I almost fell asleep on this shit.
I almost fell asleep on this shit
weak meme
It was pretty entertaining to watch in cinemas, but it wasn't anything special and my memory of the movie itself is pretty blurry. Watching this on DVD without a home cinema system is probably shit.
yeah watched it in bed with pizza
kinda upset i wasted pizza, i heard it was a flim that you had to go to the cinema to see but im not sitting in bed bug heaven
marathoned the first 20 minutes
not coming back to it
BOOORING! says the guy that would be shitting himself and crying for his mommy if he was there
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.
KYS Pirate nigger.
unironically a great film
Shit movie, it was no hacksaw ridge that's for sure
>Watching this on DVD without a home cinema system is probably shit.
imagine being a person who actually believes such things
you've got to make it less obvious imo
yeah where were the scenes like this?
Thank god it's no americanised war glorifying "WE THE BEST LET'S KILL ALL THE EBIL NAZIS/GOOKS SO HEROIC SO VICTORIOUS" shootout gorefest war flicks filled with fake empathy/sentimentality and shoved sappy love stories about sweethearts waiting at home, we've had enough of those.
Not even call of duty is this cheesy
Reminder that there are people on this board who unironically thought this was a masterpiece
but that literally happened
It was different from the average war movie and that kept me awake
>it was real in my mind
Can 2000 kg airplanes glide at low altitude for minutes without fuel?
Also, who the fuck was the sound designer? My eardrums would like a word with him or her.
What if a grand piano fell on someone's head right then and there in real life? Should you put it in the film because it "literally happened"?
>Can 2000 kg airplanes glide at low altitude for minutes without fuel?
I believe the Spitfires could glide for many miles
Also I think the editing made it look like it was flying forever
I had three beers to drink for the duration of the film. When it was over I wasn't even half way through the first one. Once the pace picks up it really get you going.
All the faggots hating on this movie probably think they're some rambo. Fuck you, this is definitely the best war movie I've ever seen. Sure, the bomb explosions were too small and the plane combat was dumbed the fuck down, but it's a great war movie nonetheless.
>Can 2000 kg airplanes glide at low altitude for minutes without fuel?
Yes ofcourse, if it obtains enough altitude and speed before it loses it's fuel.
>Also, who the fuck was the sound designer? My eardrums would like a word with him or her.
Oscar winning sound editor Richard King. And he's going to get an another Oscar for Dunkirk
>Sure, the bomb explosions were too smal
yeah, shame he had to keep the film pg-13 for all the marvelkiddies when they're not going to like the film anyway
gotta pay the bills somehow i guess
thought I was the only one since Sup Forums has been shilling this shitty movie for days now.
Seriously, shit movie
yes? would be kino
Copying and pasting from another user, but it succinctly captures what's wrong with Dunkirk
Nolan should've learned from SPR how to do war films. Everyone I've met recognizes that SPR only becomes emotionally investing once we learn about the squad, hear their backstories, family, sense of hour. Most people agree that they felt nothing during the beach part, because it's just mindless violence that I'm supposed to care about for some reason, yet the knife scene with Mellish is horrifying.
TL;DR: nobody cares about nameless grunts getting blown to bits. You need characters to make a movie, not soldiers.
How was it different? Not disagreeing, i really want to know.
>yeah, shame he had to keep the film pg-13
Man that was kinda jarring
I know it's Nolan and he doesn't like showing bullet wounds but this was a war film
I wasn't expecting Hacksaw Ridge tier comical gore but there were soldiers lying dead on the beach from the bombs and gunfire that weren't even bloody
It was loud
You obviously didn't get it. The whole point was that the soldiers were dazed, disoriented, lost, desperate. There was no identity, no cause, no purpose, they were just a bunch of young lads who had no clue how and why they had ended up on this beach, waiting for boats. There's no past, no future, just a frantic struggle for survival in the moment. You're trying to make it into an entirely different story.
Copying and pasting from another user, but it succinctly captures what's wrong with your retarded post.
Do you need a whole backstory for every character first to care about him? Are you so used to capeshit garbage that you first need an entire origin movie for the character setup to care about a person?
Is it not enough to show how Rylance is a compassionate stoic old man who lost his son in the first two weeks of the war enough to care about him? Is it not enough to show a brave pilot continuously sacrificing himself for his fellow countrymen to care about him? To feel sorry for a group of at last saved barely 18 year old soldiers who suddenly get torpedoed the fuck out of?
