EW: Dunkirk is #1 Best Film of 2017

>There’s certainly been no shortage of World War II films over the years. But Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk breaks free from its precursors by redefining what it feels like to experience combat through film—the chaos, the confusion, and the courage under fire—by fusing sight and sound to conjure the year’s most relentless and fully immersive cinematic event. Some have argued that Nolan’s film lacks narrative coherence. That it’s too impressionistic. I’d counter by saying that, like the most revolutionary movies, it has merely created a new storytelling vocabulary.

10. Wonder Women
9. Faces Places
8. Mollys Game
7. Lady Bird
6. Foxtrot
5. Hostiles
4. Get Out
3. Shape of water
2. Call Me by your Name
1. Dunkirk

I haven't seen any of those movies.

Watch Dunkirk and Shape of water, don't bother with the rest.

they're all shit. cinema is dead

Dunkirk was mediocre at best, must have been an awful year.

not bad but BR2049

I haven't actually seen Get Out but I saw BFI put it as the best film of the year.

Is it genuinely that good, because I honestly can't comprehend something being better than Call me by your name this year.

Entertainment Weekly has been unfiltered cringe for the past few years

>Wonder Woman
>Get Out

SJW speaks with forked tongue maybe, huh?

>10. Wonder Women
This is the only other movie I even recognize.
>9. Faces Places
>8. Mollys Game
>7. Lady Bird
>6. Foxtrot
>5. Hostiles
>4. Get Out
White Guilt over a comedy horror that was never meant to be taken seriously
>3. Shape of water
Never heard of it.
>2. Call Me by your Name
Jesus Christ...
>1. Dunkirk
Is this really how bad 2017 was?

>No Blade Runner 2049
Invalid opinion

Call Me by your Name will win best film this year. WW2 movies with white men is secondary to movies about gays.

>Never heard of Shape of Water
Why are you even on this board?

>Wonder Women
>no fucking Blade Runner

What were they thinking?

not missing much, saved time tbqh

It's becoming more clear that Wonder Woman won't be nominated for any major category (National Board of Review didn't put it in the Top 10 and Critics Choice Awards, which is a good indicative to the Oscars, didn't nominate it for anything relevant)

Can't wait for the media to say it was "snubbed". They are the ones pushing it hard. Not even virtue signaling Hollywood really thinks that highly of the movie.

Jesus, Get Out over BR2049???

> no Blade Runner


I regret missing this while it was in the theaters here damn.

1. Blade Runner 2049
2. Dunkirk

Blade runner was better than all of those

>white male protagonist

it had no chance.

>Hollywood crucifies Kevin Spacey
>Hollywood loves Call Me By Your Name, a film about a relationship between an older gay man and a young twink

Really makes me think.

>Hollywood crucifies Kevin Spacey

He wasn't even expelled from the Academy

Fucking racists where's the black women? Over 23% of those troops landing at Normandy were women of color!

replicant lives matter

people are actually attacking Lady Bird for being about white people. Even the most liberal, feminist movie in the entire field is getting bitched at for supposed whitewashing.

I enjoyed every single second of Lady Bird by the way

Is Call Me by Your Name worth seeing? I've already seen like four gay films this year and this one looks like total oscar bait shit, but if it really is great then I'll catch it.

>I've already seen like four gay films

Honestly, a pretty fun year; you have Logan up for Critics Choice awards, Dunkirk, a Del Toro movie, some Oscar bait, top 10s with Wonder Woman on them by major magazines. I choose to think of 2017 as a year blockbusters shined rather than a shitty year where movies about gay teenage retards won like most years.

Good to see someone keeping the flame alive lad

I saw it twice. It's very good. The whole cast is solid too.

>I've already seen like four gay films

>movies starring non white people or women can't be good grrrr

Holy shit, 2017 has been a shitty year. Let's hope Phantom Thread can redeem it.

The last quarter of the film ruins it's overall perception. It just falls flat out of no where in the end, almost like a different movie.

DCucks confirmed for soyboys

Dunkirk stinks. Only someone like Nolan and a hack like Hans Zimmer could have fucked it up. Nice cinematography tho.

>Tom of Finland
>A Fantastic Woman
>God's Own Country
>My Friend Dahmer
I live in a major city with a ton of theaters plus I have a Moviepass and no social life so I've been seeing almost everything


Brawl in Cellblock 99 was also great.
Geralds Game
War for the planet of the apes
Get Out
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

It Comes At Night
The Babysitter
American Vandal
King Arthur
Shot Caller
To The Bone
Baby Driver
Spider-Man Homecoming
Wonder Woman
John Wick Chapter 2
The Discovery
I don't feel at home in this world anymore
A Ghost Story

Atomic Blonde
The Hitman's Bodyguard
Valerian and the city of a thousand planets
Ghost in the Shell
Pirates of the Caribbean Salazar's Revenge
Kong Skull Island

The Dark Tower
Rough Night
Alien Covenant
Death Note

Transformers 5


Actual good movies this year:
It Comes at Night
Good Time

Anyone with a capeshit movie on their list has an automatically shit opinion and should stop posting

It had no SJW message though, surprisingly.

BR2049 is practically capshit.
Raw is a 2016 movie.

Three only kinos this year:
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
The Square

Pennywise was evil white male incarnate, literally wearing whiteface

If BR2049 is "practically capeshit" then why did it not have quips, popular songs in the soundtrack and make over a billion box office?

It was very good. I had a strange Sicario vibe.

because they're dirty stinking rats
I too enjoy monster zero

>no popular songs
They literally scrapped an actual great soundtrack last minute in favour of using a Vangelis-ripoff soundtrack from the most popular and most reddit composer alive.

don't listen to this guy, dunkirk was shit too and hes probably under 20 or a low test cuck

Fucking plebs

You didn't even hear the Johannsson soundtrack which was never even finished so don't pretend how it's "great", and not to mention that most of his soundtracks are just one-note atmospheric pieces with no special arrangement or composition.
And to call this Wallfisch and Zimmer work a "Vangelis-ripoff" is pretty damn dumb, I don't remember extremely loud distorted synth groans in the original, it literally sound nothing like the 80s, the original was dreamy, melancholic and subtle while this was industrial, distorted and intentionally in your face.