Who was in the wrong here?
The Killing Of A Sacred Deer
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We never got confirmation that the dad (forget his name) actually made the mistake and not the other guy so Martin.
And why didn't the mom lose control of her body. made me think that Martin wasn't as powerful as he made himself out to be
Who would you guys choose in this circumstance? I would have shot Martin. Fuck him and fuck his game.
I wondered about your spoiler as well. I figured she was going to have phase 1 symptoms near the end but it never happened.
It was something nobody, especially not the man of science protagonist, was really able to comprehend. For all we know if Martin died they all would have died.
Yeah but I don't think I could live with myself if I offed one of my kids or my wife desu.
I still can't tell if I liked the movie or not.
I don't think it was meant to be something Martin was personally causing, it was a mysterious supernatural force that was just happening. Martin understood and welcomed it. That was my take anyway.
Why did everyone talk like very well-behaved autistic children throughout the movie though? inb4 that's just his style, was there an actual reason
ITT: hairkino
is that saddam hussein
The aspie is always in the wrong.
It's his style. I strongly recommend The Lobster. Same style, but it's SF so it works a bit better.
The kid was in the wrong, to the extent that "wrong" has any meaning in this movie's bizarre universe.
>inb4 that's just his style
That's basically it. He makes movies with unusual people doing unusual things. It always fits perfectly, but it's definitely his thing and he does it well.
I read that the director wrote the script in Greek and had it translated literally so all the dialogue comes off sounding weird.
It took away from the movie.
His English seems pretty damn good to me. I can't imagine he'd not pick up on how weird everyone's manner of speaking is after getting translated. youtube.com
Torrent when
Thats what I'm saying, he wanted it to sound stilted.
i loved sacred deer but lobster was really boring and annoying to me
i think it added to the movie for sure
Oh, okay. I thought you meant he doesn't understand English well enough, so he wrote it all in Greek and then got someone to translate it literally without realising it sounds weird to English speakers.
the parents kept giving the kids chores but then doing the chores themselves. like watering the plants and walking the dog. that was on purpose, right? like they weren't raising the kids by giving them responsibilities to adhere to and it was killing them by taking away their autonomy like the disease was. or something. it seemed important because it kept happening.
No, that's not it. Consider all the times they talk about the girl's period. Or the obsessive talk about watches and watch bands. It's the content that's fucked up, not the phrasing.
what was this movie?
Nightmare goggles
From my understanding, since it's literally based off a Greek myth, it's about how a man who feels like a god is put in his place by the actual "god" of whatever reality the film takes place in. Martin's function in the story is that of the gods in the original myth. That's why his powers are so psychological and inconsistent.
There are a lot of things pointing towards those themes, big and small. The whole weird fetish scene where Nicole Kidman acts limp for Colin Farrell to do whatever he wanted to, the whole fact he's a doctor in charge of life and death on a daily basis, and he's too prideful and comfortable with his life to confront the magnitude of responsibility he has.
Also there's a scene where Groundhog Day is playing on a tv and the only line you can pick up from it is "how do you know I'm not a god?"
From a screenwriters perspective the script is incredibly interesting.
From a screenwriters perspective why did they keep going on about the girl's period, and why did she play a cow's moo off her phone then imitate it?