Black Mirror season 4


I want more Shut Up And Dance and less San Junipero and so do most normies I've spoken to who watch the show

Sadly Jews are autistic and don't understand how actual people think so I imagine this season will be more like San Junipero

I hope they do an episode where someone uses technology in a really freaky way and everyone acts like a huge asshole

>black men sticking around to care for their children
Remember when they tried to make dark visions of the future be plausible?

>anthology - a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.
looks exactly like I thought it would, so at least I can look forward to that

shit really triggers me, tbqh.
t. half black and abandoned by nigger dad.

I don't know. There seems to be no SJ type episode. Plus, based Charlie Booker.

I want more San Junipero and I'm a normal person

faggots aren't normal

Has anyone seen a relationship between the same races? Seriously wrf is BBC's problem.

Remember when black mirror was actually based and not an interracial SJW cuckfest liberal propaganda? Yeah, me neither.

No user, you're a raging faggot who likes the 2nd worst episode of S3 First episode being the worst

Brooker's become less involved since S3 came along which worries me, we'll never get the golden seasons 1 and 2 ever again

I guess this show is scary.

I'm hetero and have a girlfriend


that's a weird lookin' baby carriage. it could just hop out at any time. I've literally never seen one that doesn't at least have a bar.


>I have a girlfriend

Prove it you faggeroni Depending on how she looks we can determine if you're a soyboy who says he likes San Junipero so your gf will peg you

Nothing wrong with that, you literally elected a bipolar retard

looks as based as ever cant wait for that star trek looking episode

I love my gf so I won't sorry


Holy shit, the absolute state of mutts

>I-I won't post her here

confirmed for lying on the internet, how could you user?

Post pics of yours then or your sister/mom if they are hot

most of the relationships in the show aren't interracial though?

Can't blame him, he did not choose be a mutt.

Best Christmas/late Birthday gift I can get.

she isn't white

charlie brooker really loves racemixing

Yeah, but it's up to him to be a shit person or not

up to season 3 episode 2 and so far I can only remember shut up and dance and the first episode of season 3. It's not even a point of reference in shut up and dance and the latter episode doesn't make too big a deal.

too bad the lesbos make kissies later on, fucking sjws. literally unwatchable.

Looks Like The Twilight zone kino is back on the menu boys.

His wife is brown

he's pretty hot

>tfw a healthy black male white female relationship can only be fiction

at least in Europe (not so sure about GB) blacks have a really hard time finding gfs, I know two and feel sorry for them

They have to go back.

where to? they've been born here

she's fit tho

Niggerland aka Africa.

ok cletus

Fuck this, because he was writing this, Charlie Brooker ran out of time to do ScreenWipe this year.

Way of the mark.

looks good, ill enjoy it!

Give them any criticism that you will, at least they're creative and original


I'd rather have this than Screenwipe anyway, last years was mostly Philomena Cunk anyway.


Damn, maybe race mixing isn't so bad.

The future looks so beautiful.



I don't know how they'll top San Junipero after all this, but I'll remain cautiously hopeful.

I want more 15 Million Merits stories, where it deflates you at the end because it reminds you that human beings are self-serving assholes who will let society become a dystopia as long as there's food on the table and you have a few conveniences which others don't have. Most people only liked San Junipero because
>muh 80s
>muh 90s
>much cute lezzfu
Black Mirror is at its best when it's showing the darkness in us.

Masters of horror>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Black Mirror
How many white men will be cucked this season?

I've been looking for the complete anthology in decent quality on basically every tracker out there and never found anything even remotely good.
That and "Fear Itself",my dad used to have the whole series on DVD but lost it while moving away.

If you got any link for something decent in quality ( 480p and up ) i'd be glad to have it.


Entire History of You is the only good episode of this shit. Almost every episode of this trash has interracial couples or cuckoldry/cheating

Entire History of You is about cheating as well retard

>not Shut Up and Dance
>not White Christmas
>not 15 Million Merits
>not Hated in The Nation

That's why this season will be even more bluepilled pozzmentality bullshit. Its sad to say but every time (((American))) production teams gain any influence over a show it loses its edge.

>Almost every episode of this trash has interracial couples or cuckoldry/cheating
Well the show portrays dystopian hellscapes, so...

No shit you dumb nigger. I never said it didnt.

I want Black Mirror to be like those old episodes.

>black guy going crazy because his 3D waifu went to porn and hes forced to watch her getting fucked

I dont know how people nowaday arent enraged by that, saying shit like WHAT DOES HE CARE ABOUT HER? ITS HER BODY SO SHE CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL SHE WANTS TO. SEXIST PIG!

Wont even mention the guy getting cucked episode lol.
But im pretty sure it will be more and more episodes like San Junipero and the first of the last season, the ratings one. Women and fags loved that shit.

> Nosedive, Shut Up and Dance

> Playtest, Men Against Fire
Good, but not without problems. And both rely on twist endings, not that it's a bad thing.

> San Junipero
The one everybody hates for understandable reasons.

> Hated in the Nation
Would be a great episode if they figured out something instead of the bees. The entire thing is hard to watch because it feels like B-movie with KILLER BEES ON THE LOOSE.

Watching this show since 2011. If the new season can give me at least two great episodes - I'm good.

Also, USS Callister will have a twist ending.

>start watching because muh critical acclaim
>woah dude he fucks a pig so deep and insightful
>woah dude the bike episode is like about how evil capitalism is amirite, literally made me a Marxist
All I remember from that sack of shit, how much of a brainlet Rick and Morty enthusiast do you have to be to like it

Why did he leave.

she becomes a porn star and cucks the main character in 15 million merits, white christmas the girl cucks the guy with her asian coworker and its not his child, shut up and dance bronn is cheating on his wife with a hooker
