It's simply not fair anymore.
How Do We Stop The Mouse?
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It’s so wierd seeing the Disney logo play before a Rick & Morty movie.
You get the US Federal Government to shut them down
>implying Disney doesn't have people in the government
We can't. Its already too late
Wait until they buy up Fox studios. Eventually all movies will be Disney.
>US government
>shutting down jew-controlled corporations
This is a scary thought. What would protocol be when a corporation just owns all together too much shit, has just too much power?
the government is supposed to prevent harmful monopolies but good luck getting the govt to go trust busting in its current state
You'd have a bell labs break up
just start burning shit.
That's called a monopoly, and it is illegal in the United States. Though it happens anyway, because at that point they're almost unstoppable.
>hating the Mouse
it's like you don't want intercontinental bridges and railroads. A central global Disneyland hub, a real tomorrowland.
>yfw your children serve in the Disney ImagiNavy
>What would protocol be when a corporation just owns all together too much shit, has just too much power?
(((They))) become a secret branch of the government.
About damn time.
FUCK Bugs Bunny.
So why is the Gov trying to block AT+T buying WB but not Disney buying Fox??
Because the AT+T buyout is larger. Simpler as that.
Disney does not have Jurassic Park, IT and pretty much anything WB has.
Is it really such a big deal though? Both Marvel and Star Wars have done great under Disney.
Just stop consuming their crap
Its that simple
>fun isn't something one considers when balancing Hollywood. But this does bring a smile to my face. ho-HO!
Wait, they get spidey too?
It's amazing no one has thought of this yet. The subliminal reprogramming runs deep.
Can someone tell me why Fox wants to sell xmen and F4 when fucking marvel capeshit is in its prime?
I wouldn't sell for anything less than $10 billion if at all
They want out of the entertainment business. They know those franchises will end up back with marvel eventually so they may as well get it over with now.
Logan kinda wraps up their x-men verse anyway. Dark Phoenix is like a prologue. well see the end of the first class gang. Deadpool is standalone. And the last f4 movie sucked.
Did the mouse buy fox already?
Their in final negotiation, it will be announced by the end of next week. its gonna cost between 60 and 70 billion.
Buying in cash or what?
By this point is impossible, they have had the politicians on his side by decades now, I hate the Mouse so fucking much (I never liked the Mouse movies to begin with), but I think it's a hopeless fight.
I don't give a shit.
Holy smokes, Detective Dipshit here's cracked the case!
Souls of children.
Yeah just saw that
>70 billion
The mouse has that much money and then some holy shit
Let's hope they keep deadpool R-rated instead of turning him into a processed mcu movie
>by decades now,
Like one or two though? Disney was on the brink of collapse in the early90s; it's eerie how few people can remember this little back.
I'm serious though. Does Disney have 70 billion in cash as we speak? Doesn't their marketcap peak at like 70billion$?
You cannot . It will never fail , never die, it can only ever grow stronger.
200* Can't spell for shit today.
Honestly, I have not watched anything from Disney, nor the Avengers or anything post Iron Man 2, nor any Star Wars post prequels, not even children movies.
The problem is the normies, I have basically no friends by this point but the "normal" seem to need constant contact with other "normal" people and it seems a requisite to be accepted between them is being a big of anything from Disney.
>tfw they will buy DC in your lifetime and make crossover movies with dc characters fighting marvel characters
have you tried cat?
I honestly believe disney and marvel would make better dc movies than dc. And its sad we've reached that point.
Simple. Have some personal integrity & boycott Disney. Including Star Wars
Because Trump hates CNN, but likes Fox and the Murdochs. The justice department ordered them to cut CNN loose to let it go,which the company is fighting.
So what? I prefer shirty movies or just not movies at all (I'm more a comics guy anyway) before more power for the Mouse.
It mean's hollywood has run out of creativity. There is no drive to make anything new its all reboots,sequels and remakes. The fact we've reached the point we're disney is just buying up what's left and putting it under roof just proves that the competition is running out of ideas and cant sustain themselves.Because all the creative talent is heading to disney. If you cant beat em join em. In 5 years they will literally reband hollywood disney wood.
before they realize their folly and team up to beat the REAL bad guy.
Disney should buy Jim Davis' Garfield and his movie company so they can hire James Gunn to make one of their talking animal cgi films, but with the Garfield superhero team Pet Force.
They'll say it's a movie shown in theaters in the MCU so it'll be partly a Marvel and release it in theaters our real world and watch as it makes more than Justice League just due to having Marvel's name slapped on it.
Only for them
Anti monopoly laws, it's literally illegal for them to buy Fox without selling like over half of whatever Fox has to other people. AT&T isn't even in the same market as Time Warner and their merger was stopped by the DOJ, although that may be Trump making an ass of himself over being bullied by the CNN again
They control the Senate and the courts
Because Disney bought them just like they buy reviews for their flicks. They want their streaming service going and a AT&T backed WB service would cuck them pretty hard,
I kinda wish they wern't buying so much of fox and just wen't after the marvel properties but I understand why they are doing this they need it for their streaming service. If they have any hopes of competing with Netflix this deal is beyond x-men and f4 they're just a bonus.
>Implying we won't get sick of capeshit by then
after infinity war 2 people will stop watching capeshit, everyone will be tired of it
Disney keeps winning because they're the only movie studio that doesn't completely have its head up its ass
Doubt it. 2008 and 2017 has been great years for superhero movies. Its more or less people being tired of reboots.
The only thing that will bring the mouse down will be some sort of misconduct allegations. But disney is powerful they probably just pay people to keep quiet.
"This will be the end of capeshit" Says increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year
It won't die until a new fad comes to take its place and I don't see anything doing that. Especially if Disney becomes a monopoly, those guys are the most creatively bankrupt people in Hollywood