Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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the beaner, this is a retarded way to train your dog
El Perro blanco
t. soyboy
Its the owners fault for fucking up a damn lab. Ceasar is a pro.
t. caesar
the owner. if you have a dog and can't pet him when feeding him you fucked up
Someone post the webm
What's this stance called?
caesar's or the dog?
t. Beta dog owner
caesar's, of course. the dog is obviously doing an offensive stance
>Beta dog owner
redundant phrasing, true alphas own cats
What the fuck he jabs it in the neck, no wonder it was pissed
>owning a mammal
lmao all these betas ITT
Lol that dog, he thinks he's tough. It's not even a german sherpard or a rott. I'd neck chop him too, teach him some respect
>owning a cat
el cangrejo
Animals always go for the neck when they mean business. The dog understood right away.
Toxoplasma gondii literally makes you less masculine
enjoy the snake piss and shit everywhere
>not toilet training your snake
Owning a dog doesn't make you tough and owning a cat doesn't make you a feminist. What a load of bullshit
That asian kid is the dogs tag partner
it just gives you schizophrenia man
Lets see you try to tame this with low test
pro-tip: It's impossible
he only jabs it after it snarls at hims
?? It literally makes you more aggressive and reckless, it makes women sluttier. Brazil is proof.
>he doesn't even have schizophrenia
what a beta
With treats
You don't really want to encourage "alpha/beta" behavior in your dogs, it just causes them to challenge anyone who walks in the door.
its depends, what could she have done here
As they should?
You want them to challenge anyone unwelcome, not everyone
>with treats
He'll end up seeing you as his bitch in the end. You not only have to be his provider but his dominant master, his leader.
The alpha dog.
If you're only giving him treats he'll think you're weak and become protective of you instead of seeing you as the head of the household. Over-protectiveness leads to aggression toward anyone he see's can hurt you, which is everyone to an effeminate like you.
Stick to cats sweetie
t.triggered soyboy cat owner
I see you have the same folder with the same cat pics as I do.
That's how you get nigger dogs that tear the shit out of a child if they escape
dogs are just emotional support for their owners, and they are needy and obnoxious like some women. Dogs are betas and it's beta to own one because you need an emotional bond with a dumb animal.
Cats literally dgaf--they don't cry and demand attention like a woman training a beta cuck--so you have a little alpha buddy to hang out with.
>the dog whisperer is surprisingly not gay
this was the biggest shock of all
No you get dogs like that when there is no discipline, no true leader to set guidelines. The animal becomes wild with no mentorship or father. He believes he has to fend for himself because he trusts no one, not even the shitty owner. Which is understandable
Like I said, stick to cats honey
what was their fucking problem?
What the fuck is cat honey and how sticky is it anyway?
off-center control stance
You coddle your dogs like you coddle your transgender kids
You get dogs like that when you encourage alpha/beta behavior and the dog encounters someone who he hasn't decided where their position in the relationship is.
You're turning what should be your lovable companion into the dangerous animal, not dangerous to you but to everyone else
Such as a child.
If you want a guard dog, fine
Keep your nigger dog chained up good.
>that american flag
>cat doesn't run away
>thinks it can fight
Yeah. Cat's retardes alright
This is why you jab these mutts in their fucking throats.
*kicks your dog*
i'm sending some nervous energy here
Kek, fuck that spic
'bite the spic in the dick' Holly
This has made me incredibly angry. Stupid fucking bitch.
>i'mma get two pitbulls they are just misunderstood mommy will make them good
Who won in the end?
who was in the wrong here
don't watch it this ones heartbreaking
>You get dogs like that when you encourage alpha/beta behavior
You are very cowardly and illogical. You have no idea what you're talking about but still you try to shove your warped ideas into a box where it doesn't fit.
I have nothing against pacifism but yours is something totally distorted, it's something else. It's a projection of your own stupidity and lack of masculinity.
Fucking hate pitbulls. I shot one of the fuckers in the face it felt so good and yeah it attacked me first.
Seeing eye dogs are among the best trained dogs and they're trained through repetition, treats and praise.
A cat would never do this
Proof cats, = alpha
dogs = beta
True alphas aren't obsessed with constantly portraying their image as the Sup Forumsyps idea of being "alpha"
>Seeing eye dogs are among the best trained dogs and they're trained through repetition, treats and praise.
They are all selected as pups, the beta ones get rejected and the too energetic are rejected too.
are god owners in the wrong here
dogs are wh*Tes of pets
stfu bitch
B-but I thought you could just alpha them into being disciplined?
Fucking niggers.
that's some super smash bros shit right there
all dogs should be fucking killed, disgusting animals
it has a bonre lol
Dumb bitch should not have dogs, but cats are stupid as fuck. Anyone with a cat should be gassed
Most are also not hotblooded breeds. Even the ones that are aggressive by nature have had good training and a few scoldings in their life.
Who hasn't? Everyone has, how else would you learn.
This is what you don't see, you're stupid. You only see the final outcome of the discipline instilled in them. Like soldiers marching in uniform, turning simultaneously as one when a command is given. How many have been hemmed up to get to that point.. everyone of them. Some more than others but none are immune to receiving a swift boot in the rear
birbs are alpha af
Reminder: Dogs should never be aggressive over their food bowl. You should be able to take it away from the dog without it reacting aggressively.
Repetition, treats, praise.
It's all you need to train a dog.
Please don't ever own a dog, you'd probably just beat it when you get frustrated.
Giga Chicken Ready for Deployment
RIP Doggo
W-what happens in it... QQ
Is there such a thing as a Cat Whisperer?
I can't make this fucker to obey
Never own a dog
no. retards like you shouldn't try to own anything living
It's trying to bury its kill
oh my god I can't stop laughing
backwards. they are the niggers. they are pack animals
Never try to train a dog.
Your way is the laziest way and just creates shit dogs.
yeah there's some tv show about some queer who helps people with their cats, don't remember the name though
but wh*Tes are subhuman
w-w-we's all the sames unduh the feathers bruh