9 days left
Are you ready for it?
Social Justice Wars: Toxic Masculinity
I’m excited as fuck.
I'm optimistic, but if it turns out to be shit I'll be even more happy than if it's good.
I'm excited about Snoke.
>will ooga booga end white supramacy by impregnating whyte women
After Jew Jew ruined star wars I never watched anything from disneywars again. I didn't even watch rouge one so far.
I'm gonna get drunk and stoned, go see it by myself and come onto Sup Forums to bitch about how much I hated it when in reality I doubt I will even remember it a week after seeing it
>Luke looking menacing
Rey’s gonna kill him isn’t she?
In indifferent to Disney Wars at this point... ill torrent it in a few months and watch it probably like i did with TFA
Rogue One is pretty good (better that 7)
After TFA I'm expecting this to be a mess that shits on my childhood. So I guess I'll just try my best to have fun with it, but no not really excited ;(
I'm guessing she surpasses him a few weeks into their training and she has to redeem him
Pleb taste. TFA and R1 are both equally as shit. But kylo ren is kino
im gonna enjoy this movie and theres nothing you can do about it Sup Forums nothing at all!!!
I will wait for initial reactions and decide whether to see it in cinema based on whether Luke finally fights again. If he does, I'm going.
I don't care about spoilers, it's a long-ass movie and shouldn't stand on spoilers. I already know Empire, yet I could rewatch it yearly and probably still enjoy it every time.
P.S. I didn't pay to see TFA or Rogue One.
Anything is better than 7
The prequels aren't
>main antagonist is an evil old white man
>the #resistance is some spic, an androgynous mary sue, a nig, and a dyke chink.
the other old white man (luke) will turn out to be an evil bigot that will be left behind in the past.
All memes aside it's pretty fucking retarded to have a female be the main "chosen one" character. Since when did girls even like star wars? they didn't. Same as Rogue One. Those scenes where she just starts beating the shit out of 5+ stormtroopers with her bare hands was forced as fuck and made me laugh. Fucking leftists.
It's her turn!
Yes queen, slay.
What's so good about Star Wars that makes it to be such highly praised franchise?
The story is repetitive and the first movies are literally unwatchable...
Nothing but lightsabers. That's it.
I considered The Force Awakens to be an enormous disappointment that failed to move the story forward in a meaningful way, choosing instead to imitate the themes and plot of Episode IV without either subverting them or delivering anything new. The classic characters of the original trilogy were relegated to secondary or non-existent roles and what little we do see of them is enough to diminish their arcs and accomplishments from Episodes IV through VI. Their replacements were unable to draw me into the story. I found the humor to be out of place, homages to previous movies pandering, and the musical score forgettable. Established in-universe technology and lore was cast aside for cheap, gimmicky action. Things like newly introduced aliens, planets and vehicles, while similar to classic Star Wars features, were still subtly different, giving the movie a feeling of existing in an uncanny valley: familiar, but somehow "off" or "wrong". Finally, JJ Abrams' signature fast paced plotting and unanswered "Mystery Boxes" left me feeling bewildered and unsatisfied. All in all, I thoroughly disliked TFA and am no longer excited for future installments.
Gotta admit they are pretty cool, same goes for Vader's design.
so were the spoilers posted earlier true? about rey being the emperors bastard granddaughter? and luke not telling kylo who his grand-father was? and snoke just being some casino guy?
i bought a ticket for noon friday, im seeing it by myself. only seeing it to see if they fuck up luke and for adam driver. if the rest of the 56%ers are hooting and hollering during it im not staying and getting my money back. this is my personal last straw and if its shit im cutting it out completely
>SW TFA trailer with most views ~100 million
>SW TLJ trailer with most views ~43 million
>the thematic blend between sci fi and magic
>incredible sets and special effects, incredible at the time on a technical level, and still watchable now for the aesthetics
>Darth Vader
>the scale of everything, entire planets being destroyed, characters travelling at light speed
>a plot that spans several movies, something we find normal now but was unusual back then when one and done movies were the norm (franchises wouldn't have an overarching plot, each entry in Tarzan for instance pretty much stands on its own)
Well I'm not your friend anymore, enjoy that!
This tbqh
I'm very excited about it. I never go to the movies, but I always go to see star wars. I think The Force Awakens was one of the last times I went come to think of it. I didn't go see Rogue One though and glad I didn't. Really not my cup of tea. I also like the prequels and the originals. Episode II and Episode V are my favorites. Something about the center of the story in these trilogies is always the best. I like to see characters get the shit kicked out of them.
Looks like shit and is defacing all of the
original trilogy
the marketing campaign is decidedly different. TFA's showed a lot and stores were crammed full of merchandise weeks before it launched. TLJ's trailer reveals less than nothing and this morning when I bought some groceries I saw ONE tiny little Star Wars toy in the check out area. unless they have plans to kick this thing in gear in the last week it looks to follow a sort of anti-marketing angle where they're hoping hype will build organically on the day it launches, based on those people who were always going to see it any way. it could be calculated to turn maximum profit this way (marketing costs money and SW may not need as much as they did for TFA), or it could be an attempt to gauge the power of the franchise without its usual hype machine to back it. Disney went all out with TFA because whatever else happened, "their" first SW movie had to be the biggest hit it could be. Now they're more comfortable and getting experimental (by mouse standards). That's how I read the situation.
>The background is snow with AT-AT against rebel battle ships.
is this trilogy nothing but a test made by Disney to see how the classic trilogy could work today with their future bullshit they are projecting on the trilogy who will come after it?
My nigga
I want it to be as retarded as possible, and from "leaks" and more footage they keep showing they wont let me down
i like star wars