>Kylo loses again
Kylo loses again
>disney in charge of writing tension
>disney in charge of writing villains
>disney in charge
What is wrong with her face?
These movies are for soyboys, homosexuals and feminazis. Down with toxic masculitniy, the Force is female now
why would you ruin your own movie with such bad casting?
Her constipation got so bad shes holding a cross and praying
It's her 'I'M ACTING' face
She looks like she had her jaw removed.
>how many buzzwords can I shove into a post
That's interesting that their main channel would emphasize a scene like this. It's almost like they want people to think she's going dark
Jesus, that face!
constipation face
He lets her take his saber. They switch sabers to fight together against the Praetorian Guards.
You saw an early screening too? I still can’t believe those guards put up that big of a fight against “Jedi”.
You forgot cuck, cuck
John Boyega wishes she would go dark
Who's worse?
Is she part horse?
>ugly girl lead
>crybaby millennial fagmo antagonist
>zero tension because your protag rekt your antag on her very first day with no training
Honestly, give me one good reason I should even watch this shit
Daisy and it isn't close
At least Khaleesi tries