Justice League Cinematographer: Superman Black Suit Scenes Were Filmed

Justice League Cinematographer: Superman Black Suit Scenes Were Filmed

>Fabian Wagner, an accomplished cinematographer who shot some of the biggest episodes of Game of Thrones — both “Hardhome” and “Battle of the Bastards” — was tasked with bringing Zack Snyder’s vision for the DC superhero movie to life. In an email interview with Inverse, Wagner says scenes with Superman wearing his black suit were removed in the final cut.

>“There were [scenes shot],” Wagner said. “It’s a cool looking costume. Sadly, we didn’t see that either in the final cut.”

>In fact, Wagner says “quite a few scenes” didn’t make the theatrical release of Justice League, not just black and silver Superman. “Zack takes his time with telling the stories, and I’ve always liked that about his movies. There are a few scenes that I was very much looking forward to seeing which unfortunately got cut.”


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Sounds cool, wish we could've seen it.

reminder this is all nothing but marketing for the bluray

>Zack takes his time with telling the stories,
>kills his main character in his second movie

This is literally the cinematographer going rogue on WB here. If they ever release an Extended Cut, it won't be the Snyder cut. World is too cruel for that.

Henry Cavill teased a black silver suit way back in mid 2016.

with a zach cut?

The VFX "leaker" that Snyder's critics paraded around said there were no Superman in black scenes shot. What a load of horse shit. Glad Wagner is sticking out for Snyder. We were robbed a whole film.

Well if this shit is gonna be on the bluray then I'll buy it.

And with the Whedon quips removed. That really ruined the film for me.

Those scenes could only be added as extra features though.

Snyder's quips were on the same level

Friend, that would be breech of contract, so if the cinematographer was actually going rogue, he'd forfeit all payment he received.

I fail to see where those black suit superman would fit in the movie.

Ah, you have a copy of the contract that confirms this no doubt. Mind sharing evidence of your claim?

Superman wears it in the land of the dead when he's talking with his dads

They need a standalone Snyder Cut release of Justice League.

Oh. That's pretty disapointing.
Those P'pa Kent scenes are boring as fuck.

at least Zack didn't make Batman quip about how much he loves Superman

Whedon had Superman describe death as "itchy". I don't give a shit about your raging hateboner for Snyder. You're still a faggot for making these ass pull claims.


Male feminist detected.

its boilerplate in every studio contract, friend. Damage the product, forfeit earnings.

>Implying this movie can be DAMAGED any more than it already is just by existing

Jesus christ, another super depressing interview.
I've pretty much decided that I refuse to watch JL unless it's Snyder's cut (so possibly never)

All the more reason to attempt to get back as much money as possible.

Bullshit. Directors and cast talk about deleted scenes all the time. Why do you bother covering up your bullshit?

>bullshit! [unrelated point]

Josh trank.

>unrelated point
No it's not. Trank was specifically shitting on the new version which got him in trouble. Learn the difference faggot.

It made no fucking sense to have him clean shaven. His body was ""still alive"". That was even stated by fucking Bruce. Then all they had to do was had the Kryptonian ship detect a dead Kryptonian and put him in a black krypton funeral suit or some shit and then add two fake side beard parts.

At this point Disney need to just fucking buy DC.

>not describing death as a late 80s Goth Girl
Seriously ?

how do you know these quips weren't made by Snyder.
reminder that this movie had several reshoots even before Whedon joined

The difference is he went off script. Which means "WHOA THERES SO MUCH MORE FOOTAGE" is on script.

>accomplished cinematographer
>who shot some of the biggest episodes of Game of Thrones

>its not something i like therefore theyre not accomplished

>not a single joke about how he actually has a moustache here

you disappoint me Sup Forums

>game of shitlords

t. Soyboy

WB's washed their hands of Snyder, there won't be a Director's Cut unless it's a Whedon one.

you do realise they will never put all the deleteds on the disc only a few we'll never fully see the real cut unless zack comes back, and to be honest i think he's washed his hands with it

not everyones a fucking marvel child mate, grow some balls and intelligence

>I changed the name of the show to a poopy joke, therefore im right

hardhome was objectively a great episode though, even stands out in the entire series because of it

you guys will never see this, at least we get Thanos you dont even get Darkseid because of how shit your universe is hahahha

/got/ cancerfags are already coming back to Sup Forums ?

