Sup Forums themed skate deck thread

Skate or die.

does Sup Forums even skate?

>in 2017
For what purpose?
Also who cares, it's just going to be scratched up beyond recognition anyway

>being a poser
>in 2017



I don't think you know what that word means
I'd only be a poser if I was pretending to be a skater, but didn't skate

This is a thread I can get behind, though unfortunately I have nothing to offer.
Tons of people where I live longboard as a means of transportation instead of a bike.


>not living in West coast Beast coast
>not getting raped to death by taxes and blacks
>thinking people do tricks on skateboards
Hipsters and white people use mini boards and long boards everywhere. they like to show off their graphics and custom titanium trunks and eco friendly rubber tires.

Now that's the stuff. Transit and roll out.

>kick me


I feel like these should be wallpapers.

ask and thou shalt receive.


The venom one is too sick.

Skateboarding is huge atm

Why do amerifat Gen Xers think that skateboarding is dead and think that the fact that they (think) know skateboarding is dead makes them cool and in with the kids?

the Venom and Spidey ones are fucking cool

It's not Gen Xers, it's the older millennials who grew up playing Tony Hawk games and think skateboarding just died when those games did.

Some pretty sick trucks as well

>Why do amerifat Gen Xers think that skateboarding is dead and think that the fact that they (think) know skateboarding is dead makes them cool and in with the kids?

A. because we Americans determine what's cool. B. because it is, skateboarding stopped being cool the moment Bam Margera like a decade ago.

It also became even less cool when Little Wayne tried to be a skateboarder

The question was about how skateboarding is dead, not whether it's still cool.
For the record, longboarding has been the cooler thing for the past decade now.

Well, by that standard punk rock is still alive, and hair metal is still alive

Literally everything that has ever existed has some continued existence in niche groups, when people say a fad is "dead" they largely mean it isn't something anybody actually cares about in large numbers , I'm sure somewhere there is a yoyo convention too, or a pog tournament

Anyone remember the cute World Industries devil girls?