What is the best movie about Germany?
What is the best movie about Germany?
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who is Germany Trump and should i fear him
tv yet again btfo..
Audibly keked
>tfw wanted to shit post about this but didn't know how since it upsets both sides
How could anyone in their right mind not support kebab removal?
You are legit a retarded idiot.
You Sup Forumscucks simply don't understand shit, do you?
>How could anyone in their right mind not support kebab removal?
They actually talked extensively about the mass raping, assaults, and welfare fraud that is perpetrated by new migrants to germany ON CANADIAN RADIO, and pointed out how even prior muslim migrants from 20 years back are pissed.
When Cucknada is no longer covering up, people are turning
>google capital of Israel
>tells me straight up it's Jerusalem
>Trump states "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel"
>people lose their shit
help me understand.
finally some serious world conflict
Killer Condom
all other answers incorrect
>You are legit a retarded idiot.
On the contrary, I don't think you understand anything at all.
it has quite a ring to it
>it upsets both sides
that's part of the fun lol
Enjoy having to fight and die for the next fucking 60 year for fucking Israel you stupid piece of shit.
kinski documentary
jews own google
why is jeruselum such a big deal to sandniggers? im a brainlet, i need a quick rundown
muh promised land
their warlord take a bus straight to heaven somewhere around the city
Ah yes, the wizened 15 year old is here to put people in their place. Grow up faggot.
Sup Forums fully supports Assad and his allies as well as Iran, whiny Turkroach colonies in Europe can go fuck themselves though
>help me understand.
Lots of people get triggered when palestine throws a few fire crackers at israel and israel retaliates by carpet bombing them. The left has a goofy phrase for it, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. Proportional response or measured response, some shit like that.
For some really weird fucking reason Sup Forums would rather have the sand niggers in charge of the wastelands just to get rid of the kikes. Its kind of bizarre really.
wat do
What are some movies where two sides make a truce tonight the real enemy?
>speaking for all of pol
You don’t have many friends do you
Its the biblical capital of Israel, Trump is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem which would make it a more of an unofficial capital city. The actual capital of Israel right now is Tel Aviv or however the fuck its spelled.
if you plant your seed mixed into some Chloe Moretz genetics go for it man
Muhammad went to bed one night and had a magical journey on a unicorn that took him to Jerusalem, where he ascended to heaven from the Temple Mount, met Jesus who gave him his blessing, and then went and successfully haggled with God at the behest of Moses over the number of times Muslims should pray each day.
Yes, there are 1.5 billion people who believe in what is essentially shitty fan fiction featuring the first recorded Mary Sue in history
Boy. I sure am glad Trump is draining the swamp and putting America First and definitely isn't a Ziobanker puppet angling for WW3.
is islam like one of those fanfictions with naruto fighting goku?
Fucking sandniggas, Jerusalem is Jamaican clay
The bigger shame is Jewnited States of 56% adamantly fighting for Israel.
This was pretty fun to read.
You should make some more posts to sum up other retarded shit in religious texts.
the Jews literally scammed Christians for hundreds of years to send atleast 5 armies into extremely hostile territory to try and take it failing miserably each time and resulting in thousands of dead, the hotbed of a bunch of crazy desert cults, nobody in the west should give a shit outside Jews and Muslims
>faggots here are so desperate to be contrarian trump supporters that they support the jews too
Stop before you sound stupid
Currently the state of Israel's capital is Tel Aviv due to their meme conflicts with Palestine, who technically has jurisdiction over East Jerusalem. Trump's announcement of his moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem basically confirms that the deal he'll be brokering between Israel and Palestine involves giving the entirety of Jerusalem to Israel.
She's fatter than those pictures. If you're getting a bad feeling just ignore her otherwise hit her up
>Israel isn't the best ally in the middle east
It's just sandniggers pretending Palestinians exist. Isarel has always been part of Jerusalem and always will be. I'd rather stand with a hook-nosed kike than a dirty, raping sandnigger any day. At least Jews have some good food and actors.
This has been going on since it became clear that Trump's kike son-in-law was one of the 'BEST PEOPLE' that he was going to have advise him. Sup Forums spent months pushing some meme about there being two types of Jews, 'based Zionists' and evil commie kikes who hadn't made aliyah.
shes 19, what are you gay? go eat a soul
what does germany have in common with all those shitskin countries???
Germany is a shit skin country 1/2 of those under 5 are muslim
Stay clear
even worse than field hockey girls
It's also a shitskin country.
Trump is earths president
Number of Wars Fought for Israel: 4
Number of Wars Fought for Palestine: 0
Amount of Foreign Aid to Israel Annually: $4 billion
Amount of Foreign Aid to Palestine Annually:
>stirring up the hornets nest to expose the kebabs as the butthurt faggots they are
So Germany has truly become a caliphate? They were warned
why does Trump get to decide the capital of Israel?
>Germany imports people that support Nazis and actually want to kill Jews
>Punish white people for small "crimes"
What DID they fucking mean by this?
still whiter than you are, mutt
>americans consistently sticking their noses in others affairs
absolute cocksuckers
Triumph of the Will desu.
Boy, I sure am glad by the end of his presidency the left will hate kikes as much as the rest of us.
idk, obama said he'd knock this shit off, but then libya happened
>it's only okay to buy and steal land when you aren't Jewish
he's the supreme jew lover
This. Get past the stupid title, it's actually an amazing film and snapshot of 90's German culture.
*Kebab removal and relocation from the Middle East into Europe
>mfw I actually am 1/64 German
>1/2 of those under 5 are muslim
Source on that? Even the USA has whiter birth statistics than that, so that sounds pretty crazy.
I thought Trump was going to hold off on cucking out to Israel until next year at least.
Muslims got in the way. This is 100% Muslims whining that the Jews got something.
All the land that was stolen in the Western Hemisphere was depopulated by an inadvertent spread of disease first.
Meanwhile, there are more Palestinians in the world than Jews, and the balance is actually about 50-50 in Israel itself if you include the illegally occupied territories. Israel would cease to exist tomorrow if they gave voting rights to all of them.
>us does nothing
>everyone complains
>us does something
>everyone complains