What went wrong?

What went wrong?

stupid plot that contradicted itself and die antwoord listening to die antwoord while having die antwoord stickers on a laptop
and is 2 hour long die antwoord ad

No (((Steve Guttenberg)))

I loved it

This was a big reason it sucked. To make it even better Blomkamp did it because he was a fan but apparently had such a hard time working with them he hates them now.

Also it should've been pg-13. This movie didn't need to be full of gore

>set in South Africa
>those two die antwoord weirdos
>token indian dude


>those two die antwoord weirdos
they Irish?

that atrocious white trash couple.
also jackman being in short shorts.

I am Crappie?

Not enough tacticool robot action. The beginning scene overhyped the movie for me.

That character would 100% wear those shorts.

I confuse this and another robot movie because Hugh Jackman is in both.

>A bunch of retarded people wanted Blomkamp to direct a sequel for Aliens.

Nothing, the movie came out as intended

I thought he wanted the full Die Antwoord experience, what else did he expect out of two guetto-ass white trash africans?

I loved it. It was all the right kinds of trashy.


Show, dont tell

Jackedman was the only redeemable character

the title sucks for starters

to me this movie didn't need a villain, a self aware newborn AI who ends up with die antwoord had enough to worry about as is. The good guys vs bad guys trope was completely pointless here imo.

What was even his motivation again?, did he just want to pilot that robot so badly?

Real talk they should have just made an off the wall film project in the vein of the "Fatty Boom Boom" video. I would watch a Die Antwoord movie for the art direction alone, goofy ass plot or not.

Die Antwoord
I wanted to see the movie but when I found out that those two freaks were in it I dropped it

Jesus Christ, what's so bad about these "Die Antwood" people??

hes character ruined the movie tbfh

you didn't miss anything

he grew up on Sup Forums so he couldnt stand that a /fit/izen like him was losing the contract to a poo in the loo soyboy

Direct, yes. Write, no.


Jesus McDermott, what does THAT have to do with anything?

They're upper class educated artists, Die Antwoord is their living satire act

the action sequences were on point, its a good late night saturday watch but the story was shit and not really memorable or original in my opinion

I expected to hate it, but it really wasn't terrible. Patel and Weaver were miscast, but the rest of the live actors were nice. It abbreviated Chappie's growth a bit too much, should have made most of the heist stuff a montage to a Die Antwoord song instead of 4 separate 15 minute scenes. Otherwise a pretty chill examination on what it means to be conscious.

that stupid group of white niggers

it's almost as if being a musical genius doesn't mean you should fucking star in multimillion dollar movie in your first acting experience

still don't understand how he got that shit past the people funding it

Not short enough, should've been wearing stubbies

Too smart for your average audience.

South Africa needs to be destroyed from orbit.

I don't know if there's a name for "pink guns and chibi art student graffiti" but it was retarded and took me out of the movie.

The plot was absolutely retarded, there are a billion commercial applications for strong AI, if Sigourney Weaver turned him down, a hundred other firms with thirty times the money would have hired him and would have been constantly actively recruiting him.
He would have had a ton of those robots, prototypes, old versions, new experimental versions, etc laying around his house.
Given how extremely important he was, and how dysfunctional, he would have had bodyguards and minders.
The super duper tamper proof firmware key would have been guarded by a guy whose job was just to watch where the key went, who had it, and to get it back. At the very least it would have had one of those little chains on it like how banks chain their pens to the desk.



pretty sure he had die antwood there just so they could be the butt of the joke that only he got because he really hates people like them

It was like a shitty fanfiction where the guy included his favorite band in just because

I thought it started off simple and neat, the idea of creating a robot and treating it like a child was interesting enough for its own movie.

The problem is they didn't really care enough so they put some in some dumb rappers, and too much action sequences.