What did you want, a scene around a campfire where they all talk about their sweethearts waiting at home? Tom Hardy sipping tea and jerking off to dear Ol' Marge in the airbase? A scene of some old generals in a boardroom arguing while staring at a map? You mention SPR but Dunkirk wasn't about that fake empathy/sentimentality, it was about being thrown into the event itself.
Characters are made by action, not just reciting lines about their backstory. The portrayed situations alone should be enough for you to be attached to the person on-screen if you're not a full blown turboautist.
yeah, at some point I legitimately asked myself "did those guys faint?". Luckily there very few instances of this, and a lot of scenes were able to be pretty terrifying without needing to show much (drowning scene, burning oil in water scene)
thank you for your service
This would be Dunkirk if it was the usual war flick.
1. Backstory: MC should have his father killed in WWI while his mother, brother and Skippy the dog have terminal cancer.
2. Clear villains: a German Nazi with monocle and Austrian accent should be cackling and rubbing his hands all the time while kicking dogs and executing cancer patients.
3. Love interest: a blonde French girl with DD tits and sexy English accent should have graphic sex with MC but then dies by Stuka
4. Fatherly Seargent: worldly non-com with cancer ridden prostitute wife with a heart of gold, who took MC under his wing but dies by Stuka.
5. Unhistorical inclusion of Yank Mustangs and Battleships against German jet fighters
6. Gasoline explosions and laser-looking tracers
7. Scenes of British citizens jumping and hollering while waving flags and not queueing.
8. Mid bombing quips and jokes for "comic relief"
9. Exposition by scrolling text during opening scene which copy pasted the entire wikipedia article on the battle of Dunkirk.
That's because the story as it stands isn't worth telling and doesn't incite pride in British heroism.
kek'd hard
Not him but for starters it was based on a retreat, often called the biggest disasters of the British military. There aren't many war movies based on a non-victorious campaign.
The enemies are totally faceless. I believe you don't even hear or see a single German in the entire film, which is quite a unique aspect in a war movie.
The narrative is non-linear but meshes together at points to let you know how the story is being played out across three different theaters of the operation, instead of going the traditional way of the higher ups explaining what's going on on a map and soldiers then being deployed. Most of the film is also told visually and the closes thing to traditional exposition is Branagh's character.
t. ameriburger
What about letters from jap island or whatever it was called?
That's completely normal. Dunkirk is a real nice and clean pleb filter. Consider yourself filtered, pleb. Kys faggot.
Pretty sure they showed Americans in that one
what are you even trying to imply, you fucking retard?
Dunkirk is not a traditional war film about a squad of soldiers overcoming obstacles and becoming better men in the process. It's a war film about a routed, destroyed army fending for its life trying to get home.
I bet you think Xenophon's Anabasis is shit because Cyrus gets killed by some random javelin thrower and 80% of the story is spent running from random mountain goatfuckers.
thanks, i might pirate it now. wasn't sure if it was worth my time.
even SPR had comically evil nazis.
from what i've been seeing so far, dunkirk might be the first movie where the chaotic nature of war is truly shown, without bias or exaggerated heroism.
Best thing is, it pleb filtered Nolan's core audience. All the things that detractors say are missing from the film are the very same tired writing crutches that cheapened his earlier works.
Nolan is a hack and most of his shit sucks. This had several of his typical shit editing and logical fallacies but it actually was a good war film. The constant music really pissed me off though.
>without bias or exaggerated heroism
lol tard
I don't often call films pleb filters, but this is definitely one. Butthurt amerimutts can't comprehend that they're not watching rambo 3. It's a fundamentally different film for a fundamentally different kind of battle. And it's gonna be up there with classics like Zulu.
How does Rylance always so effortlesly give such great lowkey performances?
He's your typical stoic British uncle
what's your problem?
i haven't watched the fucking movie
funny thing, I saw this in a theatre that served alcohol and the frat guy next to me actually did fall asleep multiple times and would suddenly come to at the sounds of gunfire and take another drink from his beer
>exaggerated heroism
besides the big guy, there really isn't any
even the big guy's glide kill is not too bad, just slightly jarring
>good war film
umm no sweetie, that would require warfare to be depicted instead of muh human struggle for survival against insurmountable odds
So you think war is only flying limbs and guts falling out with thousands of bullets flying left and right? Got it.
that's what warfare is, especially for the losing side
Dunkirk is basically a British version of pic related, except with a happy ending. Would a movie depicting this show very much shooting?
ya dats what happen in muh vidya
war, no.
a war film, a specific genre of movie with established precedents, yes.
lol the highway of death is the exact opposite of dunkirk. even michael bay couldn't squeeze enough explosions into that shit to accurately depict the carnage.
