Did they really all hate each other?

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Which of them got to fuck this? I think Adam probably banged her at least.

you can not like someone without hating them, user.

They didn't hate each other they just weren't friends and didn't associate outside of work.

Everyone just hated Jamie.

She had a boyfriend from start to finish (where she was preggers and everything).

Jamie is based, the other fag is just a fag

Adam and Jamie didnt hate each other, on the contrary, they like each other but arent friends.

I miss prime Mythbusters.

I dare you to spend 10 hours a day on set with someone and not find stuff that annoys you.

adam seems like an unlikeable cunt

Daily reminder that Jamie is objectively the best Mythbuster, especially when compared to the manchild Adam.

Best mythkino?

That doesn’t mean anything. All women are whores.

They didn’t hate each other, they were more business partners than friends. Penn and Teller are the same way, when you work with someone for a long time you start to get annoyed at each other. So instead of just becoming enemies they decided to keep things strictly business in order to keep the money coming in.

They tolerated each other professionally but had a lot of disagreements and Jamie wasn't fond of the bullshit side of the show while Adam enjoys being a fucking clown dancing for normies and shilling garbage. The asian dude was alright when he was making something motorized and the other hosts were useless trash that ruined the dynamic. Show was "neat" at the time but turned to shit fast and not it's all laughably stupid as fuck.

the episode where they shocked adam and you could tell he was super pissed, but didnt say shit until the camera was off

Adam is a great dude, Jamie was a tryhard cunt and hell to work with.

It seems Penn and Teller have gotten a lot closer in the last few years. Teller is the godfather to Penn's kids.

>That doesn’t mean anything. All women are whores.

incel detected.

Jamie was the more reasonable of the two

But when you look at him as a serious mythbuster, he's shitty compared to a plethora of people who werent on the show. Adam may not be smartest guy, but his personality attracted people I would assume. If you're going to have a bland fuck like jaime on the show just cause you think he's better than Adam, then just hire a fucking STEM undergrad at any state school. They're likely 10 times more qualified to do the work than jaime is.

>being professional at work is being tryhard
numale soyboy millenials everyone. you probably are also vegan and an sjw who frequents reddit.
did i leave any buzzwords out?

Adam is a fucking jackass. Especially if you consider his most recent bullshit

If he was correct about the things he is bitching he would be professional.

No you fucking shut in. It's called a professional working relationship. They weren't besties gazing into eachothers eyes and holding hands outside of work.

Be more specific?
Tested and Brain Candy are a'ight.

every episode is pretty much the same as any other


These days I'm not holding celebs political and social opinions to much regards, specially if they are american.
Also separating his work and personality from that garbage is important, as long as he doesn't become a preachy activist cunt.

>as long as he doesn't become a preachy activist cunt.
Which he is doing

don't derail this thread into Sup Forums-bait shitflinging

btw yes, biological sex is binary (hermaphrodites and asexuals from chromosomal defects excepted), but gender, a social construct, exists on a spectrum

>but gender, a social construct, exists on a spectrum
Your autism exists on a spectrum.

No. there's male, female and mental illness

yes homosexual seal is natural enemy of walrus

They respected each other.

there is not a biologist or sociologist on the planet that would agree with you

no that's just the definition it's been changed to by some people in the last 20 years. it's like saying a car can now be a truck, boat or plane.

why do you say social construct as if that is supposed to mean something? All "constructs" are genetic, just as gender must be.

t. Oxford

so what? unless you propose it originated spontaneously from the ether or god it is still genetic in origin

any biologist would agree that sex is, for the most part, binary. If you define gender as some set of gender roles to be followed, then sure you can call it a spectrum. That's not what the left is doing though. They're not saying "women can be tough like men", at least not in the case of trans people. They are saying that a man is literally a woman if he decides to be.

gender doesn't exist. it's a commie buzzword


nice argument

Hate's wrong, they just weren't buddies and when you work with someone that often you rub up.

>work with
Adam was Jamie's employee.

She's not a tranny so I doubt Adam ever went near her

I suppose you're right in that gender is a useless term that serves no purpose but to conflate sex and social identity linguistically in order to justify turning one's social identity into a protected and victimized class to then bully people with one's self-victimization. It's a pure language trick; completely deranged; certainly a sign of mental illness, and indeed a social construct - I'm sure it exists on a spectrum as well since it's essentially arbitrary.

>there is not a biologist on the planet that would agree with you
this is your brain on social science
happy to accede sociology though since the field is a little more than a drain on the public purse and overall a detriment to society

God, to think we'll have to suffer through another 20-30 years of this bullshit before the guys at the top of your retarded social hierarchy shuffle off their mortal coils and you suddenly awaken to the realization that actually you didn't think any of these things after all and were just pretending to be retarded.

They definitely didn't like each other. But that worked for the show as they both had the same vision and were unafraid to confront each other.

>all constructs are genetic

what the fuck? also the dictionary literally says that gender is the societally constructed view of being seen as either man or woman

the word you want to be binary is sex, and it is except for hermaphrodites

anyone here watch the new Mythbusters hosted by Blast Hardcheese and Big McLargehuge?

i think this is the first Mythbusters thread that didn't devolve into Kari posting desu

it sucks ofc, should have let it die

The "science" channel only seems to make butt ugly trash.
>b-but muh feminist dictionary
I will explain it for you though, feminist agitators attempt to redefine the naturally defined notion of gender and gender roles which are defined by genetics obviously under basic evolutionary logic and observation. My other point was that social constructs originate from genetics as does all information produced by humans or any animal. Thus what could you possibly be trying to differentiate by using social as a qualifier?

you know Tori smashed that daily, Grant probably got in on some threesome action

Social construct means it is a product of society. As in it requires society, not just genetics; everything we do requires our genes.
Ironically though, gender isn't a social construct since it's innate and people spontaneously generate it without any need for society.

