
Worf's injured honour version

First for cute popes

whats up with her neck?

She looks german, just sayin'

She can bless my wafers if yu know what I mean.


I can't decide if I'll be sadder for Shatner's death or Clint Eastwood

Dukat cummies lengthen the neck

resis iz futty
u wio bee asimilat


get it together, user

Miles, I'm not angry...


i like the fan theory O'Brien and Keiko were both section 31 undercover and their whole marriage was a sham


So Molly was born of a loveless sham marriage, or they faked it somehow?

Keiko was a botanist and Miles an engineer. a match made in heaven, had roddenberry not disallowed heaven

yes it happens more often than you think
keiko developed the poison that affected the changelings and O'Brien infected Odo with it


Why is Keiko so bad at laundry, and why does it anger Miles so much?

Bashir ccked by obrien in that jem hadar episode with the one who didnt need white

So who are the Jews again? Bajorans or the Ferengi?

I will not sit at the same table with that!

I want Tilly's milky white tits to brush past my nose as she giggles and teases me

*blocks your path*

>its a dax talks about being a man before episode

My finger, his bellybutton.


Fuqq, merry,qill?

DS9 on bluray when?

I'm not to sure user. Something about it screams trap...

Liefield-tier foreshortening on Trois hand

fuck and merry troy, kill the others

Fuck Troi
Marry Beverly (and make sure she never has kids unless you want a Wesley 2.0)
Kill Ro (never trust a Bajoran)

Watcing ds9 ep: "indescretion" about kira nd dukat growing closer thru common understanding and a shared eperience of empathy and trust.

Should be called Gossip.

Miles, we need to talk...
*picks at food*

is that the one where Kira bends Dukat over and fucks him up the ass? or am I remembering it incorrectly?

thats the 1
u have a good ass memory, user

Feel sorry for Worf, what with his eyedisease and all

This guy comes up to you and slaps your ass. What do?

his disease enables him to track multiple enemies, that's why is an excellent security member

Ill just scuttle myself sir.

c-computer, end program. END PROGRAM!

so, the cardassians are the germans, the ferengi are the jews and the federation are the EU but who's the US?

Does it surprise anyone that Paramount hasn't tried to make any movies centered around the pre-federation Earth?

Mr. Klingon, report!

The Feds are the UN, desu. An evolution of it, at least.

Here's a preview, it's due stardate fucking never

I guess no bras is a 24th century thing

u tease

it's amazing going from the clarity and easily seen level of detail of TNG to the hazyness and relative darkness of DS9. Pity it wasn't more popular, it really does deserve a HD update.

Never. People don't care about DS9 enough for it to happen, and physical media is dead except to die-hard geeks.

Captain I recommend we raise our shields immediately


God damn, I wish it existed. I just started my DS9 rewatch, and just finished watching TNG on bluray, now I'm spoiled.

worf was the best tng character after picard and data, prove me wrong

Do you have the helm or Ops /trek/?

Got to be honest, that looks like shit anyway. Looks like something from a video game.

just have the audio in the background while you browse the web, like i do

>physical models look like a video game

helm. i gotta go fast

welp, it's still a small; model with some cgi sprinkled on top

It was 6 feet in diameter

>24th century. worff still has a physical pic of alexander on hic table instead of just having digitally stored memories of him chipped into his brain.

no matter how detailed, it's still a prop, it won't start looking much better in 4k or 8k or something
if there are some real actors, locations - then we can judge the quality of video objectively

>24th century. all the scientists, artists and leaders we consider great today is still considered great in the future instead of being at least in part replaced by new personalities.

the shape of DS9 makes no sense. it should be ad-hoc and caothic looking since no consideration needs to be taken as regards gravity.

I mean, we still think da Vinci was one the greatest artists to ever live and he died almost 500 years ago. I don't see that changing in 300 more years, really.

he still gets praise for drawing a helicopter that couldt fly and a "tank" that would get stuck on the first hurdle.

wasn't he more famous for studying the anatomy of the human body?

>come up with very futuristic ideas that in your time were unheard of and unfortunately, a bit to early due to the technological level to test through trial and error so you could update your ideas and fix whatever wasn't working
>500 years later some faggot on a Mongolian throat singing forum calls your ideas shit

>did you know da vinci designed the first helicopter?

shows image of wooden box with spiral-shaped umbrella on top.

There was a woman who had the hots for Picard but Picard kept insisting he was boring. Can someone find that woman? She is my trek waifu.

It's not Vash is it?


That's really creepy

So i just saw that episode where the crew turns into lolis. Fucking Miles....

No she had dots on her shoulder or something. I'm trying to find the episode.

Oh right. That from The Perfect Mate.

>Worf's injured honor edition
>77 posts
>no barrel
It's like you guys aren't even fans omg



So what would STO look like if Perpetual didnt go down??

Wait a sec.. Is that Famke Janssen?!

The hot Xenomorph.

umm worf won in the end


fug, forgot pic

Jean.. please

the barrel is obviously a changeling doing early reconnaissance of the federation while posing as a Tal Shiar double agent who is working for the Duras sisters to hijack federation technology located in the hangar
Worf was made into the opportunistic target after he was spotted and the changeling morphed into the probe which stopped transmitting next episode. the changeling went back to romulus to the safety of the tal shiar where it earned a promotion to colonel from its star fleet intel for its impersonator Lovok while not garnering the reward from the Duras sisters because of Worf's recovery

deepest lore

Okay /trek/, let's see what we got here...
>Louise Fletcher when she was young post (he found his new waifu)
>Data poster
It's the same tired old one too
>fatborg poster
That's trekkie223, right?
Passive aggressive Keiko post
>racist Miles post
The odd theorycraft, I like this one user
>this fucking queer
It's like her being fuckable is forced, I get it, she looks like an attainable 7 you still can't get with user
A Dukatpost, but not THE Dukatpost
>>its a dax talks about being a man before episode
This guy
Rikerlover, good to see you
Fuck Bev, kill Troi, Marry Laren
More Keiko is a bitch posting
>That one user who posts about Worf's eyes
Anti-fat Rikerposter with the jacked Rikerpost
That's new, I think it has potential
>prove me wrong
He was a shit father and a Klingaboo, basically a black kid adopted by white people who stopped talking to them after college and acted like a hardcore gangbanger even though he had a good job in middle management
An MSpaintpost. I think there's quite a few anons who do this because I've done one myself
Say what you will about the Cardassians, they were an attractive people and built attractive space stations

Never change, /trek/

>So i just saw that episode where the crew turns into lolis. Fucking Miles...
He had his ONE FUCKING CHANCE, his one, golden opportunity, a gold pressed latinum opportunity to "DIVORCE KEIKO" and he didn't take it.
What the fuck was his problem?

I'll add a "Will a future series explore the connection between the Caretaker and Armus?" post.

>not having reg barclay guarding her.
what was picard thinking?

Reminder that the new movies are canon and the Beastie Boys are part of the accepted universe.

>Get rid of the Android!

>only 3 of those posts are mine
I'll say 'all me' anyways. also nice autism, but I'm in a good mood, so I'm saying it fondly.


but not the prime timeline, so who cares