What's her problem?

What's her problem?

She's only interested in female owned businesses that she can exploit on QVC

not sitting on my face and making fun of my small penis

I want her to step on me

she needs a young bull (me)

shes not my mommy

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

the internet should really be inaccessible to people with sub-50 IQs

user think before you post

of course she targets women, thats not necessarily for her own 'womanz power' ideals but because theres a good chance that the female entrepreneur coming in will be all woman power, so it makes sense to at least gauge the female entrepreneurs out if she thinks she can get a better deal than the male sharks

re qvc

of course she looks for stuff for qvc are you retarded, its basically doubling up on her investment as if it does well on qvc she gets the benefits of that too

ur fkn dead to me m8


>of course she looks for stuff for qvc are you retarded, its basically doubling up on her investment as if it does well on qvc she gets the benefits of that too

This. QVC lets her be the distributor and retailer, there's no middle-man.