Torrent for a movie comes out

>Torrent for a movie comes out
>Sup Forums starts hating it

>Sup Forums likes a film
>reddit likes the film
>Sup Forums no longer likes the film

>Sup Forums full of redditors
>they all argue who's the most reddit

>open Sup Forums catalog
>close Sup Forums catalog and clean browse history

>post on reddit hoping for lotsa up votes and karma.
>comment is down voted to oblivion
>realize you belong on Sup Forums

>not middle or upperclass
>can't relax and enjoy a movie and live vicariously through the characters
>find it hard to enjoy movies

>torrent comes out
>it's dubbed in portuguese or some other obscure nothing language

>there will be another wave of BR2049 threads

>tfw lower class all life
>lucked way into a job this march that puts me upper middle class
im telling you boys, its a totally different world up here. i havent eaten ramen or frozen pizza since feb, i have a car that i dont have to worry about breaking down, and i think girls are starting to smell my bank account on me

>>Sup Forums likes a film
>Sup Forums ever liking anything

>all the shitposting begins as soon as a torrent comes out

really makes you think

Is he hammering something or is he hammering himself?

It's an axe, he's killing the person bothering him.

Yeah, hating on it.

>obscure nothing language

>implying its a bad thing to not pay for the monthly marxist bowel movement



not true Dunkirk was just shit


>make a thread about hating a particular movie on Sup Forums
>play devils advocate for it next time around

>we will have every shot of luv in full HD

You're going to be found out that you don't belong. Being poor taught you nothing about frugality and preparing for the worst. The job won't be forever.

Kys, nazi.

>pleb is tricked into thinking a film is good due to the cinema's surround sound blaring and other people in the audience all smiling along, combined with psychological need to convince yourself you didn't waste money
>when viewed in isolation and judged on its merits as a film, becomes clear it's mediocre-at-best trash with terrible writing and shit acting
>pleb gets butthurt that their memories are being attacked