So this kid just drags around a stuffed animal and makes up stories in his head all day? Doesn't he have any friends...

So this kid just drags around a stuffed animal and makes up stories in his head all day? Doesn't he have any friends? What's his problem?

He keeps making threads to raid adult swim. He never grew up.

Calvin was such an ivory tower thinker and self proclaimed patrician that his association with other humans is, in his mind, detrimental.

Only a friend that he has manifested (hobbes) would be worthy of even the most mundane of conversation.
Only a hero that he has manifested (spaceman spiff) is worthy of his aspiration.
Only a game of his rules (or lack thereof, referring to calvinball) is entertaining.

His interactions with Wendy are almost always met with cataclysmic friction and display his inability to exercise compromise; he is so caught up in his own version of things that joy on a mutual level is impossible. Calvin is a special kind of narcissist and something tells me that the only reason that Bill Watterson is so humble with his franchise is because he is too.


He hated most people, so he found a best friend in himself. Extremely egotistical, but a lot of people are and can relate to this idea.

nigga that's suzie.

This is an extremely accurate observation, but it does lack one element of context; the nature of the strip is to satirize this narcissism and point out its inherent flaws.

In total isolation, Calvin is imaginative, poetic, and apparently wiser than he seems. The instant he's seen through the eyes of others, however, we're clearly shown that he's a megalomaniac with a poor understanding of the world... y'know, a child.

Hobbes serves this function when nobody else is available to do so. He rarely, if ever, agrees with Calvin, but he disagrees in the least intrusive way possible, voicing his objections but following along anyway.


I thought something like Calvin and Hobbes was sacred. Not saying it shouldn't have R34, I'm just shocked how well they imitated Watterson's style. They actually put a lot of effort into this and that's what annoys me.

I hope whoever made this feels bad about it.




>Doesn't he have any friends?

>What's his problem?
Largely, that IS his problem- that he doesn't have any friends. It's because he can't relate to other children, and it's only going to get worse as he gets older.

Calvin will probably grow up to be a weird loner who leaves his hometown the first chance he can get to go do the Walden thing and live innawoods so he can write in peace.

Just like his author, really.


I just read Walden by Henry David Thoreau this year.

That guy was such a whiny cunt.

> it's only going to get worse as he grows up

No it won't, kids go through phases allthe time. The reader always knows that Calvin will eventually get bored of Hobbes and move on. It's when people dress it up under "muh meds" that it goes from being some quaint comic to a dull, uninteresting "too real for me" fanfiction.

He's an only child.

welp, there goes another staple of my childhood that's been ruined by r34

Honestly, I think Calvin may have been autistic. I'm not saying Watterson wrote him that way, but he seems to show a lot of signs that he may be on the spectrum.

Think about it for a second. He has an extremely vivid imagination wherein everything makes sense to him, and he simply does not fit in at all in the real world. He constantly gets in trouble at school and with his parents, and lacks all social skills.

And yes, that is how six-year-olds are, except none of Calvin's classmates indulge in the same type of behavior. The kids in Calvin's class (Susie included) are noticeably more mature and well-composed than Calvin, which shows how much of a social outcast he is.

His grades are bad, but he clearly isn't stupid, as seen with his remarkably advanced vocabulary and deep philosophical ponderings. It's also been shown that he has a deeper emotional connection with animals and nature than with people.

This is the first attempt at this serious enough to actually upset me. Please stop. Calvin & Hobbes r34 is worse than cartel videos.

It's also simply that the childrens' ages are very arbitrary and Watterson explains that their mental ages always extend far beyond 5/6.

There are at least six kinds of heresy in here.

What the fuck happened? what did I miss?

Probably an image of Calvin banging his mum or something

just go to some archive and see the post for yourself.

but it's just some r34 self cest of hobbes that actually looks like it was made by watterson.

Hobbes engaging in a "Now neither of us will be virgins"-type scenario with his own time-traveled self.


who the fuck is wendy user?

Only child here, I had real friends, not imaginary ones.