How could Rick have memories of Baby Morty if he left for 20 years?
How could Rick have memories of Baby Morty if he left for 20 years?
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it was a different morty
to be fair...
That Beth's Rick left. That Beth's Rick is likely dead and our Rick came to replace him. He has memories of holding that morty.
what ep is this from? my high iq friend wants to know
you got no szechuan sauce?
Well to be fair, you need to have a fairly...
get this trash outta here
king of the hill is the o key cartoon worth posting about
Citadel of Ricks
>ib we maek nother dimenshuns den we can right whateber we wunt
>vewy intelligebmt carboon
le contrarian post haha idiots for liking a cartoon
Why are people on this board so insecure?
You can enjoy something reddit enjoys too
t. Soyboy
I base pretty much all my opinions on whether or not reddit agrees with it or not.
Probably a morty from a different reality
You're talking to a brick wall here. Might as well let the meme spewing mongoloids have their fun.
No you fucking can't, take that back right now you reddit-loving niggerfaggot
Get out. I mean it. Just leave. This is not a place that wants people like you.
I've got an *burp* idea m-m-morty. We're gonna do that thing they did on the show- that show *burp* Dexters Lab Morty!
What can we as a board do to keep these soyboys in check?
Ahh geez Rick, like, isn't that plagiarism?
Never forget
SoyBoy is a Reddit based term, cuck
Fuck net neutrality
Not only fake, a rip off of the WOW freakout kid.
That's obviously Evil Morty he's holding.
What's a "bugman"?
> A Rick and Morty Fan
How is getting married a soyboy thing?
Medium rare bait.
NONE of you understand the unique balance of intellectual and subtle surreal humor that Rick and Morty provides.
IF you had any understanding of advanced story telling, such an inconsistency would not be viewed as such.
Stop staring at the screen and start watching, for once.
Sup Forums hates Rick & Morty for being Reddit but then loses their shit over how great IASIP is even though it's pretty much as popular on Reddit as Rick & Morty is
but i need muh toons
Not to shill this show but Rick is smart. If you saw a memory that couldn't happen it's because he wanted you to. He's altered and created memories before.
>"If you think my Rick is dead, he's alive, and if you think you're safe, he's coming for you!"
This is what makes me believe there's a Rick behind President Morty.
Season 3 was mediocre, but the 7th episode (the citadel one) was one of the best episodes in cartoon history. Even my cousin who hates Rick and Morty agrees.
One of the best, not the best.