I can buy they didn't use the world engine on their colonies, the one we saw had no atmosphere...

I can buy they didn't use the world engine on their colonies, the one we saw had no atmosphere. But why didn't they choose Venus instead? It's right next door and has the same size and gravity as Earth

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it's pretty hot on venus bruh

>it's an op starts a thread and doesn't give the name of the show or movie

What about all those Earth-like planets that are bigger than earth.

That's why you terraform it with the world engine

Or, Kryptonform it

yeah let me just terraform the sun back a bit plus only one planet had Kal-El on it.

Because then the film wouldn't have had a plot.

>terraform the sun

Did you just fly in from stupid town?


That was sarcasm you dolt. Look at what I was replying to

I'm pretty sure the Kryptonians would not mind a little bit of extra sun.

He was talking about Venus. Not the sun.

Fucking satan worshipers and their morning star fetish

do you know how close Venus is to the sun? you fuck

They are already on earth why leave ?
Also evidently kryptonian "terraforming" sucks seeeing as all their colonies died

>he thinks the distance of venus is what gives it heat

it's the thicc atmosphere and green house gases that traps the heat. Mercury is closer and isn't as hot as Venus

Well there's a Kryptonian defending Earth. No random Kryptionian Jesus on Mars or Venus.

lol they still post this thread up.... pay attention to the movie you adhd smartphone addled fuck

t. old fuck

There's plenty of moons they could have terraformed.

The terraforming plot was just "blue beam in the sky" horseshit, probably demanded by the studio execs and gladly peddled by Hack Snyder.

>give us the codex
>i dont have it
>we ran your blood, its in your dna
>cool if we extract it, take the world engine to mars and save our race?
>of course, no problem.

>ITT people trying to make sense of a Nolan & Goyer script

good fucking luck guys

>Lets turn a planet where we can fly, shoot lasers out of our eyes and have super strength into a hellish wasteland because of muh Krypton - the movie

even that doesnt work. venus is closer to the sun, they'd be even more powerful there than earth.

there was zero reason at all to fuck with earth.

There's no evidence given in the film that the kryptonians are capable of terraforming just any planet. In fact all elements point to terraforming candidates being extremely rare. From Jor-El and Zod's stories, we know that:

1) The Kryptonians did not have a second Krypton-like planet to evacuate too
2) There was no Krypton-like planet with a large population of Kryptonians that were unaffected by Krypton blowing up (the destruction of Krypton in fact killed nearly all living Kryptonians)
3) The colonial outposts of Krypton that Zod sought out were all small and dependent on aid and supplies from the Krypton home-planet

What reason would there be for all 3 of these facts, IF terraforming was easy and terraforming candidates were plentiful? We are clearly told that during Krypton's era of space exploration, thousands of scout ships were sent out, looking for viable worlds to settle upon. Yet nothing was found that was capable of anything more than supporting small colonial outposts. If terraforming could be done on any planet or any moon, why not have done it already?

Both Venus and Mars are in the habitable zone, the only reason why they aren't habitable being the atmosphere (venus) and the lack thereof (mars).

Really shouldn't have been an issue . So there's that

Maybe because Venus has a molten surface?

dude, don't waste your time, it's not worth the aggravation

Because they needed the codex.

Jor'El explains in the beginning how the whole solar system is a good place to send Kal.

Right, Zod needed the codex to make newborn Kryptonians, but the Krypton civilization had free access to the codex, and during its exploration phase they still used natural births anyway.

>Jor'El explains in the beginning how the whole solar system is a good place to send Kal.

No, he doesn't, he only talks about Earth specifically.

Venus is not that much closer to the Sun than Earth. You could get it to have a fairly similar climate with the right approach. It's the greenhouse effect, not the solar radiation, that's the problem.

>civilization with large space ships
>can't just live in space

They would run out of supplies

We could literally have colonies on venus right now if we really wanted to. It's not nearly close enough to the Sun to pose any fundamental problem. Rather, it's the other shit like the sulfuric acid turbo-greenhouse atmosphere that can crush a submarine at "sea level" and keeps the temperatures high enough to melt lead.

With BvS technology - which can break thermodynamics and is therefore basically magic - terraforming Venus is trivial. Then again, no civilization that advanced would bother with terraforming since they can just build their own, superior, planets with many livable layers.

>be earth
>be in space
>don't run out of supplies

Everything they could need they could produce on a large ship. Especially with their magic technology.


>Because they needed the codex.
You're an inbred.

Manos Teal

Do you even know what board you are in?

hold on a minute
aren't there polar bears in MOS too?

Because Zod was butthurt as fuck wanted to get back at Jor-El.


this literally who peter sounds pretty based

2) Zod is looking for revenge as well
3) the atmosphere on Venus is corrosive as fuck and would cause massive damage to it

it's still outside the habitable zone so liquid water couldn't exist there even without the thick atmosphere