Christ you spammers never stop shitposting

Not the guy you're arguing with but you're incorrect, the stipulation is that prior to release if you say things that could damage the income of the movie you are faced with some kind of punishment. There's no "script" here.

Jeremy Irons and Michael Shannon both shat on BvS and Man of Steel after they came out, respectively. There's nothing wrong there.

Snyder cut doesn't exist, so don't get your hopes up.

>i called the person names, and claim shit posting. Therefore I'm right

What are you talking about there's tonnes of man of steel footage missing like the shots with the dog and him on the hike in the mountains.

Regarding Justice league we've already seen some unfinished shots someone posted like 20 of them and there's reportedly a whole 20 minutes missing too.

NOT to mention there are people who worked on the film who straight up said they were angry because they didn't get to take their holidays after whedon came on and did his reshoot shit because they had to composite all the new stuff, and I literally know someone who said they scrubbed off footage from the drives on the last day and there was definitely a scene with Darkseid.

Just to add there was a whole campaign with Gillette about him shaving his beard and Even snyder said you'll have to watch the film to find out, so that was going to be answered too

You can very clearly tell by the shot composition and film grain which scenes are Snyder's and which scenes are Whedon's. It's pretty fucking obvious even when you're not looking for them. Whedon made this movie the shitshow it is, get over it.

Fuck why WB why for fucks sake you cunts

Its a simple non-slander clause, which the studio can enact at any point they choose if they can prove damages to the brand.

Its in just about every studio contract with only very few exceptions.

>Dad, people hate me and I need hel-
>Did I ever tell you about the time I drowned a bunch of horses Clark? I could them screaming all night. Then I had cake. I hope that helps.
>T-thanks dad.

Why hello there lawyer, what would be the charges faced if someone were to sneak into WB headquarters and leak a hypothetical Snyder cut to the Internet?

he was supposed to be resurrected by steppenwolf as thee vanguard of apokilips and fight the justice league until cyborg shut down the motherboxes hold over him

>soy boy with daddy issues

if you do it anonymously nothing, the nly factor here is that how do even get access to that footage and whether you've left any footprints that could trace back to you, basically you have to make it look like someone else, it's doable

>I fail

you sure do lmao!

Its breech of contract, friend.

>believing some random website

>calling Superman a soyboy

You're crusin for a brusin marvel kid.

virgin detected.




>Zack takes his time with telling the stories, and I’ve always liked that about his movies.

this is like appreciating michael vick for housing lots of dogs

Just give us Supes without the horrid CG upper lip WB.

WB will never release a Zack Snyder cut.

They would need to do all the post production work for the Snyder scenes, including millions of dollars worth of CGI work. Will never happen.

Whedon is the future for DCEU. Enjoy it.



>“Zack takes his time with telling the stories
all of them terrible.

I'd imagine it has some future. A rebooted, probably much smaller scale future, but one nonetheless.

At the very least they'll have to downscale from the 20+ movies they had planned fucking christ.

Why do Snyder's critics ALWAYS expose themselves as brainlets?

Wow. We could have had another cinematic masterpiece like BvS but thanks to that hack Whedon we will never see that artistic triumph.

He looks like he has aids.

What can WB do to remedy this situation? Surely the backlash can't be ignored now it's in the news all the time AND costing them money.

Are they seriously just going to ignore it and carry on?

Scaling down the budgets would go a long way to "fixing" the DCEU desu. It's a much less bitter pill for them to swallow when their $130m capeshit makes $700 worldwide than when their $300 makes it. If there's more room for profit and less room for loss executive meddling would surely die down a bit

>If there's more room for profit and less room for loss executive meddling would surely die down a bit

>executive meddling would die down a bit
I don't see that happening regardless of their budget. Executives are retards and think they know how things work, and the DC films don't have any directors with enough pull to tell them to fuck off and let them do their job.

