Why does this facial expression look so unnatural and (emphatically) off-putting?

Why does this facial expression look so unnatural and (emphatically) off-putting?

Let's put a smile on that face.

It's something about the eyebrows.

It's perfectly halfway between evil happy and excited happy.

Cunning Raps is cute.

She looks pretty aroused.

It's more that they eyes themselves don't match the eyebrows and the mouth. Try making the expression yourself: smiling with your mouth open pushes up and doing the ~ with your eyebrows pushes down, so it's impossible to do it with your eyes as wide as hers are. They gave her big anime eyes and forgot that the reason cartoon characters have large eyes is to exaggerate their expression.

i like the art style. LIke a storyboook

I know right?
It's like they deliberately did that on purpose.

Soulless eyes.

This show looks great in still images but like shit in motion.

Really? Because I feel like it looks like one of those cheaply animated ELSA W/ SPIDERMAN PISS ON EACH OTHER FUNNY VIDEO FOR KIDS videos on YouTube.



It's best you don't inquire any further.

all flash looks like shit

you are just gay.

Probably because you like to ride the bologna pony.

Crazy Raps.


I thought the same thing.

i kinda like her new face