Season 3

now hat we know the setting and some actors, what do you think the plot will be?
What will the intro song be?

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It stars a black muslim so it's probably going to be about evil white people.
Will probably be worse than season 2.

>the absolute state of Sup Forums
lmao why do you guys even keep coming here since the whole film industry is diverse for decades

I hope they don't try to shoehorn the backstory of every single character while forgetting to develop a cohesive narrative like they did with S2


They will try to copy season 1 as much as possible I think since season 2 was so poorly received.

It's going to be a cheap knock off of the best television ever produced, it's going to suck.

nah, i doubt it.

Quite the cast
though one of these is not like the others

What's the setting again? I haven't been following the news. All I know is the cast.

>it's probably going to be about evil white people

Like season one then?

>S1 massive critical success, and rightly so
>S2 tries something different, massive turd

why would they try something different again? They'll try to go back to what they know works
>southern setting
>vaguely supernatural plot
>brooding cop
>regular guy cop
>sad attempts to copy Fukunaga's cinematography

Pizzalatte is not a good writer. The extremely solid performances of mcconaughey and harrelson, relying on meta chemistry because those two had already previously worked together on other stuff half a dozen times along with Fukunaga's cinematography are what made it a great season. Season 2 didn't have that and Season 3 still won't have those extra pieces.

the narwhal bacons at midnight fellow redditor!

Realistic mugrder plot around some mystical bullshit settin with references to voodoo, slavery and shiet.
Southern state, 7 episodes staging a white guy as the killer, 8th episode reveals it was a black woman all along.
Short summary of stats on racial violence in the US, fade to black, directed by Sam Raimi.
And opening sung by pic related.

>The extremely solid performances of mcconaughey and harrelson, relying on meta chemistry because those two had already previously worked together on other stuff half a dozen times along with Fukunaga's cinematography are what made it a great season.
Not to mention ripping off Weird Fiction's greatest living writer for McConaughey's character.

The main reason why season 2 was such a mess was the fact that every episode was directed by a different director. Season 1 was directed by one person. They also spent much more time making season 1 than season 2. It was rushed.

Ive heard rumors its going to involve something with schools and school children. Sort of a rip off of season 1 but id imagine missing kids being trafficked by another pedo ring that involes teachers or politicians
heres to hoping they dont introduce too many more main characters. One more cop and a few associates is all thats needed. Id also like to really explore the pedo ring as a whole instead of funneling the plot to one redneck serial killer. It would be the safest bet, close to s1 but just different enough

theme song

>>vaguely supernatural plot

It wasn't though.

Anyone remember the TD threads during the airing of S1?

>muh lovecraftian themes
>MARTY is the killer!
>Marty's father-in-law molested his daughters!

Never read so much cringy nonsense in my life. Lost all respect for Sup Forums.

Is this real?

>It wasn't though.
It was definitely teased. And while there was nothing really Lovecraftian about it there's the whole ripping off Thomas Ligotti for the Rust character, and the Robert W. Chambers nod so yeah.

>It wasn't though.
Not him but it absolutely was.
The uncertainty of it, the mystery of whether any of the supernatural shit was real, that's exactly what made the show so damn good. And yes, there were Lovecraftian aspects. Lovecraftian doesn't mean "based on a story by H.P. Lovecraft", it means there are story elements that are very similar to story elements from Lovecraft.
But go ahead and keep being a fa/tv/irgin faggot. I'm sure the memes will eventually fill that black void in your soul.


All seasons have been about evil white people imbecile.

>having respect for Sup Forums in the first place