Any chance it'll be as good as Prime Vikings?
Any chance it'll be as good as Prime Vikings?
We need more people talking bout this
I hope it's good desu but I fear it will fall flat.
its pure fiction plus that search for the holy grail illuninati secret plot
Its more fictional bullshit from the (((Hisrory))) channel
Why does this shit need to be fictionalized. The success of The Last Kingdom should prove historically accurate settings, characters, events, and behaviors are a good thing
The story doesn't pretend to be entirely real history (theres two characters even named after Arthurian knights) but they seem intent to portray the time period accurately.
I'll download it later. Is it good so far?
CG is bad and already they're white knighting much oppressed medieval jews
So they're trying to be realistic..
There will be female knights and nigger squires
Ignore the poltards its fine so far
I didn't see any in the trailer. Stop fucking bullshitting me faggot.
>it's about how the templars get defeated
No way, Jose. Knightkino hasn't arrived yet.
Not a very flattering depiction of Jews so far
nah the whole thing is about them going on a quest to recover the holy Grail
>humble farmboy peasant named Parsifal
How obvious could they have made it that he'll achieve the grail?
Any torrent links up for it yet?
I think it was supposed to air it's first ep tonight.
Hey that other Templar guy is Marcus Crassus!
Isn't the holy grail the cup of blood that Christ passed around to his disciples to drink?
If so, why do Christians think a cup made in the ancient middle east would be some golden, jewel encrusted thing and not made of clay or wood?
And if it is clay or wood, when it probably would have deteriorated by now. Kind of dumb as shit.
>8pm mst
>vikings 9pm mst
Why? What the fuck is history channel plugging during prime time hours?
I don't buy it. Not the way network television is these days.
Feels like bait.
Well, I know at least one part of Last Crusade you'll enjoy.
This show is a mess.
The idea is that having he blood of the unsullied fucking lamb fill it would preserve the materiel well enough over the centuries, and the whoever was the caretaker of the Grail was at any given time would embellish it. People 800 years ago weren't as subtle about slapping gold and ivory and gems on things, just look at the reliquary for the girl saint who was martyred for refusing to worship idols.
I posted this shit on Sup Forums too, but people at the time fully believed that the Grail was a real, physical object that could be obtained. Relics were potent symbols of holy authority on earth, and the Grail was to be the symbol of God's true authority through man.
Plate pauldrons over mail FUCKING BUGS ME.
Kinda disappointing and hard to understand what they were saying
>Any chance it'll be as good as Prime Vikings?
Vikings has been schlock throughout it's entire run though? Schlock with good visuals and interesting performances, but schlock nevertheless. I say this as someone that has continues to watch the entire series with satisfaction.
if you think its about the crusades then you're gonna have a bad time. The first epp will prob feature some crusading so establish characters etc but its actually about
The return to Europe (mainly France) and the subsequent trials and purges by the royalty during that time in an attempt to get rid of the templars because of how powerful they had gotten
Unironically just watch Kenneth Clark's Civilisation series instead of this fucking trash.
Yes, they should have been speaking old Hungarian or Low Flemish.
The Last Kingdom sucked donkey balls, though. The only decent historical drama series since I, Claudius have been produced by HBO.
Wolf Hall was 8/10.
>And if it is clay or wood, when it probably would have deteriorated by now.
Jesus was one hell of a carpenter.
>it's shit
looks like i'll just be rewatching Arn for the 10,000th time. *sigh*
The Holy Grail is a chalice-vagina metaphor to describe and conceal the bloodline of Christ you halfwit!
Or they shouldn't fucking mumble with their stoopid yuropeeing accents
>when a queer protestant murderer declares that the vessel of the Lord and Savior's blood from the cross as held by the fucking Mother of Mercy herself is just a figment of your imagination
These fuckers wouldn't recognize the Vulgate cycle if it pulled Excalibur from their ass.
I could only watch five minutes before the ugly barren sets drove me away, I didn't even pay attention to the acting.
>I use to be a Templar like you
>than I took an arrow in the knee
I hope so, reviews so far only released by complete fuckwit shitters from the likes of Salon and Vox, all of whom don't like it.
Which is a really good sign.
It's shit.
Dilly dilly!
dat DC lawsuit tho
you watched Indiana Jones
jude law?
What a shitshow this turned out to be. I'd still watch it if the lead guy at least honored his vows. Not even a proper templar.
>It wasn't even good for 10 minutes
this show is trash but i'll keep on watching it because i'm a sucker for knights and shit
Wait really, what the fuck i didn't even know it started tonight.
the CGI for the battle scenes is laughably awful. it's shit.
Why does the main character always have to be an edgy unlikable faggot. Do none of these people understand why Three Musketeers and Don Quixote have been popular for centuries? Do they think everyone needs to be fucking Macbeth to keep peoples' attention?
Right? He's not fooling anybody (except other idiots).
My review: this show SUCKS.
I was so pumped too.
He didn't fool me, and I'm an idiot. He didn't even do that right.
Off my lands Templar fucking shits.
So they're trying to get the Holy Grail onto a ship as the castle they're in is lost to the Muslims. One of the knights, who was directly responsible for the Holy Fucking Grail, see's a little girl's father pinned under a wooden beam and decides to go save him. This is with the city being so overrun that the girl and father can likely die within seconds.
>he just went to save a guy
That's some first-draft shit. You're supposed to expand that kind of thing to demonstrate more about the characters and setting than "see he's empathetic and wanted to save some dude". How they interact, what the society is like, how they feel about these relics.
I don't think I even want to start this show, it sounds like a wreck already.
Last Kingdom is insanely fictionalized
Uthred is viking era Forrest gump
Pure fiction
>do you know why Jew’s noses are so big? >Because the air is free
It was okay, still gonna tune in for the next episode though.
Mostly down to John Milius. Though like the other user said, Wolf Hall is good. Quality source to adapt from.
yes but the political backdrop is mostly correct