Movies about being a super loser?

Movies about being a super loser?

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Napoleon Dynamite

its true you know

get out there, get rejected, eventually someone will say yes


Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy

Now give me a movie about being a bike cuck.

bike cuck

or not, and you just humiliate yourself over and over

>Hamburger phone

If you are retarded sure, are you capable of identifying what made you fail? If you are capable, you can fix it.


what if what made you fail is your fluid problems that make you look like joseph merrick

What if it's something that cannot be fixed?

>fluid problems
Wear a diaper

hahahahahahahaha fucking beta

hol up i'm gonna grab a snack to read this fucking wall of china


>man, I wish buses came more often, you know?

Just be attractive then, retard


how did that shit even work for the London "PUA", who the fuck talks about buses, even for an icebreaker, buses come so often it's such a retarded line

the obvious line is "man, I wish buses were actually on schedule", then you flash your rolex and your big dick

Yeah cause that sure helped Elliot Rodger out.


Legitimately despise this cunt. All of his comics are "lol xd look at my depression I'm a webcomic artist using webcomics as an outlet for my mental illnesses have I mentioned that I have mental ilnesses yet because I do xdd"


The Life of user

You can't lose if you don't try


If you do nothing, you lose nothing. A craven way to live.

If you can call that living. I, for one, cannot.


>using the word craven in casual conversation.
funny when you D&D nerds get on here and LARP as ladies men

It's worse than that, he's quoting a video game.

life is meaningless anyway, hedonism and self gratification is the only optino

I had to stop watching that movie because the kids in there were supposed to be losers but they were ten thousand times more chadlike and popular than I was in high school

Chads literally don't know what it's like to be rejected. This is not true at all.

>giving up

Chad has never heard the word "Craven" in his entire life

The dirties
