The Superior Heaven Sent Edition
Thoughts on this classic whopix kino?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
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>doubling up on episodes
Worrying you'll run out of episode discussion, ey episode discussion cuck?
Anyone know how to get hold of this? Out of stock on Amazon and the book mega doesn't have it
Doctor Who is dead.
why. Heaven Sent was perfect as it was, why did he even try messing with ?
>implying episode op user would post whoflix
It's obviously lym again
Because he is insane and wouldn't know a good story if it ran him over in the street.
He believes it to be "one of nuwho's most flawed episodes".
I refuse to talk about Doctor Who out of spite because of your incessant whining last time
You don't have ownership over thread space and you and you made yourself look like a fool by getting mad over someone making a post about politics, even though that is what about 90% of Sup Forums is
Dark Eyes and Doom Coalition. And I say that as someone who doesn't like Doom Coalition. I never really clicked with the EDAudios.
Okay my wishlist is 2HYIJO0I43LA7
US Amazon - all items ship to Australia fine though. If anyone gets me anything it probably won't wind its way to me after Christmas (likely well after), but I'll post pics and be awfully grateful if that time comes.
Also, if someone wants to
>send a gift that's not explicitly on that persons list
like mentioned a few threads ago, go ahead, though I'm not sure that's actually possible.
I love it and think it's fantastic, I've had many clashes about it here before, admittedly due to me being brusque about it.
The suggestion of TARDIS in the Curator scene was perfect
shut up moron and read
Have you tried libgen and bookzz?
I'm triggered. This is by a long way my favourite episode, and I can understand a person having bad taste, but to chop it up, and stitch it back together into this is really driving me nuts for some reason. Jesus Christ.
>unirionically watching le wacky British man show
le wacky British WOMAN show
Fucking get it right
>lym's post is clearly shown as a new IP
Not yet it ain't
IIRC that was the only year when an enthusiastic christmas card was made
The year after that, the card was virtually empty still by christmas time
I forgot to mention last time how much I enjoyed the music during RTD's time. Moffat really didn't bring that same aural quality to the Eleventh Doctor era, but I see what people mean by Moffkino. Right from the start, Matt Smith comes roaring in and never slows down. Surprising how an actor so young can embody a character so old, but that's probably why Moffat could saddle him with silly stories for so long. Series 6 was just one big bluff that ended in such an insultingly silly way that my cheeks blush to recall it. Some solid classics, though, and The Day of the Doctor was certainly a good anniversary special (probably cost more than the budgets of the last four combined). In the end, Matt Smith was a very hyper Doctor who brought a silly charm and an ugly handsomeness to the show. But I can see why his name isn't mentioned much here now, what with him being such a wacky git and all. I think I shall like what Capaldi brings to the scene.
Yeah, starting to think there never was an e-version in the first place
Ok, first problem: the absence of color doesnt make things look better, it just makes the episode unwatchable on low light screens.
second, he treats the doctor letting the veil burn him as a problem. Except its a goddamn diamond wall and where the only thing stronger is bone. The doctor is more than likely injuring himself punching it. It makes no goddamned sense to keep injuring himself and being less effective when he can just have a new body pick up at exactly the same time the old one would.
And 3: of course room 12 doesnt reset itself, because its not an actual room in the castle, its just a fuckin doorway out. The hallway/door going into it is, sure; but just like the doctors clothes drying by the fire arent part of the castle(the first 12 to take off his clothes ran around naked and the second 12 found the clothes and so on) the clue that beyond the diamond wall is the way out and not just another part of the castle is that it doesnt reset. And if the doctors just gonna run around the goddamned castle again, how in the fuck did the first set of clothes now get there?
How is it people can be so goddamn nitpicky about plotpoints while completely missing the bigger picture?
You know docctor who has had the exact same composer for the entire new series right? Moffat and RTD have written about as much music for this show as I have.
Many showrunners don't just let a composer loose, they hash out the sort of tone they want with a show/series/season, though of course you're right literally. I'd be surprised if S5's music wasn't the result of Moff and Marigold discussing the fairytale theme though, for example.
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user requests a the Radical Doctor Lym requests Jess art.user requests art of a Ironside trying to make tea.
Post your lists!
Don't want a physical gift? Make a request for OC arts, Vocaroo holiday greeting, or something else maybe? Perhaps someone will fulfill your request!
Merry /who/mas!
Will add them to the copy pasta for the next thread.
Listen and Heaven Sent both get this treatment from some of the fans. I've seen analysis of Listen that was also just nitpicking dumb details about the plot, and not what the story was actually about. I don't like listen desu, but often feel the need to defend it because of this. Heaven Sent is a wonderful episode of Doctor Who, and is probably my favourite episode of anything. Even if there are some small plot holes, that wouldn't take away from what it achieved.
Oops ,wrong tripcode. My apologies atheists.
Well, yeah but theres a question of how much control moff or davies had, or anyone has when they're not a musician. I mean, I'm 100% sure they talked about it, I'm 99% sure gold got work prints to compose to and write music for scenes. But did anyone have any real input once pencil hit paper? Was gold told to use a john williams style and lay off the electronic instruments for 11, for example; or did moff have a generically vague idea of heroic and gold just put his ideas in there when he saw the prints? Yeah, I think its the latter. Its half the reason Marion's theme exists in the indiana jones overture despite her only being a big oart of like, 1 movie of the trilogy; Williams sticking his nose in and putting his interpretation in on a character with basically no oversight to the score.
I once read in DWM that Moff said he basically would let Murray Gold do his thing
Plenty of directors and showrunners get pretty specific with their directions, they work with composers for decades (not individual composers usually, but composers in general), and the composer's job is to translate their vision and what they want in the score. Moff might be more hands-off, sure, but if Marigold started playing the Cyberman theme every time Clara walked on screen, he'd be told to knock it off.
