Am I the only one on Sup Forums who likes Finn?
Am I the only one on Sup Forums who likes Finn?
I love Finn
I hope that nigger never gets to act again
John Boyega is a pretty good actor, he killed it in Detroit.
I like Finn as well
Finn more like Fatt
Finn is the best character in TFA, but that's not saying much. He at least has a defined character arc.
Yeah there's absolutely nothing wrong with the character.
I think I can see his manboobs
Am I the only one on Sup Forums who hates Krager?
go away tripdude [spoilers]not really don't i love you nigga[/spoilers]
My white wife absolutely loves Finn
>he killed it in Detroit
killed someone in detroit? typical nigger
Everyone hates Krager, the dude sucked his own dog off. Fucking weirdo.
its an open trip
quads of truth
no he doesn't. he goes from stormtrooper to a giddy cheerleading murderer for the rebels in no time flat. if you consider that a character arc then lay off the cartoons.
Nah. There's tons of redditors here
I can't understand you.
Ooga booga? You want banana?
Felt more like wasted potential. Only one of the new guys with a somewhat interesting background but they messed him up. Should have been the main over Rey, who was much worse
>nigger with lady hips
His character had potential to be interesting but they ruined it all by pushing him to the background so they could focus on the mary sue.
I prefer him over Rey, but I don't have strong feelings about either one way or the other.
I unironically think his thicc lower body is hnnnng
I don't think John Boyega is a particularly good actor but I like the idea of a defective storm trooper being a main focus of the new movies. Hope to see him do some undercover shit in TLJ.
he reminds me of if arnold from diff strokes actually grew up instead having that midget disease that ruined his life. he has a average black male haircut circa 1985
IGN confirmed Boyega is partially behind the robots being sped up in Pacific Rim 2 so I now hate him in everything.
I mean he goes from obeying to wanting to run away to standing and fighting against Kylo. Like I said, it's not much, but it's better than nothing.
More like Ficc amirite??
yes he looks like a pre-gangsta nigga. pre-family matters even.
finn's got some problems, but I don't any of them can be put on Boyega's shoulders.
its not his fault that his character is pushed out of focus by rey, and that his defection is a little rushed.
he gets shit on a lot for the "I'm in charge now" bit, but I put that on the writers and director. There was plently of awkward forced humor in TFA
Im eager to see what he does in TLJ, and hope he makes the best of playing second fiddle to a disgusting mary sue
No. Finn’s my nigga.
There is nothing wrong with his character even if i kinda thought TFA was a disappointment.
whoever put Oogaboyega in front of a camera lens should witness his children being raped and murdered
>wasted potential
That's the entire motherfucking movie
/r9k/ incarnate or maybe /fit/ with those SS tier lower body
He's was the only character I related to in that whole movie. He's a little too buffoonish though.
Finn is a lot better than Rey so
this. I want to see tlj only for finn/snoke and who the f is rey's pops.
Still hoping finn becomes a jedi.
Yes, John. You are.
Why would they make an ex storm trooper nothing but comic relief, probably the most interesting concept of tfa and they fucked it
He's confirmed to go under cover at some point
the biggest irony is that finn is, in a lot of ways, the jar jar of the force awakens.
like, he was supposed to be this empowered black character, but of all the main characters, rey, solo, even poe, he is by far the most incompetent and is basically the comic relief.
hes like a modern minstrel in the movie, hes never really too threatening, never kisses the girl.
i agree his arc and character are completely fucked up, and i fail to see how anyone, conservative or liberal, could be happy with how he turned out as a character.
Fucking beat me to it like Chris Brown beats women.
While I feel Finn was wasted being a goofball, I think the idea was you spend the entire film before Han gets on screen with Rey and Finn and someone had to be funny, and they double downed and over did it with Finn.
>he a nigger i hate niggers! get off my screen niggers
I wish we got a Rodian or Duros instead
He's a shit actor
>that blatant gut-suck
He will be forgotten after start wars.
He was an interesting character concept completely wasted.
>am I the only one who likes (x)
Yeah. You are the only one out of millions.
Fuck off nigger
I think the movie would have been better if it centered around him. No Jedi powers, just a Stormtrooper with a lot of luck.
stop posting this brother and sister ok
I like finn
There's at least some implications about his force, so why not make it a story about Stormtrooper who finds out he's going to be a Jedi?
I'd cast someone who's less of an eyesore, though. He's painful to look at.
who the hell puts their hand out perfectly straight like that when helping someone get up?
can JJ get anything right?
should be more like this
Finn seems like the most likeable of the new protags. He also shows the most depth.
Rey is too up her own ass, ubiquitous, directionless, mary sue. And Kylo is too entitled, petulant, edgy mcedgelord.
And Poe is walking character outline the size of a small paragraph.
FinnxPoe OTP!
It made a cool shot, it's acceptable.
He's fantastic. A self-interested deserter who cowers behind a succession of people (Poe, Rey, Han, etc.) until he himself finds someone worth protecting. Unfortunately, thanks to him, it's impossible to take Kylo or that Stormtrooper woman seriously.
Completely useless character that was obviously tacked on for a most likely political reason. Still a better character than Rey or Kylo though. It doesn't matter the movie was doomed from the start. I'm just mad they're putting Boyega in Pacific Rim 2.
Just noticed that heh
The likability is entirely on Boyega's own considerable charisma and the MCU-trash tier humor they give him. He's got the most interesting potential arc and it's smothered beneath his quips ("g-got a boyfriend? Cute Boyfriend?") because quips are they safest, easiest way to make people like characters. His character arc in the first film was only good in comparison to Rey's (Mary Sue, as you say) Kylo (He was treated as a legit Nu-Vader menace when the best use of his character would be to make him pathetic and ignored by everyone else, making him desperate to prove himself to Snoke, and thus legitimately dangerous) and Poe's (He was clearly meant to die in the crash and they rewrote his character because Oscar Isaacs is too damn charming). I have my doubts as to TLJ doing anything interesting with him.
literally /ourguy/
>member the shitposting when he appeared in the desert in the first teaser
>turned out to be the best character of the movie
>humanises storm troopers
Does not do anything with that. SW is dumb.
Assuming your telling the truth, yes.
>be a stormtrooper
>first day of the job
>it requires hard work
>you quit after 10 minutes
>steal a vehiche
>run from the authority
>lie and steal all around the world
is disney racist for hiring a black guy for the role?
>can't fire gun on innocent people
10 minutes later...
>mow down dozens of his former friends and comrades without any remorse
(his own character is there to show that not all stormtroopers are bad, some are just forced into the military, yet he just kills a lot of them, and it's cool cause they are stormtroopers, so they are all evil)
that's what i call good writing
>Around the world
>Literally travel interplanetary in a galaxy
What are you, fucking retarded?
t. Biiiiiiiiihhhh
(you) ?
I'm 99.9% sure Finn and Poe are gonna be gay for each other in The Last Jedi
I am. MAGA!
Haven't seen any Star Wars movie since the third one, but aren't all Storm Troopers clones? Does that mean every Trooper is a negroid?
>Strong femme Rey who don't need no man
>Interracial gay sex scene with Finn and Poe
Wouldn't even be surprised in this day and age.
>adventure boots
the clones were only used in the 2nd and 3rd movie, in the original trilogy the troopers were just normal soldiers, that's why they were less competent.