This guy. The portal guardian that whipped Jack's ass, and has defended the portal for "countless eons"

This guy. The portal guardian that whipped Jack's ass, and has defended the portal for "countless eons".

Jack says that every portal has been destroyed by Aku over the last 50 years, which would mean this one was too. But this guy's portal showed an image of Jack in it that pretty much made it clear that Jack would eventually and inevitably make it back to the Past. So does this mean that technically not all of the portals have been destroyed, if it's prophesized that this portal would be the one Jack eventually uses to get back?

Also, Genndy mentioned that they haven't forgotten about this episode or the Portal Guardian in particular, meaning we're probably going to revisit him at some point during season 5.

Honestly, if Jack doesn't defeat the Guardian and especially go back through this specific portal the show is ruined forever.

He might've lost his sword in that area.

Reminder that the gecko monks' portal seen in the Aku infection episode would reform over time.

Like I mentioned, Genndy said they haven't forgotten about him so I'm hoping it's likely that we'll see him again in Season 5. The Guardian was one of my favorite characters throughout the whole series, it'd be a total bummer if they just shelved the entire episode.

If one of the season 5 final episodes is Jack finally beating the guardian and travelling back through this guy's portal, I'd be pretty fucking stoked.


He overpowered and out skilled Jack. Jack beats Aku because he has a weapon special designed as Akus Bane. So Aku could possibly track down the Guardian and kill him because his sword and gats have no effect. Or he just tricked the Guardian and destroyed the portal without killing him.

I'm not suggesting the portal still being around because the Guardian defended it from Aku, but because it's prophesized that Jack return through that portal

How long would it take, though? I don't remember that episode.

There's nothing that really suggests Aku is stronger than the Guardian, though - if anything, power levels would strongly suggest the opposite, though one can't really rely on those too much.

Didn't say, just that they had to rebuild the fountain for it to work.

Aku probably brought the mountain down.

Why is Jack so stupid? He had the opportunity to return to the past, but instead of crossing the portal he decided to save two monks who will not exist if he returns to the past

>what is honor

That or he just generally meant returning to the future.
Aku is Aku. He wrecks shit with Brute force constantly. When he's not beat by the sword it's typically through wits/evasion. Guardian as far as we can see doesn't have Anti-Aku gear

Has Aku fought against anyone/anything with the brute strength of the Guardian though?

Guardian is a magical demi-god. He could have hidden the portal, taken it away or sealed it until the time came. It could be that he killed the beasts and so Jack assumes it's out of his reach now.

Jack's been called the best warrior known to man by multiple people, and the Guardian beat his ass. I think it's safe to assume that the Guardian is the strongest character in the Jack universe

Jack & The Traveling beasts is my favorite episode, so I really do hope they do bring the Guardian back

>favorite episode
>doesn't know the actual title

The portal itself might have simply dissappeared at that time, to reappear at a later time of it's own choosing. It has some ability to communicate, which suggests thought, and it can warp time and space, so no reason it can't manipulate itself.

Aku shows up and the Guardian is leaving, just says something like "it's gone now." Aku can see it's gone, and just moves on, thinking he won.

That or there's a way to restore it.

Except for future Jack, obviously.

well, yeah

That time portal is hidden behind 3 (?) different guardians, and their trails before they can actually get to the final guardian himself and it seems like the portal itself is sentient so it's pretty much hidden from Aku. Now that Jack has killed I think he can go back to the Guardian and face him with the intent to kill, just wanting to beat him without harm is pretty half-assed and most likely the reason he lost and wasn't ready to use the portal, and finally be able to go home.

Minions of Set.

>all these elaborate explanations about how the Guardian somehow hid the portal or fended off Aku

Is it not possible that Aku simply doesn't know/overlooked about this specific portal since it's so out of the way, and Jack doesn't consider it a possibility considering how thoroughly he got his ass handed to him the last time he tried - especially now that he lost his sword?

no he didn't

He can't harm Aku though, only 1 sword can, thats it.

nobody said he could
doesn't mean Aku could harm *him*

And Godlike beings

>I think it's safe to assume that the Guardian is the strongest character in the Jack universe
I'd say the Minions of Set were stronger. They were immortal, with high level regeneration and could be defeated only by a God

>But this guy's portal showed an image of Jack in it that pretty much made it clear that Jack would eventually and inevitably make it back to the Past
No, his portal showed that Jack would become a king or conqueror of some sort. Nothing definitive about when that took place. We might get something like that this season but Jack's beard is already cut short so don't expect the design to match up.

One man is prophesied to go through the portal. The Guardian was about to kill Jack when the portal told him not to. Then he said "You can't use it yet", and the portal shows an image of future Jack. It's pretty goddamn unambiguous.

Jack got rounded up pretty hard by the Guardian.
Perhaps the memory is hazy to him.