Think the show is done for after Ragnar dies

>Think the show is done for after Ragnar dies
>Suddenly Ivar out of nowhere.
>S5 is already shaping up to be the best after S2.

Kudos to History Channel. Vikings thread.

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Good I will have to watch it. I did not like the previous season.

Eh I had the same initial feel, only then I watched on and felt justified by that feel.
Ivar is as mary sue as they come. I'm disappointed every episode as they try to build up something that should be dead already.

>be dead already
mfw someone uneducated douche always tries this when something seems "unlikely"

I was hoping he'd keep the bloody eye but oh well. Him and Floki's arcs are what I'm watching for.

i'm really surprised how good it is. vikings has been pretty much shit since season 3, ivar completely saved it

This crippled motherfucker is insane but I like it.

Scenes between him and the bishop are going to be top tier.

Wait, is Ragnar gone forever? I stopped after Season 3 or so, after they trick Paris by "dying". I thought Lagartha was jerking him off or something this season?

These guys are great too. I'm loving Finehair more and more.

I stopped watching shortly after the china bitch got killed. Does it really improve? Season 3 and 4 were both kinda shit.

He died in a pit of snakes (as the legends say irl). That was concluded in S4.

it's some cripple kid born by his mom cheating with a god, who then lives a sheltered crippled life, cries once to go on a journey with his dad, does nothing, and now he's a war leader outwitting everyone.
Yea, just unlikely.
The reason the show sucks now is there's no build up, just mary sueing to force action to be continuous. Everyone loved Ragnar because you watched him go from a simple farm hand, to a King over two+ seasons

This show has no serious character development anymore and lacks depth in general. I miss the kino Ragnar & Athelstan moments.

sweet jesus that sounds horrible
I gotta catch up on this shit

i only wish there were more fleshed out than the meme brothers they are now

>I miss the kino Ragnar & Athelstan moments.


It was pretty heavy to watch (due to some good direction and writing imo). But the show pics up nicely after with his sons.

Athelstan/Ragnar/Eckbert scenes were always kino. You could feel Athelstan's presence even during the final Ragnar and Eckbert moments.

Someone please make CHAD Ivar v VIRGIN Ubbe

>VIRGIN ubbe
Say to his face in Valhalla you fucking Saxon, not on the Ethernet, and see what happens.

Next ep promo

Aethelwulf puts the Bishop down lads.

I think the biggest plot twist thus far is that Jonathan Rhys Meyers managed to sober up enough long enough to act again after his wife's second miscarriage.

holy shit thats sad. He did well when he played king Henry, i was excited when i first saw he would be in this show