Jan Pertwee edition.
Jan Pertwee edition.
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Watching newest Sesska video in streamo in a minute. cytu.
nth for Jodie.
Who are these people you guys keep shilling?
This is queued in the streamo after sesskerino
>madam, nth for unironically watching le Doctor Who is dead isn't canon show.
nth for Jenna
god damn.
I do, but I think theres a...lets say its good to have boundaries, because I think pushing them is difficult. Ive been a part of these kinds of communities before and to be honest? Eventually you just run out of reasons to write something decent and you burn out. But with 2.5 ive said "alternate doctors? Who needs love and what can I do to make this my own in a respectful way" and that's been super exciting for me. Because if I had my way I'd be doing 8, 11 and 3 fanfics until it got super boring. And besides, ive gotten super attuned to /who/s appreciation of comfy, so having a set of stories that caters to gives them their own personality
What does /who/ think of Quatermass?
It looks wrong doesn't it? I never even minded Capaldi's short hair but it's like undoing his evolution.
Stop shilling please.
I don't care about your threads, but Jon Pertwee is my favorite.
I'm shilling her tits, not her channel. The video's there to give people a source ;)
whats the opposite of kino? whatever that is, that's what it is.
>whats the opposite of kino?
I liked it, Always wished Classic Who had a crossover with it.
In CWS now
Reminder that DWSR will be killed on Christmas
>people actually thought mark gatiss was going to play the fucking brigadier even though the story is set in world war 1
>people actually wanted mark gatiss to play the brigadier
>people wanted that
this fanbase a swear
I briefly thought it might be the Brig's dad or something.
Never seen it. Although I suppose I really ought to.
I was hoping he was the brigadier's father.
>born in 1885
>lived to fucking 94
God daman
Discussed in last threaderino.
Glancing thru his tweet history, he's not particularly pro OR anti dwsr. For example: thinks some of the dwsr mob are over obsessed, but on the other hand seems happy to hear their *news* when it's available.
Unlike GL for example, he seems to have many other interests apart from stalking....oops meant following, filming of DW.
he probably just met matt lucas on set or something
When are Adam and George gonna fight? I was promised hospitalization
Can't wait for Jodie to make history.
We've still got months of shooting to go, it can still happen.
Nah, that was Whelan, who's been banned from sets since. And is particularly bitter about it. Stupid fuck.
>They KILLED the ENTIRE show, now its just a Pre- Op GAY TRANNY show on all the prior stuff which is now in my GARBAGE ... Red Dwarf survives, The DR is why N Irelans should REMAIN with DUBLIN , after brexit, it successfully makes the case
>Red Dwarf survives, The DR is why N Irelans should REMAIN with DUBLIN , after brexit, it successfully makes the case
Well that escalated quickly.
>Spot on, season 10 was a real struggle for me to get through too, unoriginal plots, SJW claptrap and an over reliance on nostalgia. Dreading season 11 with it's continuation of PC box ticking through a transgender/feminist Doctor and diversity commission ordered companions.
Has /who/ seen the interactive 360 virtual tour of Bradder's TARDIS? Go through Capaldi's doors.
By all accounts, they simply ignore each other when #dwsr-ing.
The funny thing is that they are both equally stalker-ish, but George aka Peter Capaldi's son (wtf?) is more socially acceptable in that he isn't short, tubby, ugly and prematurely going bald.
Is he really the same height as jenna?
>this guy hates doctor who for pc
>foreman guy hates doctor who for no pc
The horseshoe is real.
wow what's your next genius observation going to be
>The final straw for me was Moffat calling his two gay lovers Bill & Heather.
Deeply insulting and disrespectful to Hartnell's memory, even worse than when he dug the Brigadiers cold corpse up and put it in a cyberman suit with rocket boots.
I deeply dislike Steven Moffat both as a person and for what he did to Doctor Who.
As for next year,I've no interest whatsoever in watching Chinball's version of Doctor Who with a northern lady doctor dressed up as a retard.
I'll stick to classic who and big finish from now on.
BBC Worldwide are about to come down hard on fanmade material.
This is just the start.
Oh shit, fucking based!
I really gonna miss this console room lads... well assuming BBC will change it for Jodie(and they should). I just hope they 1up it cause this one is GOAT and I cant see myself liking an inferior one after this.
