Why don't you guys ever talk about the shield?

Why don't you guys ever talk about the shield?

I dare you to name a show with a better ending.

The Sopranos

I mean yeah, the sopranos is GOAT. It's not really fair to compare it to anything else.

OP, stand by your fucking convictions kid.

You rolled over like a drunk slut on prom night.

Sopranos will always be my favourite show but it gets discussed here all the time. The Shield never gets it's due.

Explain the ending. What happened to Vick? They gave him immunity for how long or forever?

They gave him a 3 year contract at ICE but his immunity is forever, he can never be charged with those crimes.

We dont talk about ot much because we all generally agree its good.

Not much to talk about.

I thought he would've get arrested after 3 years. Damn, I mean I fucking love Mackey but all the shit he got away with... Poor Roney

Who was your favourite villain? I liked Armadillo and Kavanaugh.

Agreed, it also seemed a bit out of character to screw Ronnie so hard. I like to think at the end when he left he was going to break Ronnie out somehow and do their runaway plan.

I enjoyed Kavenuagh, but its hard to call him a villain. He had good motives in the beginning but got tangled up too much near the end.

Who was at fault about starting the money train? Vick or Shane? I think in the beginning Vick didn't wanted to do it, but Shane convinced him.

reminder that irl julian killed his wife and got life in prison

Pretty sure it was Vic's idea first but he was hesitant when the date got moved up. Poor Lem was conflicted the whole time.

Yeah poor Lem. I don't think he would have snitched on the guys. Shane fucked up big time

i remember watching it and i just lost interest. idk why tho, one of the last episodes i watched was when they stole a shit ton of cash

>it's a "Vic barely gets out of a jam due to a convoluted set of circumstances only to have another set of circumstances set in motion a series of events that could end the entire Strike Team's careers" episode


Absolutely based show, The Wire took most of the attention from it sadly. What was up with Dutch though? They kind of alluded to him being a psychopath but they never really did much with his character in the end

I read a theory that at the end it was dutch that actually murdered the mother and it wasn't the kid he thought was a serial killer.

>blocks your path

Nah, The Shield is better. Waltons character and acting was better too

>Dutch was getting close to this woman (the boy’s mother) for very wrong reasons. He romances her out of desperation… out of obsession. He needs to prove himself. He leads her on. Finally, he recognizes that his tendencies are wrong and he ends it after the kiss. She goes to see him at work and insults him. She threatens his masculinity in front of his friends and coworkers. She tells him to stay away from her son. Then Dutch gets those phone calls from her number, one at a time, and shows up at her house to see her again. He discovers it wasn’t her calling. It was her son, and now Dutch is not only embarrassed, but threatened. That night he uses his extensive knowledge about serial-killers to murder the woman and to pin it on her son.