I'm very proud that I have no idea who anyone was in this video
I'm very proud that I have no idea who anyone was in this video
What a vibrant group of individuals
I don't even know who is in your image.
There's an entire generation of kids growing up watching these youtube e-celebs and nothing else, they don't even watch tv, just youtube. This is the future, tv will eventually die because of it.
Funny how their biggest star, pewdiepie is no where to be seen there
ksi has gotten fat as fuck
I recognise the autism spinner and the ugly jewish e-celeb that is successful for seemingly doing nothing
yeah It's very disturbing, whenever my nephew visits he just sits around watching minecraft letsplays all day on a phone
Never watched him when he was on the peak of his "career" or any other YT gamer.
But like couple of months ago I started watching couple of his new vlog type videos, and he seems like a chill dude, really like he didn't let getting bullied by the sjws, and still keeps doing the same.
Is reviewbrah in this?
>Casey Neistat
Didn't he publicly shit on YT for the whole Vegas shooting charity thing?
Why are they 90% white? Shouldn't YouTube have picked a more diverse group of channels?
i fucking hate culture and i want to kill myself
fugg I had already forgotten 'despacito'
So painfully full of non whites
Id rather kill others
Why should i die?
>they let KSI on
Why would you? This shit isn't Sup Forums related
The "rewind" features only the garbage that went on the trending tab, that if you ever dared to click is worse than reddit in the normie scale.
>modern music is so shitty they have to bring back smashmouth
That was offensively bad.
is this youtube shit really "culture"?
It must be nice to make money off doing whatever these people do. It also must suck knowing that you are famous to children only. Like you can't even go to a bar and get laid easily off of your name because know one will know who the hell you are.
the execs at youtube are so out of touch they thought Smash Mouth remixes were a new thing to 2017, same with shooting stars.
What's with all the latino shit?
They even had a news report of something that happened in England read in Spanish.
If you really didn't care you wouldn't have watched it
as said, almost everyone under the age of 15 watches YT more than any other medium
To be fair, the joke was since it was set in a grave yard, they were digging up a "dead meme"
It is for the children of Sup Forums who make threads like this
>shooting stars
i associate that song with Destiny sperging out
that fucking terrifies me
I made this kino thread and I only browse Sup Forums
sorry lol
but it was never really a "dead meme" though, it was just one that persisted and youtube finally noticed it.
it's weird they included it though because none of the featured youtubers have anything to do with memes.
It's been that way for years now as far as I knew, maybe 3 or 4.
A generation not brainwashed by propagada on tv
>looked up the video
fucking top kek, thanks user
now they can be brainwashed by propaganda on youtube
Instead they're brainwashed by propaganda on YouTube, not that big of a change
>so now they get brainwashed by the internet
same shot new smell
yeah... brainwashed by youtube instead. most of these "rolemodels" seem like vapid, image-obssessed attention whores and we have more than enough of thoe already.
Who the fuck is that front and center?? Is that a tranny?
Watching this makes me want to eradicate shitskins, and i'm not even racist.
>Tomska somehow hauled his fatass into the video
One people. One planet. Do you see what I see?
We are one people.
United in a social movement.
We are ONE people