This is fucking KINO
Wait, what was it this guy had actually been doing? 'Troughton audios'?
what do you mean bradders?
i only see capaldis?
Non-profit audios which are/were available on YouTube, like many other fans. I don't think you can honestly be sued if it's non-profit clearly marked as unofficial stuff, but BBCWW are arseholes
I'm going to miss the helicopter dials. I always thought it was damn cool to have something huge rotating on the ceiling like that.
Thanks. That was called for and contributed to the thread. Yay.
Was it him pretending to be Troughton?
He does Troughton impressions
Go through the Capaldi doors.
peak kino
>bowlestrek - some considerations: 1) None of the waves of feminism were ever about equality 2) Women are feminists by default. Go by their actions, not what they claim. 3) Feminism is female nature politicized. When women no longer need men, they get rid of us. Most men don't want to deal this reality
If I wanted to read Youtube comments I'd be on Youtube.
>Metro.co.uk have been given the exclusive first look at the costume for the stage adaptation, which has been tailor made by Robert Allsopp & Associates, world-renowned prop and costume designers responsible for the X-Men outfits, and the alien creatures for the new series of Doctor Who.
>Robert Allsopp & Associates
>prop and costume designers for alien creatures for the new series of Doctor Who
stop trying to derail the thread with politics and talk about doctor who
Moffat, SFX.
glad we got an update on what you think of all this
worse than the guy who posted twitter links
>I am The Master starts playing
Alright /who/, now that there is roughly the same amount of stories what was better: the eighth doctor adventures audios or dark eyes and doom coalition?
I dont disagree with anything he said here and would like to see stuff done with that contrast, just not from Moffat
>Bananaman joined the Beano in 2012
Oh yeah, I forgot the Dandy suffered a slow and twisted death over several years.
>mfw they turned it into 'Dandy XTREME'
Is the Doctor even white?
>Season 10 was... okay. It's not a soap box for third wave feminism like season 8 & 9 were so much as a laser pointer guided at lesbianism as a lifestyle....
No no no! Even I can't stand to read this nonsense.
>post dream Doctors.
Ite lads, I've worked out a Christmas Day schedule. Hopefully this should maximise the comfy levels, get hype
its gonna be one line in a 5 second scene
they're just blowing it up for PR
screencap this and dubs confirm
Kek. We all know that if your interest is high enough to post a comment on a little known Sup Forums fan thread, you'll be watching series 11 ep 1 at the very least.
>DW2012 Episode 1: Dawn of the Doctor
>Adult Life Skills post-TUaT
I fucking love it.
I was really, really tempted to include The Fan Show as well.
The Great Gallifreyan Desert
They brought brands and spears to pierce the old empires.
Commodore Rho-Fawcitt Dagul Styx led his men over the sands in their silent craft. Their ink-black skiffs and hoverbikes stole forward like thieves of the night. At dusk, three Arcadian squadrons had left the periphery and streamed across the skin of the planet. Three cities were to be struck by these piratical locusts.
Sunrise. At Avarmis the town’s ill-equipped sentries quickly fell to the invaders’ blades and charge beams. The front gates shattered effortlessly within hours the whole city had surrendered. The river was dammed as the victors erected triumphant gallows with which to execute and threaten. The city’s cardinal was placed under house arrest at the point of a scimitar as still more raiders swarmed his palace.
“I will tell you nothing,” spat the old man with venom. “Kill my attendants, raid my property, no datum shall pass these lips.”
After a morn of plunder, Styx dragged a bleeding curate into the solarium. Then, the commodore thrust a poker into the hearth and with a leer. Styx watched the metal turn white-hot from the coals.
ive pretty much never had a dream doctor, I really just accept whoever the new one is
>2h15m of robloxkino
What are the chances that a /who/ poster will gift me a box of candy that I have on my wishlist that's only $11?
I appreciate the effort you put into these. You could easily just write it down as a greentext but it's much more appealing like this.
Honestly, I make them because it's really fun to do. And it alleviates boredom.
Serious question here guys. Are Time Ladies more likely to have multiple births? (Because their wombs are bigger on the inside?)
Mark Wahlberg giving his sexual advice...
>24 hour time
Something for the westeners please.