The DCEU superman is pretty soy infused.

Everyone gives Snyder shit (Ok LEx Luthor Ill give ya) but this would have been some true to the comics shit. From the Death of Superman comics. Its ok though because history will look back and find the snyderverse much more artful than Marvels quipathon.


Honestly, I think the DC universe is fucked. Superman is uncharismatic. The Flash is a spergy dork. Wonder woman is ok...fine, but not great. We have seen Batman so many times that it's tiring at this point. Cyborg has Zero personality. Aquaman is kind of cool but sort of pointless.

If they want to reboot this dc capeshit stuff they should scrap everything and start fresh with something with hawkgirl or Harley Quin and make it comedic sort of like deadpool, directed by someone like Tarantino or something, with Snyder helping just for the action sequences and nothing else. It can be very dark but it just needs to be also kind of fun and not like a funeral. Like that movie from dusk till dawn.

The overall MCU is going to collapse right after IW. Almost everyone is probably leaving or getting too old to play the roles at this point and the films are getting too formulaic and I think even drooling normies are going to see more of the same as boring. They will need to reboot that series anyway down the road.

I don't really care where this stuff goes but the DC cinematic universe is basically a train wreck. They need to reboot it movie by movie. If one plot doesn't work try another until it does. You can't just throw a bunch of untested, sloppy, ill-thought out cargo-cult lazy shit together.

Marvel's mediocrity does not excuse the DCEU's total beshittedness.

Appropriate for someone who just came back from the dead.

>and make it comedic

The ultimate way to reboot the DCEU would be kingdom come, except the DCEU's current universe is the universe full of shithead/moron versions of another universe's competent and decent heroes.

>wonder woman is okay


>he thinks that that's how breach of contract works

It is literally proven to be exactly how it works.

>josh trank

my moobies will be artistic in the footure than these other moobies

>Tfw you could have made Justice League great, done justice to Snyder's grand vision while still faithfully presenting the proud, heroic tone of the characters and all they embody
>You got vetoed and the project was handed to Joss Whedon instead because they thought Avengers was a repeatable success and not a miracle in spite of Whedon's efforts.
I'm sorry, capefags. I tried. I really tried.

It still fucking pisses me off how much WB fucked over DCEU and Snyder with their corporate meddling. They already had a great base with MoS and if they just took the time to build their universe instead of hurriedly catching up with Marvel we could have a great DCEU.

There really is no fucking point to watch any DCEU film. Why even bother when you'll just be seeing the same marvelized shit anyway? I don't go to McDonalds to eat some KFC, I go to Mcdonalds because I want to eat Mcdonalds.

Fucking WB

I feel only anger

>The overall MCU is going to collapse right after IW.

People have been saying the MCU was going to collapse ever since Civil War.

there was never a black suit

Source: i worked on the fucking movie

>remove superman dark suit plot
>replace it with "superman saves the day" plot
>remove every single one of Cyborg's character development scenes
>put the flashback war scene in the middle of the movie
>shorten it and remove the Amazons killing themselves before becoming parademons, Steppenwulf killing a few old gods, make it generally shorter
>cut the whole movie down to around an hour of Snyder's footage, then bloat it up with Whedon reshoots and quips

I hope WB collapses at this point, they're just as cancerous as Disney

>teased a black suit
aka took a monochrome photo of a non-monochrome suit

People have been saying the MCU was going to collapse ever since Avengers 1

I feel like fans of MoS and BvS would feel completely alienated at this point.


I have been alienated
t. fan of MoS and BvS
I don't give that much of a shit though, I simply never watched wonder woman nor JL. I've seen suicide squad and that movie was just a mess cobbled together in editing to accomodate reshoots, I'm assuming JL is the same

well that scene certainly flew over your head, didn't it?