>a specific genre of movie with established precedents
Jesus Christ, can you get more pleb than this?
epin shitpost my man, it perhaps one of the greatest WW2 kinos ever produced
>War film is a film genre concerned with warfare, typically about naval, air, or land battles, with combat scenes central to the drama.
>with combat scenes central to the drama
>combat scenes
kys tard
>being this obtuse
Imagine having to show it from an Iraqi perspective. How much of it would be action scenes and how much would be "muh human struggle for survival against insurmountable odds"?
Amerishits haven't had to fight a superior enemy in far too long. You literally can't comperehend warfare as anything other than a shoot 'em up game.
>>combat scenes
>retreating troops getting bombed
>ships getting sunk
>air combat
There's plenty of combat. Just because you can't fight back doesn't mean it's not war.
Mel Gibson needs to direct Blood Meridian
>Amerimals don't like such a great actor and character.
His entire lower half is missing as well as some of his organs. That's probably seventy pounds off right there. But what about the blood? Well with half his body missing, we can assume a significant amount has run out of him. The typical human has around 5 liters of blood in their body. Assuming he has lost around 4 liters of blood (and probably more), that's another 9 pounds. The body isn't big, probably only weighed 150 pounds at the most. 150 minus 80 would be 70 pounds. Some people can bicep curl up to 90 pounds, and while the character isn't a body-builder, he's certainly a big guy. Couple that with all the adrenaline, it is perfectly feasible that he would have been able to lift the body one-handed and move with it. As for the number of rounds he fires, I count 19. Considering that many rifle magazines held up to 20 rounds, this number of shots is reasonable. The only thing in this scene that is suspect is his accuracy in hipfiring a rifle one-handed.
Fucking Yanks lmao.
i was thanking you for educating dummies on here
what a beautiful display of turboautism my dude
He didn't have a soliloquy about how seeing Collins' plane crash brought back the pain from losing his oldest boy so why should I care lol he's just an old man. That sniper from Shaving Ryan's Privates was a total badass and would've made this film 10x better especially if he was the guy shooting at the Stuka in the beginning and he actually killed the pilot that would've been epic af. Add some humanity to this borefest.
For you.
>being this autistic
>but not realizing that a human shield would be useless against most rifle rounds
It's interesting how british people cannot dislike """"big"""" british movies. Despite what everyone claims, every single movie made by Nolan or Boyle is a must-like masterpiece
So what irrelevant film making country are you from then, sweetheart?
What does that got to do with the fact that brits have a huge hard on for every single movie they make, Pajeet?
i watched in 70 mm in the front rows and it blew my mind.
based big guy
>taken prisoner like a man
>probably tortured to death
>do what you must krauts, I've already won
>probably died with a straight face
>""""big"""" british movies.
Christopher Nolan holds American citizenship :^)
Brits are making pure kino, better than anyone in Europe at the moment. Best deal with it, nerd.
I did not know that, considering where his movies are made and all, that kind of makes them american made films.
>Sup Forums
>Contrarians United
He's British, and he often uses his own production company - which is British too.
>He's British
For you
Nigga died after banging his head wtf
At least he was usefu-
Even if the movie was directed by Bravo Nolan, the meme master himself.
I can not help but praise how sincere and well made was this movie, I could not fucking tell what was CGI and what not, beautiful execution.
I'm ashamed I did not went to see this in cinema
Fuck me, it was Kino
>I could not fucking tell what was CGI and what not
Literally zero CGI
But you're a brit on wednesday night on Sup Forums, the chances are your opinions and choices might be questionable and biased
bullshit, not even the plane scenes?
There was some visual effects work, but yeah most of it is entirely based on practicals or pure practicals themselves.
>it's a glorified movie about british in the war during their greatest moment
>it is the biggest retreat ever known after getting their asses kicked
I understand that brits fought in the war but come on now
eat shit amerimutt
it was kino
Haters gonna hate.