Why do people hate this movie? I don't remember it being that bad
Why do people hate this movie? I don't remember it being that bad
It's too mean spirited.
if it's not Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison or Wdding Singer, then no
>I don't remember it being that bad
so you are making this thread, defending this movie, based on your childhood memories and not on a recent rewatch? retarded desu
dude on the left looks like james willems, no shit it didnt sell
>Why do people hate this movie?
People hate that movie because they're plebs who can't appreciate good cinema.
The old man character was horribly annoying.
>Anger Management
>fucking 50 first dates
You laid it on a little to think there. Replace a few of these with actual kino and you might get someone
I remember the chick in it being cute.
>asking Sup Forums why people dislike a Hanukkah movie
hmmm good questions
I remember having some trash kid as a friend and we'd always watch this shit at his dad's apartment
It's mean spirited and not funny but the animation is pretty good.
The product placement musical, the annoying as fuck old guy, Adam sandler is a piece of human trash with no redeeming qualities, and Jews. The only good part of the movie was the animation, and even that went to waste because of the dumpster fire that was the rest of the movie
>Adam sandler is a piece of human trash with no redeeming qualities
That pretty much qualifies for most of his movies. They try to write him as a lovable asshole but he's just a fucking dick to everyone. Couldn't even finish That's My Boy because I got tired of them trying to make me care when he's nothing but a massive cunt to everyone in it.
Holy shit, I came into this thread to say this. I still say it in my life.
i don't like jews
What does it being about Jews affect the quality of the movie? Would you prefer it if the movie was about Saturnalia for the millionth time instead? Just watch TBN if you want the latter
Are you me?
I'm handsome, well endowed, and people admire me so yes, yes I am.