Iirc Moff speaks to their working relationship a bit in one of the clips before one of the Proms.
Shit my bad
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People is fucking garbage
>Can't wait to see them reunite
>But it's gonna be their last episode together
>We didn't get three seasons of lecturer Doctor, Bill and Nardole
>We got a series of post-danny Clara instead
I mad
BBC america has fucking ads during doctor who?
thats fucking hilarious, how do you seppos even deal with that?
By not watching on BBC America.
we're begrudgingly resigned to the fact that all of our media is now pretty much inseparable from the aggressive machine of capitalism.
I didn't realize y'all got it without commercials at all, though. Must be nice.
Clara is better than bill
I can't speak for anyone else but usually I just find a proxy for expats and watch on Iplayer or whatever stream /who/ recommends using that day. Barring those two options I wait for a 720p+ DL to become available for streaming which pops up 10 minutes after air, at the absolute most. I'll only watch BBCA for re-runs and if it just happens to be on whenever I'm flipping through channels. You should see the BBCA's cold open for Doctor Who if you want to see something intolerable.
Cold open for series 5*
yeah the BBC and ABC (i assume the CBC too) all have no ads since it's tax funded. benefits of our governments paying for doctor who i guess
If you watched Series 5& possibly 6, on BBCAmerica , this is what you saw before the title card and credits.
We got that in Australia too. It was shit.
I saw this on Netflix when I rewatched (am from the UK) and I was literally like what the fuck is this when I saw this.
0-skip BBCA
3-Watch live
4- Get Amazon WEB-DL by evening for archival and potential rewatch purposes
It's quite simple actually.
Oh, thank heavens I thought we suffered alone.
...well it's not tax funded here, so it makes sense it has ads
I'm surprised there are other seppos here besides Cloister. Do you get nervous when you go out in public or whatever? Like how frequently are shootings in your local area
I don't know man. How are the muslims? I know your country is infested with those monkeys.
fucking hell i think it was like this on Stan aswell, drove me fucking mad
They happen occasionally, but it's not like every time I walk out the door I'm likely to die, jackass
I'm an American. And not everyplace has constant shootings. Hell, most places don't. Don't believe the fearmongering of the news, user.
this looks like she isnt really there right?
Don't take the bait please
It does, but there's another picture in the set of the first doctor looking at her. I had assumed at first looking at some of the pictures that maybe only 12 could see her, but that doesn't seem to be the case
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People is lowkey the worst NuWho episode
>Do you get nervous when you go out in public or whatever?
I do, but it has little or nothing to do with potential gun violence. In my local area they're rare except for the occasional hunting mishaps. Where I grew up it was a little more common but really, trouble doesn't find you unless you go looking for it. Criminals shoot other criminals or it's law enforcement getting trigger happy most of the time. The innocents that fall victim to such violence are led there by stupidly or exceedingly bad luck. That being said the amount and types of firearms the average person has access too is goddamned ridiculous.
It's bland as fuck but it's not bad, I always overthink it when considering series 6, which is maybe a positive thing. Just look at the Curse of the Black Spot - literally nothing redeemable about that episode it's fucking dreadful.
This is my favourite /who/ meme, thank you for posting it
Imagine being this triggered by Sarah "middle of the road" Dollard that you have to force a copypasta meme every fucking day.
Yeah, it's been a while as well, when it was topical it was at least relevant. Now I'm just thinking to myself, "What is making this person bother in each and every thread?". Maybe I'm apathetic, but even for political stuff I do care about, it would be too much effort for me to keep posting about it on this scale.
But The Almost People has the Doctor slamming Amy against a wall and never apologising for it, then he gets triggered because no one trusts him after the incident
And then he's pretending to be retarded with the Gangers but it's apparently because he's trying to make an ethical point about the humans and Gangers being the same. Which he completely sabotages by pretending to be retarded. It's almost Twin Dilemma-tier bullshit.
>dawn french as doctor
>a fucking blob as the doctor
Not counting the Blob that 6th became
M80. Your gift has now been split into 3 packages by Amazon. Happy to see you got part 1 today :)
Another part is due Monday and the other by the 18th
The Doctor Who YouTube channel is reaching out through the community tab and is asking what kind of content people want to see on the channel. What do you want to see /who/? More Christel Dee?
More minisodes, or maybe fan audios?
First pics of Jodie on set in her costume. Courtesy of DWSR
Why'd Neo draw himself twice?
I didn't, McGanon drew "Sober Neo".
McGanon actually drew them for him. "Drunk Neo" is a meme; a while ago Neo was a bit inebriated on the stream and admitted to some stuff. Nilso has the screencaps.
How does she know what he looks like
They're in a hot, steamy, juicy relationship.
>he has to ask
It's kinda interesting to compare how Neo drew/sees himself vs how McGanon drew/sees him
McGanon sees him as being like, 1 point hotter (on the 1 to 10 scale) than he sees himself.
That's love.
Okay but what about Neo and McGanon let's psychoanalyse them more
Agreed. We talk about Doctor Who too much in this general, I want to see more based tripchad discussion.
Please, let's talk about Who.
What would be a good Christmas Special plot?
Why I got reported for my sonic avatar??
How interesting!
Just a trick of lighting
>yfw Rose got trapped in another universe
I'd like to see a Christmas Special that isn't linked to the holidays in any way, not even being set during the holidays.
Just give the production team a bigger budget than the standard episode.
The Nutcracker by ETA Hoffman
That's not a christmas episode, you idiot
Boardie out, thanks
But it could be.
>christmas episode
>no christmas
It's a bit high concept but it's a neat idea.
there is snow, it is enoug