Why is grand sci-fi not made anymore?
Why is grand sci-fi not made anymore?
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define grand
i think you just spend too much time in cape topics and dont ever use your time to look up sci fi films anymore like you once have in your past.
>a fucking tunnel
because muh jedi
a comfy kino set here
What do you mean by that?
that looks retarded
blade runner 4049 wasn't grand enough for you? what do you want?
>sheeple would rather watch strong empowered women and niggers bebop their way around the rotten corpse of the star wars galaxy than think for two seconds about astrophysics or the nature of man
why live
why does it look so Marsy
because when they show worlds without usury or a federal reserve it makes the goyim upset.
Wouldn't call them people
It is, you're just not looking hard enough. We're in the middle of a new sci-fi golden age.
it takes place after california burns to the ground.
Wait, so how does it work? Is the orb in the middle supposed to create an anti-gravity field? If so, in order to have 1g on the top it would have to have 2g equivalent radial outwards gravitational acceleration at that radius. If the force field can be assumed to be a uniform inverse square distribution, the bottom should experience 3g. Futhermore, the source appears to be spherical whereas the living area is cylindrical, resulting in considerable cosine losses the further from the middle you go lengthwise.
fag, they are using science not known to us right now. probably even using materials not of our world.
>growing shit in inside a cylinder in the mountains when there is endless unused land
like future Game of Thrones but set here
All I'm saying is it looks retarded. Why would it be look like a point source of antigrav when they can arbitrarily manipulate the field?
>tfw no sci-fi drama set inside a run-down O'Neill cylinder or Stanford Torus
Because it's been done. It's called 2001: A Space Odyssey. I dare you to name one sci-fi film besides that one that was not unnecessary. You can't.
Babylon 5 exists.
because the guy gesturing to the shit he made is "art". the guy is a epitome of hipster faggot so of course he doesnt make things to be practical. its a vision that others just wont get until they seeee it
murder-mystery set here
It won some stupid award too.
First Prize goes to Mykhailo Ponomarenko, a Ukrainian trained architect for his entry “Last Day”. Mykhailo is currently based in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and works at the landscape architecture firm EDSA, Inc. His entry utilizes classical painting techniques to create monumental landscapes with strange scifi megastructures inserted into them. The relatively mundane occurrences in the story make it feel like these wild scenes could in fact be real. “Landscapes have always inspired me to put something weird, unreal and out of human scale into them. Something not feasible and not practical that contrasts with the natural surroundings, but also exists at the same scale. These satirical interventions lead to new ideas and feelings about nature – they make the viewer more aware about the environment and our harmful impact on it. We are flat surface creatures. Sometimes I feel that we crave it so much that the planet is going to be turned into pavement so cars can go anywhere, and our industries could continue expanding. The “Saturn Rings” in my proposal represent these flat surface desires but in a more poetic, optimistic, and friendly manner.”
– Mykhailo Ponomarenko
>and then the spergs started arguing about that dumb picture
You don't deserve good filmmaking
and you ignore those people who were talking about movies instead of replying to them.
Double Zeta Gundam takes place in exactly that.
in fact the vast majority of gundam revolves around O'Neil cylinder colonies.
Wait for Dune
I didn't. My point stands that the spergs arguing about lame concept art should not spout off about film
is that elysium?
or just watch the fan edit.
your point? you could just talk to the people talking about the movies, sperg
Cry about it, nerd.
fucking culture movies/tv show when
the SJW crowd would love the gender swapping and space communism it would even help push their agenda
You're drowning out any conversation with your cartoons. You can go to Sup Forums for that
Call me stupid, call me gay, but this movie was GRAND SCI-FI
>Blade Runner 2049
I'm not saying they're all good but they are "grand" you nostalgia goggle wearing bastard
drowning? wtf is wrong with you?
It's too bad it was made by Nolan. His movies are so sterile and so hard to feel immersed in. He does it every time. I don't know how he does it. It's his greatest skill, I think
>being interested in the future according to the mind of some writer/artist
Most people hate sci-fi because it mindless, dystopian drivel -- even when it tries not to be. Notice how nearly all depictions of utopian futures involve overwrought, tacky, public housing projects. "And here is where you take the conveyor belt to the park." Just shoot me if any of this shit ever comes true.
don't worry , bro, i'll shoot you.
I don't know if OP is using "grand" in this way, but to me it also necessarily means deep. None of those are deep. Blade Runner was also aggressively shallow, save for maybe one moment.
>save for maybe one moment.
when gosling breaks through the wall while chasing harrison ford. only other mvoie scene this year that comes close is superman looking at the flash in super speed
That was an awesome way to do a clip show.
