Is this movie a fucking joke? what the fuck is this?

is this movie a fucking joke? what the fuck is this?

Better than Godzilla 2014.

Great movie to just turn your brain off and go for a wild ride.

That cast though

The real joke is that it's the best movie released that entire year. I fucking loved Kong, it's everything a pure schlocky love letter to giant monsters should be

This unironically. I had no motivation to ever watch it but I put it on in the background while I was working. I ended up actually paying attention to it. Pretty comfy monster movie.

It's fucking great, is what it is.

It was monster kino

Its a good monster movie, youre just a massive pussy. :(

I can't remember enjoying anything else

The absolute fucking state of nu-Sup Forums

What is it with newfags that try to divert attention from their newness by calling everybody else new?

Dude, it's a giant monster movie. If you are taking it seriously, you're doing it wrong.
It's okay, you're allowed to be wrong every once in a while. Just don't make the same mistake

>the Peter Jackson one was better
Has anyone ever said this?

>Has anyone ever said this
Anyone that's above the age of 18

Any pleb over the age of 18

But the last Kong movie was nothing of the sort. I like and prefer jackson's take.

To each their own. Each had their merits, but I much preferred Skull Island. Would have been interesting to have some kind of a throw-back to Jackson's Kong, though.

Did you guys catch all the Metal Gear references?

>give me the straight outta Compton cast for my gorilla movie

Did he pay that old japanese guy for the octopus sushi?

I want to second this.
I came in expecting to see a Giant Gorilla fight some giant monsters; with human characters who were interesting enough to move the plot along, but didn't take up to much screen time with unnecessary bullshit (I'm looking at you Godzilla 2014!)

If this is what the Kaju cinematic universe is going to be like, I'm all for it. Plus it has my new hollywood Asian waifu


I loved it. Dumb shlock. That scene with the tall strider spiders thing was dope

Wait, seriously?

Yeah, it got to be over the top.
>These are my lieutenants, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo.

>Sup Forums critic pops in Kong.
>unironically goes to Sup Forums to moan "what the fuck is this"
its a monster movie you intellectual wannabe cuck.

Yeah remember when there was a snake. I think they were referencing Snake!

The boat was named gray fox but I don't know what else there might have been

yeah one of the characters flies a Hind D

HA! indeed I loved to too and am too fishing for (you)s

enjoy your ban cuck

It wasn't even a good "dumb fun" movie, only good part was john Reilly

Just unwind on your comfy couch, have some slices of Papa Johns™ and enjoy genuine monster kino, user. Do you even fun?

Worst editing I have ever seen, especially in a mainstream film. Literally a laughable amount of continuity errors just between shots, and you can tell some scenes were switched around (they reference Reilly’s dead jap friend and then later he tells them the story of his dead jap friend, etc). Absolute fucking trash from start to finish, hated it even more than I hated Godzilla 2014 and I really hated that one. The metal gear movie will be garbage, this director is the worst one working today. I would rather die than watch this abortion again

the only good thing about this shitty movie is John C. Reilly character

aside from that is a cancer fart

Isn't that only in the extended edition?

Video game shit is ruining cinema.

I began eating only boiled foods last month. Lost the appetite for pizza and anything else ever since. It does wonder for my health. You should try it.

That grape ape hes kring round here