Gen 13 Storytime part 14 Fantastic Four














Seeing Marvel do crossovers always blows my mind because by the time I got into comics they didn't anymore.



>Seeing Marvel do crossovers always blows my mind because by the time I got into comics they didn't anymore.
You could blamed Quesada for that he loves company wars.

Mr. Quesada is convinced that some good old-fashioned gloves-off rivalry will be good for business. “I liked it when the two companies hated each other,” he said. “It made it better for the fans. You know, if you like DC, then you hated Marvel. If you like Marvel, then you hated DC.”

“What the fuck is DC anyway?” Mr. Quesada said, stoking the fires. “They’d be better off calling it AOL Comics. At least people know what AOL is. I mean, they have Batman and Superman, and they don’t know what to do with them. That’s like being a porn star with the biggest dick and you can’t get it up. What the fuck?” (Paul Levitz, DC’s president and publisher, declined to comment for this story through a spokesperson.)





















>(Paul Levitz, DC’s president and publisher, declined to comment for this story through a spokesperson.)
Every, fucking, time





























































