/imaceleb/ - Iain "ive seen things" Lee
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Casted 5 more votes for Iain, lads.
Is Iain /ourguy/? I don't know the general consensus on here yet
imo he is a reality tv junkie so therefore knows exactley what hes doing/ how to play it
however he is the most entertaining on the show imo and i like it
Iain is an autist trying desperately to fit in with the normies, he's pathetic
He should just embrace his weirdness like based Martin did
>Rebekah Vardy brands I'm A Celebrity a 'fix' over Iain Lee scenes
>Apprentice on at the same time
Can we all agree to watch I'm a Celebrity on +1?
stopped watching apprentice a few years ago got boring desu same tasks same shit banter
lady judge is a bitch aswell ruined west ham
Apprentice a shit
Nah lad, I want to shitpost about Iain asap
Iain and Amir boxing trial WHEN?
Yeah he is.
>implying Iain's "please like me, guys" isn't a hilarious gameplan.
>implying he hasn't been playing 4D chess from the beginning
>mental health ambassador
>his self loathing would make him ill-equipped to defend himself
Aaaaahahahahahaha fuck off
When asked about the possibility of him getting bullied, Rebekah explained to The Sun: "I cried when I found out. It seems that so many scenes weren't aired on the show."
She added: "The whole time I was checking if he was OK, especially after he failed his first trial. He wouldn't eat and I had to force him to have food. I questioned whether he was playing a game as I didn't understand how he could go from being so withdrawn and quiet to being loud and boisterous the minute the camera was on him." During her time in the jungle, Rebekah had branded Iain as "fake". When she appeared on spin-off show Extra Camp, the WAG told show host Joe Swash that she hasn't changed her opinion of him.
"Honestly, he is so fake," she said. "I have spent a lot of time with Iain and I was so careful what I said on the VT, and what I didn't - but now I will let it out. He has got a game plan and I hate when people pretend to be something they are not. He is going in there to win and he is playing the sympathy card, and he isolates himself from the rest of the camp, and then as soon as the cameras are on he wants the limelight."
When asked about her comments on Wednesday's Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid, Rebekah explained: "That was slightly taken out of context. Do you know what, Iain and I had some really, really nice conversations. We'd spoken about what we’d been through in our pasts, and I gave him a lot of pep talks." She continued: "We actually presented him with something, I'm not going to tell you what. It was for his courage and his bravery for doing one of the trials because he conquered one of his fears."
Gonna record The Apprentice tbqh and watch I'm A Celeb with the reduced Sup Forums crew.
What's your favourite part? When he cries or when he awkwardly hangs around on the edge of camp on the verge of crying?
Same, Apprentice is gone to shit anyway desu
Shut it, you slag. You're out of the game.
See myself in Iain
>Before crying
Christ almighty they really hate him
This season is really petering out. The candidates are just so fucking terrible and uninteresting. I'm only continuing to watch because of the Sup Forums threads.
Last night's ep wasn't great, hope tonight is better.
Nah not this week.
>It's an Amir shits on Iain for being afraid of heights and being underwater then proceeds to shit himself when a pile of bugs falls on him episode
Him pretending to be depressed for sympathy votes is hilarious to me. I like how seriously he's taking the show.
WON'T be joining you tonight
watching the apprentice instead desu
Massive shock if Fiz doesn't leave tonight.
Mary is truly /ourlady/ and should not be faulted for her concern for her grandson even if it is a niglet. Though she really shouldn't have to take the shit from her rapebaby.
Will the northern scourge keep Jennie in, or has patriarchy HQ conspired to get her out?
hahaha fuck hes hamming it up
noones leaving tonight
Nervous for Iain lads. Jamie and Dennis will make their move soon.
Will be watching Apprentice.
Keep me informed of developments
>mfw watching the Apprentice instead
tear jerker tonight
Reminder to vote Fiz because she is superior to Iain in every way
Iain brought back like 10 Stars on the Spaceship challenge you fucking Manlet!
Iain is a loser
He couldn't even kill himself properly
Martin needs to skydive in there and save /our guy/ Iain.
>Flip poon Vanessa left before fucking Fizz
Thanks, roasties of Britain.
Jamie is sick of all their shit chat
lmao Dennis calling Iain out for the loser he is
Little man syndrome kicking in early.
Fucking manlet. Fuck off.
Is it just me or are Bant and Kek mess up their lines quite frequently this year?
Fuck off Dennis
>Being a manlet
Sat with a Pot Noodle, Jaffa Cakes and Coffee. We all comfy here, Lads?
>Iain being called out as a failure
Suicide incoming lads
Drunk, plus Ant is on methadone
You little cunt.
Get rekt iainfags
Kek is having to keep bant off the gear, and bant is in withdrawal
about to lose my mind
>I dun want u to do trial
>ok I won't do any trials
Dennis you utterly retarded manlet bellend.
Getting a lot of small man syndrome from Dennis here.
Just had a Magnum, after having a Nandos with the lads
fuck off dennis
how to watch on the interwebs?
>mfw I see Toff hurtin
dennis shoots himself in the foot episode
Just google "itv stream"
>DON'T PLAY A GAME WITH ME! *impotent shrimpdick rage* DON'T PLAY A GAME WITH ME! *autistic screeching*
lmaoooo Iain on literal suicide watch
Fiz never does any, and never ever even says she wants to do it when the offer is there, but then complains that she never gets the chance the second the people leave to do it.
Can I take back my votes for Iain
itv website
>you shouldn't do the trial, you keep failing them
>ok I won't do anymore
>no, don't put that on me
You nonsensical little cunt.
aaaahahahahaha *wipes tears away* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it's already a great episode!!!!!
>If I call him shit, that'll motivate him
Good thinking Dennis.
Can't wait to watch Dennis and Jamie's faces when they get voted out before Iain
they thought i would be the better man for the job
Fiz volunteered for the carpool karaoke one like 3 days ago retard, and she's the one reason they didn't fall flat on their arses in that taxi challenge last night
>sending Amir instead of Iain
*has the camp right where he wants them*
Jamie is such an arrogant prick. Hope he gets nothing so he gets some sick banter on him.
I like Jamie desu lads
Fiz is a fat waste of space who only did one fucking trial, the easiest one by far
Dennis came out of that badly. Will leave before Iain.
Yep but she has a virgin defender ITT
Glad I picked /imaceleb/ over /apprentice/ this week lads. This is a must-watch episode.
As long as twats on Sup Forums keep voting for iain
watch both
Is this a new low for car ads?
Apprentice is on iPlayer straight away, I'm a celeb won't be on till 11:30-12, simple binging
Someone post the Jamie Webm
What's with all the Fiz hate, all the others like her, she's nice and does well in the challenges. She's not as good as Toff but she's better than Jamie, Amir and Iain
I was going to vote Iain to prolong his suffering bit fuck it I'm voting Fiz now
Not a good edit for the vereh smalleh maneh
Iain got BTFO so badly hahahahaha Iainfags have scurried away to the Apprentice general, DON'T blame them
Oh I like Pitch Perfect
>make America eat again
one way ticket to the grand finale
just hope he gets there in one piece physically and mentally
>in one piece mentally
That ship sailed a long time ago lad