Change "interpersonal relations" to "man's relationship to the universe" and that is me, yes. Enjoy your exploding capes and things.
that mountain is ruined, you can't just replace that
>drug induced hippy commie rage murder
solved it
good job, user, you are correct, murder weapon pictured
Give an example
not enough glitter and tinsel
get back to work, Watson!
Watch G-Reco for space colony porn.
It bombs every single time.
If a sci-fi film isn't comic book related or based off a Young Adult novel it's an auto bomb.
>Being this contrarian
I completely agree. It's because he has legitimate autism. He takes himself too seriously when he doesn't have the artistic capabilities to back it up and certainly not the talent to write good scripts. His work tends to lack humanity. The characters in his movies are like props that exist solely to service the plot. Compare well known works by someone like Sergio Leone. His films breathe life while Nolan's films in contrast are playgrounds to explore a silly plot device or a filming technique.
>ctrl f + Valerian
>zero results
literally The Expanse
Orville general?
Who HYPED for tonight's episodoe?
>an interstellar object was detected entering our solar system
>still no Rendezvous with Rama movie
>human crew investigates derelict space ship
wow never seen that one before
Because it's expensive as fuck to make and turns very little profit.
Good example. Look at the fucking budget on this film. Holy shit.
Name 10 movies like that
literally nothing like the expanse
8 "Alien" movies + 1 Event Horizon + 1 whogivesashit = 10
Alien, Aliens, Prometheus, Alien Covenant
Event Horizon
The Black Hole
Memories - Magnetic Rose
Many Star Trek/other cheap scifi tv episodes
How many have a spaceship that is a 40 km long O'Neill cylinder where the aliens/crew don't even appear?
None because the average sci fi reader and the average sci fi movie goer are entirely different things. Spinny cylinders have only recently started appearing in movies. I guess they used to think that it'd confuse audiences but the advent of reddit has shown just how many exploitable losers of slightly above average intelligence are out there.
Asimov, Clarke and Heinlein are too old-fashioned
We live in cyberpunk now, as you can tell from our discussion in an extreme left-right wing icelandinc waterpolo-enthusiast imageboard
I have no idea how the final result was such a goddamn dull movie.
You can do plenty with the premise, though.
The absolute state of the current year. Sad
Is that supposed to be a play-on of pic related? I mean holy shit, that's the most nu-male looking faggot I've ever seen in a painting.
>grand sci-fi
because you need the budget for it and only way to get it so to turn the movie into an action flick in space. I would like to see something like david brin's sundiver, though - a whodunit mystery in space. you don't even need to go into the finer points of the setting because shit like uplift isn't exactly relevant for the story.
>extreme left-right wing
the unifying factor here is the autism so you could have just written that
Is that wolverine?
1970s needed to make great distractions for children of those couples who started divorcing immediately since it was passed that decade. That's my retarded opinion on the subject of why there was a fuckton of sci fi in the seventies anyway. Fuck
Every time they show the inside of these, it's always sparsely populated.
What's the point?
Why not just build the city on that lovely flat piece of land there?
This design doesn't work. You can't have water on a curve you stupid faggot. You know there is no proof that there is any curvature in the earth right? All water is flat.
I had this idea for a sci-fi that I thought would actually be pretty cool and -proper- science fiction. Was basically a story about humanity in the far future where we accidentally make contact with the entity that created our universe, which causes humanity as a whole to simply give up progressing and thus science and society itself stagnates. Someone realises that the entire contact scenario was complete horse shit created by an alien race because they were scared that due to our progress we would conquer them with tech one day; they have to come to terms with the fact if they expose this then it'll probably cause an intergalactic war that will decimate most of both of our species.
Then I remembered that it wouldn't be viable at all in current year, because all people want to see is agenda-pushing bs with faggots and lesbians bypassing compressors.
>It's a bait post episode
>what is evenly distributed gravity
It's flat from any single point from the inside.
Large amount of grass and trees to produce enough oxygen for a smaller population. Also who wants to live in a cramped space station, these look nicer..
It's basically a pipe dream for the rich
Congratulations, this website has turned your brain to mush.
Alita: Battle Angel trailer drops tomorrow so we have that
I really like your idea.
>tfw no comfy puppeteer kino
it was never made to begin with
>space communism
space anarchism, bitch
if they did make it they'd fuck it up completely by making the sequels as well.
>humanity in the far future where we accidentally make contact with the entity that created our universe, which causes humanity as a whole to simply give up progressing and thus science and society itself stagnates
very clevber sci-fi m8
almost as good a premise as battlestar galactica and their lol let's just ignore the race of killer robots we released
10/10 geeks would eat it up
>we accidentally make contact with the entity that created our universe
fucking dropped.
thats elysium
I didn't know that. Cool.