FaceApp thread

Can you guess the show by the rule 63'd cast?

The walking dead

walking dead

In retrospect, most of these are pretty easy. Oh well. Next one.

rick looking like cameron diaz


Got it. Next one.

Damn did it even try to remove the beards?

>Female Gandalf and Gimli still have beards

Also, Pippin is cute.


Game of Thrones



Female Chandler qt as fuck

That's the 70s show

Joey is the real QT.

DOWN THE STREET! Okay, another one.

I actually should've done a GOT one.

2nd woman on top looks like Selina from Gotham and 3rd woman on top looks like Regina from OUAT but I have no idea who the rest of them are.


damn, JD looks like THAT??

Wait a sec

Got it. Cox and Janitor really give it away. Last one I made.


>janitor gave it away

i literally didnt see him until you mentioned, is he the last one on the bottom right?





am I gay if I want to fuck Fez?







Now for some random cast members.

I like that this story always includes the phrase "hot dinner" like she's a Depression-era hooker, not a pretty girl who could have had a waitressing job in about 45 minutes.



>try and give viggo mortensen a beard in faceapp








this one would've been the most obvioius


Kristen Stewart in bottom right

>That Joeyina smirk

female jay looks like linkaras ex tranny girlfriend liz who may lurk here hi liz



Turned him into Uma Thurman.


come on quads babay

Am I gay guys?

Where did it go so wrong with his sister?


Should do one for Wachowski brothers and then sisters for comparison.

female gollum a cute




Kim Wilde?

>20 something girl
>Always said she looks like 30 even 40yo woman
>Even app identifiy her as 40yo man

Evangeline is so perfectly female, the app can't even change her.

Holy shit Chanandler Bong

giv fempip gf

>20 something girl
But Lauren is a boy, user.


>boy becomes woman
>instantly looks like shit and older
Proving my point

Girl Joey is kinda cute.

White women*

>I actually should've done a GOT one.
Someone did. most R63'd men looked hotter than the chicks.



I only recognize Duchovny in this pick.

married with children

carl looks the same

The third person looks like Val Kilmer

He looks Chad as fuck with the beards... it’s a shame the soyboy can’t grow one

You are correct sir.

Holy shit he looks good with a beard.

>Faceapp makes MTF gender swaps look hotter than the actual women...
>you know subconsciously attracted to trannys

someone do Always Sunny


Male Blanchett is a little Michael Douglas, a little Peter O'Toole

wow the younger one makes him hot

>it’s a shame the soyboy can’t grow one

He can, just give him a few more years - his agent

Jesus christ, most of the female ones look like lena dunham

Face blindness is a symptom of autism



he looks like baby doctor strange.

TNG. I don't recognize top right though, for some reason.


Jeez, yep. He makes a terrible female. This is rare in the faceapp and happens with guys who have a really masculine face, that's why he rocks the beard.

It's Michael Dorn, the actor who plays Worf. Can't really blame you since he's not in makeup.

>fem Joey
God fuck.

He could pull this off in a few years if he wasn't Spider-Man.

MCU's prettiest

They look like two girls I know who are friends. Bizarre desu

female thor looks like scarlet witch