This was interesting. Why is Jim such a faggot?

This was interesting. Why is Jim such a faggot?

MK Ultra'd

it's pretentious pseudo intellectual reddit garbage if we're being honest

good post and i agree

fuck jim and his disease ridden dick

I don't care to watch this because I hate Jim Carrey.
Was is it about? Ego masturbation about how thinks he and Andy Kaufman are the greatest comedians to ever grace tinsel town?

If you made everyone laugh, would anyone take you seriously? good parts of the great comendiantes become or are by nature assholes, but the fact that people do not know how to differentiate it from the roles or only to want to disrupt the personality outside of what everybody thinks

>he thought about jims dick today

Because he's kinda dumb but people tell him his opinion matters. Just look at the entirety of the internet.

interesting for about 15 mins, too bad its like 2 hours long

He was """"method acting""""

I liked how they glossed over Lawler trying to explain that Andy was only doing a character and was genuinely nice and gentlemanly to him off camera.

I liked it
Jim is on another crazy level though. He thinks he's the Dali lama

because apparently its what Andy would have wanted

Looking forward to the Sam Hyde version of this movie that will come out in 20 years after he dies.

Seeing him on that set and on norm's show, he seems like the most annoying human being on the planet

>I saw dolphins and got possessed
>That caused me to be a complete and utter cunt to everyone around me
>But I wasn't possessed I was just really in character

Jim doesn't seem to understand that Andy and Lawler were buddies. Jerry gave Andy the stage that started his brief professional wrestling career. If not for Jerry Lawler, Andy might have never found anywhere to do his bit where he wrestles women. If you listen to interviews where Jerry talks about his experience with Jim, he says that Jim even invited him to lunch at a fancy restaurant months after they were done filming and didn't even show up.

I got the impression that was an act ala kaufman. They were acting like they didnt get along but had it arranged in advance and continued it.



Its was all an act. Lawler talks about it with stone cold on his podcast. Its on YouTube and worth a listen

Before I watched this I thought he was going crazy, glad I was wrong.

>its an "actor goes too far with a role either mentally or physically and never really recovers and is never the same" episode

>It's a "secretly oon hard drugs everyday but I have a good excuse" episode

So where can I watch man on the moon

He claimed to be method acting as Andy, but he acted all physical and hyperactive, which is Jim's comedy style. Andy was more often sort of reserved and quiet. For instance, he wouldn't, if someone were to say, "sound check," start yelling "Sound check! WOWOWLWLOW" that's much more a Jim Carey thing. Actually his performance in the actual film was like that too; more Jim's comedy style than Andy's.

Link? Because Jerry Lawler has said on many interviews that he really didn't get along with Jim.

thoughts on pic?

>be famous has-been actor
>played a famous weirdo
>be a weirdo for publicity
>still a famous has-been actor