The Late Show with Stephen Colbert discussion thread. Jannies, you can't delete this, it's literally a fucking TV show

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert discussion thread. Jannies, you can't delete this, it's literally a fucking TV show.

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I love how even the ads for this show are like 75% drumpf shit. They literally can't hide that they have anything else to talk about.

Shut up inbred Drumpfbillies

Yes, liberals are the one that are antisocial neckbeards sweltering in their mangrease and the aut-right are the normal ones. Great post, user.

>the worst president ever involved in the biggest scandal ever
>"jeez guys can't we talk about something else? it's not like this is a big deal"

t. roastie


>>the worst president ever involved in the biggest scandal ever
[citation needed]

Yes, and I will never fuck you, nor will any other woman.

>audience starts clapping and screaming with joy
>ratings go through the roof



Trump is the worst president in American history, and the Russian scandal is the biggest scandal in American history

You don't need proof when you have feelings. And the fake news.

im actually a trap. nice going with your transphobia, legbeard. neck yourself

>you can't delete this
That sounds like a challenge...

le epic trolling!!

[citation needed]

Sorry Colbert, you ain't brainwashing me

>actually a trap
No one will ever see you as a woman. You might attract some closeted faggots who will fuck you in the ass once and never talk to you again, though. Boy, they'll be winners, too.

Actually, you're fat and disgusting so even that isn't a possibility.

women truly are the niggers of gender

Name a bigger scandal

Please show me one hilarious skit, monologue, or interview. I still want to believe he hasn't gone to complete shit since he stopped doing his character.

actually im the opposite, most men ive been with say my body is more feminine than most women theyve been with, alongside with my behavior
stop projecting and hit a treadmill, fattie :3

Given the number of threads I see on Sup Forums about him and how everyone in said threads is in a perpetual triggered state, I guess whatever the fuck he's doing on his show is working
I don't watch it

Any that actually happened. I hope your Facebook and Twitter is plastered with impeach Trump bullshit so that people can laugh at you forever. You got memed bro.

What scandal?

you dont have to watch something in order to shit on it

You're not convincing anyone and you type like a fucking retard. Here's a solution for you.

im legitimately sorry if you feel this way. me and my bf are laughing our asses off. enjoy your anime or whatever, i guess. gonna cuddle with him rn while you furiously jack your clit-like penor to BLACKED threads. cya



>p-pls no delet

what was going through his mind here?

You're LARPing harder than the rest of the polfaggots in this thread.

this is the WORST thread EVER.


I used to love Colbert. Watching old Daily Show episodes is made brighter when he appears on-screen. But ever since he left the Report, I feel like he's misuing comedy and has just essentially become a propagandist for the sake of ratings and virtue signalling. Not only that, but he has celebrities on all the time; I stopped paying attention to interviews. I remember on the Report he had an ant-focused entomologist on who talked about the sheer scale of the amount of ants on Earth. Now he has on famous roasties who wear revealing clothing on national television.

He can make me laugh, but I feel like he's trying to brainwash me, and I can't tolerate that.

>Any that actually happened.

So, you mean, the one that is currently being investigated?

Not him, but what the fuck are you on about? This website is filled to the brim with 'chicks with dicks'. Is it so hard to believe some of these faggots browse Sup Forums?

>late night host talks about the current president being a fucking retard/embarrassment/traitor/general piece of shit

Trump if the best joke in a while, you fucking alt-right losers.


AHAHAHHA!!! You mean fan fiction?
Your "news" these days is made up of scripts.

>im actually more feminine than most girls teehee
>going to go cuddle with my boyfriend now
Seems legit.

>>So, you mean, the one that is currently being investigated?

>everyone on Sup Forums has to be a bitter virgin/loner or they're fake news

This website is filled with beta soyboys-in-denial who have no place in modern society. Sup Forums in particular is filled with normal white shyfag millennials who never had the motivation to get their ass out of their computer chairs, feel like it's all too late to start now, and worst of all don't even care about television or film.

the hardest i ever laughed on Sup Forums was the night i was spamming drumpf memes

Its good, the moderates will continue to see what freaks liberals are and will vote republican next election as well


Not a le argument XD


>This website is filled with beta soyboys-in-denial who have no place in modern society
Damn bro, that's insightful AF. Definitely made me think.

>the Russian scandal is the biggest scandal in American history

Ha no. The dems won't fuck up and nominate a disaster this time, and everyone sane is looking for an alternative to Trump.

>you are so retarded that all you seen in that post was a picture. Like a 2 year old looking at a pop up book

ill assfuck you, you limpwristed soyboy piece of shit

Name a bigger one

Anybody moderate who spends a minute on the internet is already sick of conservatives.


your mother's sex tape

Literally /r/the_donad the thread
prove me wrong