Society derives from genetics though we aren't asocial animals like spiders or bears or something. But even if we social constructs of gender or religion or whatever exist they would still apply with only a single person so again it makes no sense.

Adam was married with kids for most of the show. His sons are adults now. If anyone fucked Kari it was that Torry dude.

>any biologist would agree that sex is, for the most part, binary
Good thing they weren't talking about sex.
>They are saying that a man is literally a woman if he decides to be.

Also, he's uber gay.

>gender isn't a social construct since it's innate
then why do different cultures and societies have differing ideas w/r/t gender and gender roles? if it it was something intrinsic to human beings' genetic identity, it would be the same across the globe

wait are you actually saying every single person has the same genetics? lel

Language is a decent example, I think.

Language is innate. Humans (or at least human children) spontaneously generate it as soon as they have someone else to talk to who talks back. Put two deaf kids in a room together and they'll make their own language up with no outside interference. But the specific words or signs aren't innate; they emerge naturally from the interaction. E.g., you'd expect to find language in 100% of human populations, but you wouldn't expect any two to speak the exact same language (unless they inherited it from each other). So it is "socially constructed". Though it makes more sense to call it emergent. Then again, some of it is constructed... but the constructed parts are also the worst parts, since they don't come naturally. It gets muddy enough that you can excuse the description "constructed", though I think it's really dishonest since it implies it's more constructed than emergent even though it's 99.99% the former and 0.01% the latter.
Same shit for gender. It's 100% innate and 99.99% emergent, but that tiny little 0.01% gets tossed in there and used to blame everything on the evil white man, as if unambiguously he acted in his own interest in the first place.

Of course, ultimately *everything* is emergent, but once you realize that you should also realize that it doesn't make sense to complain about words that describe something as other than emergent since it's implied to be just a different level of emergence. Like, it's "emergent" if it's bottom-up, and "constructed" if it's top-down; is the distinction I just pulled out of my ass.

>then why do different cultures and societies have differing ideas w/r/t gender and gender roles?
They don't.

There's slight differences in gender EXPRESSION depending on the culture, but those different-expressions still express the same types of behaviour. Like, a man will signal strength power; how exactly he signals power. Like by hiding from the sun to become pale and signal he has the money/time to afford doing that, or spending a lot of time in the sun to show he has the time/money to do that; he chooses the one that he thinks most effectively signal that he has lots of time/money. Same goes for every other gendered behaviour. They're different in specifics, but not in intent.


>it's a "Sup Forums turns another show discussion thread into political shitflinging" episode
>inb4 "soyboy"

is the White Rabbit Project any good?

Adam used to work for Jamie and respects him, according to Adam, Jamie has aspergers and is difficult to work with but they don't outright dislike each other.

It's kind of meh, Adam's youtube channel Tested has some good content if you're into DIY stuff.

I like how most of the episodes are shot with shitty cameras and looked like ass even at the time and then with their final season they went all out on beautiful cameras. Hopefully Discovery is getting good use out of them.

Post more Kari pics you fucking losers

>the dictionary
is written by fallible, gullible, morons

The bad thing about this isn't his view, but him getting riled about it this badly like he wants to deck someone. He seems like the kind of guy you don't want imply biologically male and female skeletons are differently structured to in the medical prop store without starting shit.

the one episode where they launch a rocket to disprove flat earth and they hit the fucking ceiling

the one where they use Kari to prove DVDA is possible

I watched the first episode and didn't really like the new hosts, probably won't watch it again.

In this 2 minute video he was wrong. Doesn't mean he was an asshole. How many times do you suppose the employee fucked this up before finally getting it right enough to record it?

>2 tweets make you an activist
I hate the political climate in current year

>2 tweets
Actually look at the Twitter account before you post.

i'm going to pretend i didn't see that.

>tweeting at all makes you an activist

>Soyboy and Token (minority) team up
Oh God, it's already shit. I'd take the original over this. Why do they think casting a soyboy would sell? Millennials don't even own TVs, let alone get cable!

>the sheer amount of boss bootlicking in the comments for this

He's a co-worker. Ever have one of those? The kind you don't hate. You get along fine at work. But you're not friends with them and dont think about them outside of work.

soyboy is the brains,but lumberjack is the skilled dude

I think he means the arc of the covenant episode


they engineered dozens of fuck-robots on set after filming

That's just ocd/autism. Nothing wrong here.


So these asshats won that terrible reality contest.

stop fucking replying to the trip cunt

tori always felt like her older brother or something
did anyone else get these vibes?

That episode where they had the bum bum sisters. Can't remember their name but they had that song the cheeky girls

Obligatory post.

>your employee fucks it up a completely simple task over and over and over and over and over again
Dude's a saint for being that calm given the situation.

I didn't like how scripted it got. In the earlier seasons, only some of it was scripted and you got to see a lot more of them just working and being themselves. In the later seasons they never turned off their "on-camera" persona, even when they were just building or doing something mundane.


He didn't seem all that riled.

He's right you retard

Do you think you're intelligent? This must be bait.