For the life of me I can’t find any movies that match the madcap insanity and intensity of these fucking masterpieces.
ITT: underrated actionkino
bump, hardcore henry was dope, shame no one saw it. I need to watch shoot em up, only one of those I haven't seen.
You're welcome
I wish they made more movies like these.
>crank 2 is usually considered the pinnacle of dumb actionkino
I think Sup Forums is the only place that thinks that (correctly I might add)
Crank 3 when?
Hardcore Henry was almost great but it was crippled by the low framerate. If only they'd shot in 120fps.
>madcap insanity and intensity
It's more horror than action, but watch Tetsuo: The Iron Man.
I couldn't find the best fight scene though.
Shoot em up sucked
>guns are awesome
>let's ban them
Also lol @ the concept that a senator being shot would result in the US immediately banning all firearms, that shit happens almost as often as school shootings and nobody cares
>expecting realism from a movie with a protagonist who kills someone with a carrot in more than one scene and has this scene in it
>we’ll never get Crank3d
>we’ll never see Chelios taking copious hallucinogens to combat Russians Mind Controlling him to kill Amy Smart
There are none, these are the best silly action flicks that the west has. But there's a lot of dumb asiankino that would be right up your alley
I just watched Why Don’t You Play In Hell last night and that scratched my itch. Also, of course there’s living legend John Woo.
>when you just want to find Amy Smart and fuck her in the most degrading way possible but have to make do with a Taiwanese crack head
>mfw no Crank 3
I like how sometimes we make up ideas for Crank 3 and they're actually really good.
>that one where Chev's heart is so fragile and he has to do things in ways that won't give him a heart attack
>when Chev is hooked up to a Chevy and he can't leave it else he does
>that one where Chev is a vampire
All I've got for you is this music video by the Hardcore Henry guy
>spoils the end of the movie on a poster
>better symbolism than Hack Synder
Crank 1&2 are the epitome of kino.
Similar in feel. Don't know if it's underrated or not
Happy starts tonight
I like State of Union but the first was better still haven't seen the newest one.
I wrote a script for a short Crank successor movie. The gimmick is Not-Chelios has to masturbate constantly. It's called WANK.
I honestly want nothing more than for Jason Statham to ravage my bussy
>that nipple clamp tho
shit film, but also 'stupid action' genre
Also Salma Hayek's tits
those think they are real movies tho
Thought this was ok the first time I saw it, started to hate it on re-watching it
Post moar but ALSO write WHY those are good
this though wanted to seem a bit more in on it smokin' aces thought it was hot shit though but its a enjoyable action flick
That is the dumbest reason for hating a kickass action film I've ever seen
There just aren't that many because they don't do very well with the mass market. It's a shame because there's something satisfying about just dumping all sense and logic and rationality out the window and just having this non-stop action experience. The Japs have embraced this more but I just can't get into the other stuff that comes along with it like adding in random badly done gore, monsters, transformations. I like it when it's done as a purely action movie.
>that time him and CIA did a movie together
Agreed. The moment they take themselves seriously the effect is lost.
I enjoyed parasite even with the gore it was pretty good. It being a adaption from a 80's manga makes sense since it's not like anything else that was out or it wasn't until all the copycats started.
See it asap. Like today dude.
Shit movies taking themselves somewhat seriously is what makes them good.
Most movies that are 'in on the joke' just come off as tryhard
Gamer with Gerard Butler is a good one
Speaking of shit movies taking themselves seriously....
It's not "in on the joke" so much as just not trying to be some slick cinematic event. The key is just knowing what you are. You think when they made Crank they thought they were making something serious? is in on the joke. Crank is just saying fuck, let's make some crazy shit and see where it goes.
Commando will always be my favorite no holds barred action movie, but I don't know if its underrated at all.
That movie so does not take itself seriously
Does Romeo must Die and The One both starring Jet-Li count ?
Commando feels like a 90s Hallmark movie. There is just something breezy about it.
Crank creators' new series literally on tonight
Legit one of my favorite movies of all time
romeo must die and dmx kino count for sure or at least the dmx movie with segal
Post these ones often in hidden gems threads but here goes
Skin Trade (solid direct-to-DVD flick with Dolph Lundgren and Tony Jaa)
Executive Target (90s car chase movie by PM Entertainment)
Deadly Takeover/Deadly Outbreak (Die Hard ripoff in a chemical plant with Jeff Speakman)
Breakdown (criminally underrated Kurtkino)
The Taking of Beverly Hills (decent buddy chase movie)
Midnight Run (more comedy than action but still kino that doesn't get enough mention)
Knock Off (insane Hong Kong movie with JCVD and Rob Schneider as buddy cops)
Under Siege 2 (much better than the first one imo)
The Hidden (pic related, mix of Body Snatchers and Predator 2)
I also think Die Hard 2 is quite underrated and it's my favourite of the sequels
Probably the Raid, most people don't know about it because its unamerican
I love Die Hard 2 and I also prefer it over 3
was it kino?
Reminder that Face/Off and every John Woo produced/made films are great.
I'm not mentioning Hard Boiled because it transcends everything
Unironically the only good tranny movie
EWWWWWWW that movie was garbage
Midnight Run is one of my comfiest movies
Tango & Cash
Black Rain
Streets of Fire
Hudson Hawk
Air America
Dat Ass is all I remember from this flick
Crank is good but John wick is my favorite shoot em up
Liam Neeson makes good action movies
Saw Run All Night recently, solid flick
The Grey was pretty good too but not that action-y