How do you go from this
How do you go from this
To this?
To this
so he's obviously lying about never drinking alcohol, right?
My God. Absolutely supreme champion.
I have never seen a better looking waterfowl in my entire life.
That's a damn nice duck.
where do I sign up for the duck championship
To this
that duck must have had work done
>the twinkle in his eye when he has a response to what a guest is saying but restrains himself
To this?
That is a really high quality duck, holy shit.
Also dumb fucking thread.
>how do you go from young....
>to old?
hello duckster!
boy i tell ya i love them wiener dogs
damn, good for him; 10/10 would feed bread to at the lake
Based supreme champion!
congrats, ducker
Norm has aged like shit even within the last 5 years
Hey, he'll be laughing last when that random fat guy role comes around.
Why'd KFC go through so many actors for the colonel in such a short period of time? There were like 5 of them in the span of 6 months.
kek OP btfo by a fucking duck. heres a pity (you)
He didn't do enough drugs
he gained all that weight for a role
That was the joke
By literally physically aging 20 years.
Odd looking duck...
This immaculate duck is making me second guess my stance on bestiality.
I want to fuck that duck
I actually really like that duck.
It's called a marketing team, doughboy
I have a strong hunch the potential of free KFC fried chicken played a part in Norm deciding to take this gig.
Does he not drink anymore? He use to be a huge drunk; He spent his entire time on Billy Madison he was apparently pass-out drunk.
>never drinking
There's definitely footage of him drinking on Tom Green's House Tonight. Also the story of him getting drunk during Billy Madison that he told himself. And there was some fairly recent periscope footage of him drinking what I'm pretty sure was an alcoholic beverage. He's said in interviews that he used to drink when he was younger, there was another story of him getting black out drunk at a bar and winding up in a rehab center. It's possible that he has quit recently, though more likely I suspect what he means by "not drinking" is that he does not get drunk, or very drunk.
I think he will die soon.
And I think I will be very sad.
Where do i get a duck this good looking?
I think him saying he doesn't drink is just one of those things he says as a joke, in the same way he'll sometimes pretend to be offended, or tell a story and say someone was smoking a joint and he was watching.
he worked hard for that title
Very possible.