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this is in a new TV spot that aired last night/today/whatever. she force grabs it from (something offscreen probably kylo) and stances up at the guards.
>main character is white and holding a cross on fire.
what disney meant by this?
What the fuck. This trailer has the biggest spoiler ever.
Where is Kylo during this? Maybe he is using the green saber
They'll probably turn it into a faggy twist with Rey marysuing both Kylo and Guards using his own weapon, but even a small hint of her going dark with a red lightsaber brings joy to my heart
>tfw one can dream about Dark Rey being allowed by Disney on the screen
If you guys actually think shes going dark ur only fooling yourselves and you know it
The closest you could hope for is her pretending to turn dark to get to snoke or make kylo turn good
no audio?
by the authority of Supreme Leader this is now a Dark Rey thread
>Red light saber
>Red background
Uuuhh who thought this was a good idea?
>Steals Kylos lightsaber
>Hurr she's evil now
They're not gonna turn her to the dark side. That would require Disney taking some risks
This image made me realize Rey might be cool if Daisy Nigger hadn't been cast.
What does YAAAAASSSSS QUUUUUEEEEEN actually mean?
oh great she whoops Kylos ass again greaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Holy fucking cringe
turn up your volume (if you can)
>is clearly thrown his saber
>force pulling the same as being tossed
>doesnt even look at the guards looks ahead
nah she whoops his ass
>le I'M ACTING face
Link to spot?
So the spoilers from last week are correct then
kathleen kennedy really does hate her past
Oh thanks?
This shit is either a vision/dream or a time jump.
4th reply retard.
the spoilers have been out for months and disney laid low on advertising till right now so even if the leaks were confirmed people would still see it cause now its hype instead of leaks
How did all the hype manage to die in less than a year?
I'll harm you!
>Snoke's Attendants can see multiple demonsions
>See TLJ Visual Dictionary
What kind of lightsaber was chimpanzee holding? It looked like a nightsticksaber.
reylo confirmed
oogaboyega BTFO
Can you post those? there have been a shitload of people LARPing leaks the past couple weeks and I never saw any that said she steals Kylos saber and fights the royal guards.
holy fuck
why would they put that huge spoiler LMAO, also the guards turn on her meaning she's not dark
why does her jowly aunty/baby looking face in that shot look so familiar.
they are on either side of her so which way is she supposed to look any way? if you pause at the very end of the scene here
you can see the guard on our left turning to face her.
Kylo throws her his sword and in this scene she wants to fight Snoke. She is looking at Snoke. The guards are cannon fodder to her, Snoke is the one to worry about.
Should I watch it in cinemas?
>Gets so pissed she grabs Kylo's saber
>probably kills two guards
She might not be dark but she sure as shit isn't using the light side of the force there, neither was she during that forest fight with Kylo in VII
I don't have the link but its the one that ends with the crystal animal turning into leia and telling rey that luke is going evil or whatever
I have my ticket reserved for opening night
inb4 salty retards cry about me liking what they don't like
sidenote, this scene looks fucking amateur. look at how open everything is and how cheap that thing behind her looks. this looks like a 4th grader made the movie
>going on release day
inb4 more retards scream and say noooo Leiaaa, when fucking Han Solo, Luke, and Chewy appeared on screen people would not shut the fuck up
either Snoke took Kylo's weapon from him due to his failures or Kylo renounced it as a sign of remorse.
obviously the main issue in this clip is her jowls but what the fuck is with nu-wars and having spaceships DRIFTING. Like they've changed the whole mechanic for how these things move around. THey had the falcon turning on the spot which was bad enough but now they're double down with this X wing. I can see that it will appeal to people but I think you destroy the ww2 fighter plane battle dynamic when it is now revealed these things pivot in place like fuckin F35 lightning in die hard, initial D cars or some little helicopter. Oh wait do chinese like drifting?
composition certainly looks bad.
This, me and my friend are going two weeks after release
Why does she always look so clumsy and weird
The crystal foxes are a native species to the planet, not force spirit animals.
she's not capable of carrying a movie
Did you not read
>Oh thanks?
You seem to be the one who is retarded.
Here lets watch this video and find out.
Just watching her try and spin that lightsaber is embarassing. She's so ungainly and awkward.
>That CGI
And they say the prequels were bad
does "bizarre, alien bodies from beyond imagination" appeal to modern audiences?
Emily Blunt?
its really cheap looking
Kylo Ren?
More like Kylo KEK.
Very, very few women can look convincing in action scenes. Even watching women's MMA can sometimes feel like watching little kids playfight. They just look like men with very narrow shoulders most of the time.
Which would work in her favor if she was actually a flawed character
5head that's why
Man that is one plain jane
Yeah this throne room has always felt cheap. A plain red background was a mistake.
yeah the drifting is annoying as fuck. even though its not out of the realm of the established physics. just Lucas knew how to make the ships look majestic and with weight, not like cgi videogames crap.
did anyone see murder on the orient express? was it any good? she was in it and looked like a capable actress.
someone link the leaks
Chinese production company confirmed
>tfw we're never going to get Rey falling to the Dark Side, killing Snoke, and becoming the true final villain of the ST
change it from red to green and it looks exactly like a production photo from an unflattering angle, real fan film level shit for the final product
>that derringer blaster
Also, is that Freddie Prinze Jr or Justin Theroux
>nu-bacca has a awkardly idle hands syndrome
Wow can't wait to see him do the virgin walk across screen.
>Goes full darkside
its all but confirmed Kylo's saber is special and rey being able to force wield it multiple ties shows it has a connection with her and that maybe she has a connection with the dark side/
chewie still doesn't get a hug or something.
>saber is special
disny really fucked up with his harry potter shit
>finnish polka intensifies
yo that fancy as fuck turkey though my nigga Tyypto Buball
why are the humans white
They're probably Empi- I mean First Order sympathizers and will get their comeuppance at the hands of a proud black Rebel woman of color.
>engorged egg sac
gib bug tiddy NOW
>gay pilot is wise
>evil tie pilots are dumb after years of training and they dont know that if they will have enough room to pass through so they crash
why are they doing this
every single frame in every teaser has had horrendous framing(bar the CGI ones)
it is so dense
>gay pilot
lots of experience slipping into tight situations obviously
>Trypto Buball
>he's a turkey