hate mothers, they love mothers, mothers supply the audience.
But my point, which is kind of illustrated by Brave, is that Disney is very shrewd about how they portray mothers in their fiction, because they're fully aware of mother-daughter conflict. Brave demonstrates what happens IF the princess' mother isn't dead, or missing, and actually plays a role in her daughter's life; there is natural tension (greater than father-daughter relationships) that drives the plot. That's fine for a one-off, but Disney doesn't want *ALL* of their princess movies being about learning to love your mother, so they quietly disappear them, so the plots can be about something else.
This is an under rated criticism.
Disney erased all spirituality from the film making "the force" a plot device to have better fight scenes...
If you want a real example use Tangled
anti-virgin, anti-white
two sides of the same bluepill coin
But im not black, tublord
Don't worry user, they'll release a trilogy about Leia's secret badass adventure in 2030.
because everything in the past=bad and everything we do=good and progressive. you know, the old commie, nazi you name it tactic to implement an ideology.
Because it has always been this way.
They get power from being 'discriminated' against (virtue stack), but if you look back to the past (even going back to the 50's it wasn't existent.
It is a fiction re-created every year. (A big lie) to make their takeover morally justified.
That's why they 'forget'. They have to forget so that they can remake a new history that justifies their tyranny.
My friends and family have just stopped bringing up Star Wars. I'm too much of a wet blanket.
>Did you you see TFA? Pretty great, huh? Finally a good star wars again.
>yeah, well, I actually thought it was an enormous disappointment that failed to move the story forward in a meaningful way, choosing instead to imitate the themes and plot of Episode IV without either subverting them or delivering anything new. The classic characters of the original trilogy were relegated to secondary or non-existant roles and what little we do see of them is enough to diminish their arcs and accomplishments from Episodes IV through VI. I found the humor to be out of place, homages to previous movies pandering, and the musical score forgettable. Established in-universe technology and lore was cast aside for cheap, gimmicky action. Things like newly introduced aliens, planets and vehicles which were similar to classic Star Wars features, but still subtly different, gave the movie a feeling of existing in an uncanny valley of sorts. Familiar, but somehow "wrong". JJ Abrams' signature fast paced plotting and unanswered "mystery boxes" left me feeling bewildered then unsatisfied. All in all, I thoroughly disliked TFA and am no longer excited for future installment. Maybe you could explain why you liked it?
>...Rey a cute?
le ugly ironic /r9k/ girl
Why couldn't Rey have been her. Fuck!
Excellent insight user. Officially boycotting these mother-hating mousejews.
I used to humor my friends and family but I'm at the point where I don't care to anymore. Star wars and capeshit are a huge chunk of what they like and I'd be doing them a disservice if I didn't shame them for it.
Tfw Disney's Star Wars and capeshit has revealed most friends and family to be NPCs. So scary.
i bet you unironically defend the prequels
why would you bet that?
there was a person on /fa/ impersonating ciara for a while. she came and confronted him and he broke down and promised to never do it again. it was really strange, you'd see 30 posts from him in every thread. her torrent is probably still up with all her pics/videos and she still uses ig privately (pic related)
Mulan's mother and grandmother were alive and lived with her, but they weren't very important to the plot.
In Tangled, Rapunzel later discovered that her biological mother and father were alive.
In the Princess and the Frog, Tiana's mother was alive.
Brave bombed hard at the box office.
It's because the main character was a spoiled unlikable brat who attempted to poison her mother because she didn't get her way. She wanted the perks of being a princess without having any of the obligations that went along with the title. It would have been a much more interesting movie if they had focused more on the evil bear king or local mythology.
There was never any poison involved what are you on about?
because most people who use that kind of rhetoric are the people who defend the prequels because muh nostalgia muh expanding the universe muh george's autistic vision
I think you're mistaking the correct conclusion that the prequels are much better than the disney movies for "defending the prequels".
The prequels are terrible of course, but comparing them to the these train wrecks makes them look good.
looks lika ciara
>And he does it again, this time with reddit spacing Jesus fucking Christ
Wow your life is so fuckin worthless...that you need to make shit up?????? YOU NEED TO DO EVERYONE A FAVOR NOW and KILL YOURSELF
>looks lika ciara
you racist or somethang
youre the problem. women are retarded but you validate them. fucking faggot
Been that way for ages newshit
pixyteri never had a katana, tryhard
A scene where the audience is reintroduced to Leia after all this time with no previous mention of her abilities, then having her casually use the Force when the audience first meets up with her in that scene would have been so unbelievably kino that it's obvious it just couldn't exist in our universe. It would have been such a "wtf!" moment and a subconscious reminder of how much time had passed and all the things that took place during that time. The amount of unique exploration of the universe it could have opened up as well. Everyone involved in this production are fucking hacks and should be dangled out the window like Vanilla Ice.
exactly. glad to know at least someone knows what's been going on these past years.
Name of the torrent?
saddest thing is that this random boyish thot is better looking than daisy ridley
real talk rei has the worst fucking outfit, and yeah maybe it makes sense for her desert scavenging but when she leaves the planet and changes clothes its just the same shitty outfit but a different coloru
not him, but i'd say the prequels are slightly better than nu-wars.
>you witnessed Star Wars change from dorky nerd shit to Disney Princess movies in your lifetime
I would sell my soul for this movie to bomb and star wars to die
>The force is both plot armor and gives any character no matter how big and small superpowers
>we will see little girl jedis with bo staffs
>we will see crippled jedis in hoverchairs using force powers
This is the future (((Disney))) wants
nice meme, I too am an enlightened contrarian patrician!
Her outfit in Force Awakens was better.
I don't know what the hell she is wearing in Last Jedi. It looks like some grandma Hillary Clinton padded vest with yoga pants and slippers
It's literally their only argument.
>Women are not objects
>But your success in obtaining them defines you as a man
t. john boyega
its the same outfit but darker
u are the one making a big deal about it